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Everything posted by skavenpete

  1. Good I don't want you watching me ripping heads off
  2. Don't let bozo asylum plebs jump play for a month to compete pls they will only fuck off after the tournament
  3. With the addition of black water and removal of csat coveralls it makes sense I guess
  4. It can fire automatic yea however you can fire the mar at a similar rate even with single fire, it is also larger but the penetration is similar and I've found the mar does better when penetrating shit. I'd honestly love to see the Mar swapped with the Cyrus seeing it's so similar and it's a csat weapon.
  5. @McDili hello sir I have a question that needs an awnser asap my dood
  6. Just a thought but why can't you get a Cyrus out of this? Cyrus is bae yo
  7. I'm so bad with magnification scopes I'd probably be better off using an arco lol
  8. hi can I come
  9. My dreams have been crushed
  10. Hello admins can I get a zafir from this
  11. Please tell me can I get a Zafir
  12. It's defiantly harder to pen buildings now but I only notice it when shooting 200m+
  13. Its dead easy, just cutting and putting clips together on the timeline
  14. Zafir's for Pete!
  15. Hey there Ladies and Gents, I've been playing on the server a bit recentley so I decided I'd throw an account together so I can become a part of the community. I've been playing altis life for 8 months now on RP servers and I've decided to delve in the more combat oriented servers and so I'm here. I hope I enjoy my stay and look forward to seeing you in game. Enjoy some of my favorite montages while you're here! :
  16. I keep getting "connecting failed" when attempting to connect to the server. Any ideas why?

    1. D3V1L


      I think they are getting DDoS'd

    2. babooshka
    3. Brennan


      rip in peace in pepperoni in rest

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