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johnny goose

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Everything posted by johnny goose

  1. Again stay mad ur not invited to me and xlaxes cockville world buddy ( lucien and skys are invited )
  2. Hey guys i accidently duped around 26 338 supps last night. I dropped them all over warzone so if anyone found one come forward or your getting banned.

  3. Forgot the part where you unblacklist me and @ Skys
  4. Ryans giveaways have gotten more i believe.
  5. Happy birthday to my boyfriend @ Skys

    1. Skys


      thanks sexy can't wait for the birthday sex 

  6. Still coping over pixels a month later after 07ing come on sov
  7. Kick rocks buddy mason will forever be mine

  8. Marshall hat was removed from $15 donor and is still too this day locked behind oly+. Add this back and you will have my full respect on oly+ but im still not shilling out to jewyan and jewako. Also when i said lucrative i meant it how u explained it that oly+ is enough to maintain, lucrative was probably the wrong word.
  9. From what ive been told oly+ is actually quite lucrative for oly. May not seem many people pay for it but quite alot of people do. I remember a convo i had with one of the devs about it being $15 when imo it should be more in the $5-$10 range but theres currently no incentive to drop price when so many people are paying $15. I personally believe there should be tiers from $5 to like $20. I also agree on the locking clothes we already had access too behind oly+. Especially taking donor rewards people paid for years ago to use and completely removing it and putting it behind oly+. I get wanting to incentivise people to buy oly+ but it is a pretty shitty move to remove stuff people already paid for and put it behind another paywall. < this is also the reason ive never given oly anymore money because if i do im not promised to keep the stuff i paid for.
  10. Hey @ WALT gonna need you to pin this i need it gone
  11. As long as water fights stick to events this has my +1
  12. ur so pretty man

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zeuse
    3. Ryan
    4. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      @ Ryan  i told you earlier at vehicle yard (where you hacked and killed me with a medic) that im the owner of olympus so please speak to the head goose in town with some respect bud

  13. germans got their hands on day subs for conq today 😞

    1. Skys


      The allies should of wiped out germany back in ww2

    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      There is still time @ Skys

      Make it so.

  14. goodluck selling them for anything higher then that on the forums
  15. this is the post everyone was hyping up?

  17. wipe the server tp will still be controllin
  18. congrats to my fellow teamplayers @ WALT  & @ Masonn

  19. not destuct 😞 whose gonna be my wild card

  20. this and have you guys been on the forums on mobile lately? Getting a horrendous amount of ad's and they seem to have even added pop up ad's before you goto a thread. I use AB on my pc so ive never seen how it is on pc but i can tell you that the ad's were nowhere near as intrusive 2 months ago as they are currently. Really fishing for every last penny to keep this shithole afloat without fixing any of the actual core issues at hand with the server.
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