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Everything posted by JoeL

  1. this is the Ap you'll get the D later... You were the best holding that Positon, I just hope to see a deputy Peter Flying a Ghost hawk.
  2. Sorry for advertising on your post lol, mine is the one next to the 4 crater looking out towards square
  3. Mine is the one JB owns on Server 1 but it's on server 2 which sucks, I'll sell it for like 300-400k
  4. The one I have is better , mine is the one on the square, I tried to sell it nobody wanted
  5. I'll give you what I got for free when I'm available I got 2 I think, ik you like those.
  6. They blacklisted you from getting them.
  7. But I did
  8. i'm pretty sure i said it here first.
  9. When Ga's come out im buying Tac Vest
  10. Well than Idk have a good day
  11. If you use Windows 7 in the bottom right corner on your desktop Exit out of it on your system tray than try Hope this helps!
  12. I mean like his ban says ACTUAL PERM in all caps but that doesn't actually mean Actual does it? But yeah unban him
  13. Hi
  14. Genius* Spell it right maybe you can be one
  15. Your cute. I didn't break rules I'm just a child
  16. APD is a lot of fun, R&R is fun to some people if you like driving and clicking Windows key. But Good Luck! And welcome
  17. That's racist
  18. TBH Tragic who tf are you? I've never actually seen you in game lol just commenting on the forums
  19. JoeL


    http://www.twitch.tv/joelproof I used to stream a lot but i decided i'm gonna do it again for a little bit, Enjoy! Just a bit on the side nothing professional.
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  20. A third server would just be +1 more server you can't ban on :/
  21. 3 servers 80 Pop 10-15 cops spots 3-4 medics on each
  22. can I say other server names let me test... Asylum Archetype Than why can't we say the M word
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