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Everything posted by JoeL

  1. I mean like his ban says ACTUAL PERM in all caps but that doesn't actually mean Actual does it? But yeah unban him
  2. Genius* Spell it right maybe you can be one
  3. Your cute. I didn't break rules I'm just a child
  4. APD is a lot of fun, R&R is fun to some people if you like driving and clicking Windows key. But Good Luck! And welcome
  5. TBH Tragic who tf are you? I've never actually seen you in game lol just commenting on the forums
  6. JoeL


    http://www.twitch.tv/joelproof I used to stream a lot but i decided i'm gonna do it again for a little bit, Enjoy! Just a bit on the side nothing professional.
  7. A third server would just be +1 more server you can't ban on :/
  8. 3 servers 80 Pop 10-15 cops spots 3-4 medics on each
  9. can I say other server names let me test... Asylum Archetype Than why can't we say the M word
  10. lol stfu i was joking, Have you got anybody to sell you money yet for that steam card?
  11. JoeL

    Gang Logo's

    Tbh this is actually really good, just make it transparent
  12. Add a option where we can pick up and move our storage crates in our houses but they have to empty. Or so we can remove ones that aren't needed
  13. Lol a MC money hacker gave me 4 Mill but than it disappeared can I get comp for that.
  14. LT's and higher should get a Titan that cost like 400k and isn't a permanent load out attachment, that has a black skin on it with white words that say APD TITAN
  15. @Poseidon instead of unlocking donor stuff "This Month" Unlock sand/ camo Mk1's for civs it's OP that cops get mx sw's and other stuff so Mk1's for civs!
  16. So the box thing... Is there a code? Sorta like a safe deposit box I'm confused.
  17. You'll kill him well he is in a box truck at mushroom pro and well your finishing the process he Will magically Come back (NLR) and drive away
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