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Everything posted by JoeL

  1. Happy Birthday!!  @ComradeGoonie


  2. CPU: intel i7 6700k GPU: 8GB Asus gtx 1070 strix Ram: 16gb of ddr4 motherboard: asus Z170 Ar stoarge: 500gb disc drive & 250gb Samsung ssd Hearsink: coolermaster hyper 212 mouse: razer deathadder keyboard: razer black widow chroma mic: blue yeti headset: Logitech g230 monitors: two 27" 60Hz (getting 144) this is everything I know on the top of my head.
  4. Please can I be deputy¿
  5. I just wanna get Deputy :\
  6. I clicked both
  7. Maybe he wanted 9 and pressed 8
  8. Who else loves the feeling when your new motherboard fries before you can even turn it on?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bow


      Did you leave a standoff from your old mobo in place and short the new one?

    3. JoeL


      No the new motherboard was just a lemon didn't work. I'm taking back my new CPU and motherboard and exchanging them for brand new ones just in case it affected the CPU. 

    4. OlympusAccount


      Once my motherboard was completely fried for no apparent reason, but I managed to get a new one since it was apparently a manufacturing error.

  9. Just went and got all my new parts! Can't wait to build and spend all day downloading drivers. :unsure:

  10. Happened to me a long time ago, I just recorded it though when I came back in the server didn't get any license back but my money was good enough.
  11. I have two monitors both DVI and I run Arma in 1980 x 1080p and still use my second monitor for teamspeak and stuff. Tabbing out isn't really that big of a problem if you still want nice looking gameplay. And shadowplay should work you just need to play around with it, watch YouTube and make sure all drivers are installed.
  12. And... Locked for minor toxicity
  13. I didnt get anything for christmas
  14. That's not a very good gift
  15. On that road to silver 1 almost there!!
  16. I've been using the same 500gb disk drive for two years. but Imma buy a i7 6700k and ssd this month so we gucci
  17. I tell you this cost about 1500
  18. Oml I actually just ate some.. with that ranch
  19. I like dat BBQ
  20. I caught this @Vanilla Coke person spreading #FuckTman around and I said I'm tellin.
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