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Everything posted by JoeL

  1. A pencil and a desk
  2. On the first day of Christmasmy Arma 3 sent to me:12 Texture bugs11 Cartel wins10 Cartel kills9 Robs of money$8 Combat logs 7 Harassment bans6 Unblacklist attempts 5 lil bill raging4 Savage comping3 Kicks from absence2 Cartel deathsand a wipe on VX
  3. Breaking bad if you've never seen it, Prison break is also great.
  4. JoeL


    Actually it might not be a exploit your thinking of, there is currently a bug we're a player may be able to unlock the doors to any house and if he is able to do this he is able to open the crates. You will know if you are in this bug if you're able to to have the buy option on houses that aren't really forsale.
  5. Ok so last night I was fighting a cartel.. and I got some kills so I went to shadow play it (alt+f10) and it never came up with saving last 3 minutes: So shortly after I went to check my geforce experience to figure out the problem and it looked like this: (gif of what I was trying to do), and the option to optimize games were gone and shadowplay wouldn't open.. I also tried alt z didnt work aswell. I already tried youtube and google nothing... The messaging im getting is "Preparing to share your gameplay".
  6. Corporal_Moob being slung in a armed prowler
  7. Mk-1 with a Arco-Rco with default FOV, basically no recoil easy kills.. Mk18 with a Arco and 75 FOV, less recoil and use it to hit further shots. I don't really ever use anything else...
  8. Just spent the weekend at kalahari pretty neat place..

  9. Happy Birthday! Cha boi's Is In two days. 

  10. I forgot this gang wars thing was tomorrow.. If any "clan" needs a death or maybe a kill? I can take position. 

  11. Reserves what a good idea... besides the people who just join it and don't play Arma ever again.
  12. Yeah I didn't know it sounded low so I put his specs in a power calculator and it was right around there. Mine takes a lot for some reason.. and I ain't got nothing to special.
  13. How does your pc run off of 400W.. Well if your planning to upgrade the only things I would change would be to turn that I5 into a i7 and maybe boost that power supply.
  14. @Benjamin Remer Your forum banner has been my desktop background for months... 

  15. Good morning
  16. @Grandma Gary ACCEPTED

    1. Dangus


      I'm pretty sure you just got denied Joel.

  17. FIRST
  18. JoeL


    Kys retard hehe xd Andrew^
  19. I be running things lower than this with a 1070 and i5 4690k chillin at that 30 fps. Conclucsion just remove stuff from the hostpital nobody likes it..
  20. JoeL


    This is SpiderMan
  21. WTS Dp25 2 crater 2 mill and this house in kavala both server 2


    1. Stuuurrt


      That's a nice picture of Kavala you have there!

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