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Everything posted by Maze

  1. I can vouch for that. yesitdoes
  2. Think of it this way. This will improve comms because you will be forced to be as specific as possible, instead of just saying "I'm behind that rock to the left, don't shoot me." Use some creativity. It's working on getting fixed and will come out with the next update. Until then, be creative, better your comms, and stop whining.
  3. Or do what MC did and wear bright red hats:
  4. Patience is a virtue. Something few people seem to possess. It will be fixed when it gets fixed. Stop whining. Be creative and figure out a way to play without relying so much on hexes.
  5. Psst. Ignorant greedy person. https://trello.com/b/3OuZI2oG/arma-3-altis-life ITSBEINGFIXED.
  6. This has gone on long enough. Locking this.
  7. ? I don't know what you mean.
  8. Don't forget:
  9. Yea, this happens once or twice a server restart. Then there's the days when this happens with only one medic online and everyone's pissed. NOT TO MENTION, at least half of these people dead are being camped by the people who killed them and won't let us revive them. The people who are being camped are pissed because "WHY AREN'T YOU DOING ANYTHING MEDIC? YOU'RE JUST STANDING AROUND"
  10. "You can't demand a service while simultaneously degrading those who provide it for you."
  11. Maze

    Epi-Pen Poll

    The Epi-Pens are being put in as a compromise. If you don't like the compromise, we don't need to put them in. Problem is, people will always something better without regards to another. The Epi-Pens are being put in because people wanted defibs. Defibs are not being put in because we, as a staff, decided it would be detrimental to R&R. But because of the outcry, we came up with a solution because the community didn't want to always rely on medics.
  12. SO. I was curious as to why my game was running on only 2fps so I looked at my stuff. Liquid-cooling pump...had a chip in it. Leaking all over my graphics card and motherboard. Fried 'em both like a french fry. Sending the entire desktop back tomorrow with a very pointed letter attached to it. Will be on my shitty laptop until further notice.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ComradeGoonie


      Yeah Dezree, it's all your fault and you should feel bad. Be ashamed and hate yourself forever. The Arma players have spoken. :P 

    3. Maze


      I'm not a tech genius like some of you. I'd have no idea how to build my own computer so I'd more than likely break it that way. XD Either way, I called them up and they were very apologetic. On the bright side, they are paying for all the shipping and are giving me an upgraded graphics card from 950 to 960.

    4. ComradeGoonie


      Awwww yeaaahhhh


      I not tech genius. I get my gerbil genius friends to build it for me.

  13. ....you know it's bad when someone has actually done this

  15. Donated $95 this month for you guys. *cringe* Reminder that the goal ends in 2 days. February is a weird month.

    1. djwolf


      Daaaaaammnnnnn :o Very much appreciated.

    2. Ozzy Jones

      Ozzy Jones

      I just threw in another $20 and now we're at 99%.  Probably just need another $10

    3. Ahmed99
  16. Only 5 hours after I get it and I finally have my new desktop up and running...now another few hours to transfer files. :(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Maze


      I'm moving the files over from our media server. It's at 60% and still has another 300 files to go. But on the bright side, Arma and everything else is downloading simultaneously as well. I should be fully up and running by tomorrow afternoon after I return home from work. 

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Not raining on your parade but Arma will still run like crap on the new computer :Kappa: 

      Bullying at its full potential. 

    4. ComradeGoonie


      Bubbaloo's just jealous. He's green with envy. :PJSalt:

  17. Got my computer back from Geek Squad...$200 later and we're back in business!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lucki


      Oh jeez. People actually take their computers to Geek Squad? Any mom and pop computer shop will usually do the work that they do for half the price. And they'll do it either same or next day.

    3. Lethal


      i use to work at geek squad. some lady brought her pc in and her sata cable somehow came unplugged from her HDD but our manager told us to tell her she needed a new hard drive. Some grimy shit goes on at that place

    4. ComradeGoonie


      Brother was able to recover friend's emails when geek squad tried and said they couldnt. Rip $200

  18. I'll do what I can to answer your question: Tow hooks and slings DO get removed if the vehicle is stored or it explodes. (found that out the hard way R.I.P 200k) I do not know if they get removed via a SOFT restart, but I would assume yes. (Poseidon or Djwolf will be able to answer that more thoroughly) You cannot tow vehicles as a civ, but you can sling them. The M900 can sling a quadbike at most, Orcas can sling SUVs, Offroads, and other smaller cars, Hellcats can sling same as orcas. The bigger helis such as Mohawk, Huron, and Tarus can sling almost everything else, with exceptions. Hurons can sling Hemmt transports, but not the hemmt boxes. I don't think hemmt boxes can be slung. As for variations, I'm not sure, never tested it. Others may be able to answer your questions better or correct me if I'm wrong. But that's the extent of my knowledge.
  19. Note to self: Don't try and play Arma on an old laptop with an i3 processor....

  20. I hope you all know I love you. Just spent $1,600 on a new computer since mine decided to take a shit and blow up. I'll be gone for a few days but I'll be on the TS and forums.

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Take the broken PC out to the desert and practice your marksmanship. Always fun. 

    2. Maze


      LOL. I'll take my 12 gauge to it.

    3. Shelby


      Make sure you shoot it in front of your new computer as a warning.

  21. We understand how frustrating it can be to wait. We understand you might be angry at us, but in reality, you're angry at yourself. While you lay there dead, you might be missing out on some action, you might lose a load out. While you lay there dead, you continuously berate yourself on how you got in that position. Someone beat you to it. Someone won that fight. Get used to it. It happens. You pester us with ETAs because you want to get revenge. Maybe you're just an impatient person who doesn't want to wait around. You continuously think about what you could have done differently so that you came out on top. Don't take your impatient anger out on the medics who are trying to get there as soon as possible; who are trying to do their job. If we were ignoring you, we wouldn't come and revive you. It's not a pick and choose job. We will get to everyone in their time. Each call is unique, and some take longer than others. However, if a medic is denying you services improperly, you need to message one of us privately, not accuse us all for the actions of one.
  22. We've had this conversation in the medic forums a few weeks ago about whether or not we have to turn on sidechat or not. So to make it clear, I'll just reiterate what I said. Side chat is NOT required for medics. We are not required to send an ETA. It is a courtesy to let people know you're coming. Just because you don't give them an ETA, doesn't mean that you're not coming. I hardly ever send an ETA because I'm flying 5-10m above the ground going 350kph and I don't want to crash. I will get to them as quickly as possible and people need to have the common sense to know that. Yes, it's nice to let people know you're coming, but you are not obligated to send it. Most of the time it just pisses me off when people continuously bug me over side chat and/or private message. Oftentimes I'll just type in sidechat "OMW" or "Soon" or "Eventually". I hardly ever give time in minutes because if I'm going to a call, I don't know what's going to happen and I might be held up. I don't want someone expecting me to be there in 2 minutes when it turns out to be 5 or 6 because someone was keeping me from doing my job. In addition, most, not all, will start bitching at medics for being slow over side chat. In all honesty, it pisses me off and oftentimes makes me not want to go to them. But I still do and as fast as possible. Also, when we give ETAs, it lets your killer know we are coming and how long they should wait around, only when we get there to have them tell us not to revive you. It also broadcasts to the entire server that someone has died and a medic is responding to you. People oftentimes take advantage of this. Patience is a virtue, one only a few seem to possess. We will ALWAYS do our job when we are on-duty. There are times when we CAN'T do our jobs and examples of this are as follows: Someone has threatened our lives and ordered us not to revive you, we have NLR so we can't respond to your area, or you are denied services as is outlined in Chapter 2 of the R&R Handbook. Sometimes, medics will send you a text to let you know we're coming so that we don't broadcast it to the world. We do hate it when people continuously spam ETA in sidechat, but if you do it once and are respectful about it, we might respond. It's up to the individual medic about whether or not they want to give an ETA. Just be patient, and we will get to you when we can.
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