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APD Officer
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Everything posted by T3x4sSl4y3r1776

  1. I believe this was brought up a few months ago and was decided that it could not be added due to it needing people to install mods.
  2. leaving olympus just like your dad left you [*]
  3. Adam "Beat up by 7th graders" Sandler
  4. rip the last member of the deputy squad <3 Ash/Ashton/I'mGoodBecauseIGetAPityInviteToEveryGangIGetInto - Fuck you dude. You're a racist, wannabe, dick-riding degenerate. You literally need to stop talking and posting on the forums, go play some fucking My Little Pony you fucking cunt. You literally wake up everyday and feel like being a tumor. I don't know why you even play anymore, like your shitter than my parents abusing me. You literally need to, in the words of Buffalo Bill, Go vertical. Like holy fuck dude. You're basically the fucking grass stain on my blue jeans when I was 5. Fuck you fucking dumbass. I guess two people are leaving the server today with the way you ended that retards career
  5. i thought you left for asylum
  6. hi thomas
  7. https://gyazo.com/40f446555c6fddf3b9315dd5906f0e65 Pretty standard. I really enjoy the desk I have, lots of room and has cup-holders.
  8. denied from NW lmao
  9. 1. Most Dominate Gang : MC 2. Favorite Player : TheRealKyle 3. Favorite current APD Member : Steve Miller 4. Favorite R&R Member : Joce 5. Favorite former APD member : Devil [*] 6. Favorite former R&R : Buffalo Bill [*] 7. Kavala Troll King : 7 8. Favorite time on the server : Scating with the buds 9. Funniest Moment : Slinging a green chrome quadbike and attempting to rob people with it. 10. Something you want in the community : More gangs willing to fight 11. Favorite Quote : "I killed 3 n****rs at the fed, can I get a pardon" - TheRealKyle
  10. https://gyazo.com/df36cb9693bee46dc3b92668971e4149 couldnt attach image ;-;
  11. All your desktops are so organized. Ill post a picture of mine when i get home and you will probably puke.
  12. [*]
  13. The website says that plat membership is 1 million, not 1 billion: $1,000,000.00
  14. This is cool as shit
  15. You shitpost more than Dustin87. Keep up the good work
  16. Sorry not everyone can give ebzekro their mom's credit card for legacy perks
  17. Are you comfortable with building your own computer? If you are or you are willing to put in effort to learn then I would highly recommend buying parts individually and putting it together yourself as you can save a bit of money that way. Don't be intimidated by the idea of putting on together if you have never before, its quite simple and spending a bit of time everyday watching guides will make it a stress free experience. edit: is $1400 your budget for just the computer? Or is it for the total package (mouse, keyboard, monitor, mousepad, etc)?
  18. I believe its around $200. Someone correct me if im way off.
  19. Corporal Brody? This is an old ass screenshot lmao
  20. "Whats Under the Blanket" is the best game to come out in 2015
  21. Anyone else having trouble with the stats page? For some reason my play time graph and money graph have not updated since 1/17/16. Is this a problem on my end or is something wrong with the stats page?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Poseidon
    3. Brennan
    4. Fedot



      Thanks @Brennan for adding me to this convo

      Blame the free time i had while banned, WJ2zs3L.png

  22. Played the Beta on PC. It really seemed to be lacking in unique gameplay, felt like I was playing a mix of Battlefield and CounterStrike. Personally I would stay away from it and keep to Arma but its not really a bad game, just a bland one. btw new forum avatar looking a lot better than the old one
  23. Keep Armend out of it. He will spread Islam to your cities and then give Spain Cocoa to go to war with you.
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