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johnny goose

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Everything posted by johnny goose

  1. of course the song on mitas profile is russ

    1. Millennium


      Some of Ross' songs bang

  2. mxs dont go for 400-500k btw theyre 250k tops
  3. title. not over 225k ea
  4. - Had 35 or more active members (3+ hours per week) of Noble for 8 weeks straight.- Banned or removed more than 30 people from our gang.- Seen more than 30 people leave.- Removed more than an additional 30 people for inactivity.- Seen about 10 people quit Arma.- Retired 29 people. 35+30+30+30+10+29 = 164. And if those numbers noah gave were rough estimates then we'll just say ~160 members. 160 members in less than a year isent mass recruiting? LOL okay.
  5. >2017 is that all you can do is mass recruit and look at post history from before you were apart of the server. I think you guys are running out of comebacks. Especially if you had to break out past posts for me and @SPBojo I swear noble is such a echo chamber your all brainlets who hype eachother up.
  6. Hes so right. Tree and DB have both been around since 2014-2015. They're not celebrating 5 years so why are you celebrating 1 year. Also your whole gang is a shitter gang id understand if DB celebrated 5 years but your shitter mass recruiting gang posting a 1 year celebration a few months early is just cringey.
  7. like everyone on here is fiending for a beret
  8. Looking for mainly mxs but ill buy any other types if theyre priced well. PM me with how many tasers you have and what kind. Or message me on discord Strafe#8103.
  9. Been waiting for you to offically come back bb. Hmu to play sometime
  10. for sure didnt get 500k when i linked my account smh scammed. And no i wasnt in game
  11. Reminder: The person below me is trying to keep secrets away from the community. Look at the replies. Ryan said no balls therefore we can spend hacked cash.

  12. the racial slur has been broken out this threads bound to go down hill
  13. Idealy it would only allow you to pull cars and if possible maybe even limit what cars that can be pulled out to Offroad, SUV, Hatchbacks, And quads. And also idealy wouldnt allow people to store vehicles. If it was implemented in this way i think it wouldnt devalue garages.
  14. Maybe being able to pull cars is worth a shot but i dont think you should be able to store at houses.
  15. happy birthday sped

    1. Linka


      mail me some bud 

    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      send me ur addy ill deadass mail u a eighth if ur bout it

  16. Your gang name doesnt need to be capitialized its not that important dog
  17. noble < literally any other gang

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Unjo


      Idk why your getting downvoted, either they like Nobel or they are like Kedar and don't understand simple math symbols

    3. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      Im just spittin facts. i knew the noble rats would downvote me

    4. Evannnnn


      real member btw 

  18. dont agree with me your a noble rat
  19. for whoever says logs cant be pulled from gang sheds. I know for a fact staff can pull logs for a specific gangs shed. It shouldnt really be that hard especially if the past 24 hour logs are pulled at midnight every night and uploaded to the website.
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