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johnny goose

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johnny goose last won the day on December 21 2023

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About johnny goose

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  • Birthday September 25

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    calliou on chemo
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    arma 3 twitch page looking for streamers to crash a plane into

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  1. @ Winters @ destruct

    looking for some clarity on the new update. Destruct said there wont be a handbook update does that mean there will not be one referring to the mounted 50 cal? Will it be treated the same as other mounted vehicles or will it be treated differently? I just want to know if i can put one in gate 1 tower without having goat pull 2 hawks and guns hot me. This does need some clarity because as of right now im under the assumption that i would need a text engage unless i shot at the hawk like normal but im also assuming theres cops on the other end of the debate who will just pipe down any 50 cal gunner they see until theres some clarity.

    1. Lucien


      I don't see why it would be hawk engaged at all tbh without shooting at the hawk

    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      @ Lucien  because 75% of the time its goat giving commands to gunners.

    3. Winters


      Currently the mounted .50 cal is considered an illegal mounted turret, they may be seized by the APD. However, they are treat no different to an MK-1 in terms of Ghosthawk engagement etc. This may be subject to change though, but this would be through an APD Master Handbook update. 

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