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Everything posted by Ace

  1. boy...oh...boy..

    1. Ace


      Poke me when ur in here

  2. Welcome to the group of "Retired Staff" my friend. Ill talk to ya in ts ;)
  3. I remember when Poseidon said OVH was awesome choice....gg bud

  4. Ace


    dfox....ur literally a dumb dick...
  5. I have an account with Arma 3 and csgo rank Global for sell hit me up! Still available

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheRealKyle


      ill give you 2 coconuts and a pine cone

    3. Kenji


      3rip will want that arma 3 account i think.

    4. Fastik


      4 coconuts and 2 pinecones.

  6. I have an account with Arma 3 and csgo rank Global for sell hit me up! 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ninjaman427


      Let me know if first sale falls through. Very interested.

    3. Ace


      I message u ninja..

    4. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Guaranteed 3 Rip will make you an offer, hahahaha!!!

  7. lol wow
  8. I think you went out on the wing with this one bud lol
  9. lol
  10. yea id be down for that. I can hit up colonel and them
  11. Down but never beaten, im sure Renegades will still get together to fight every now and then
  12. Dont lock my crap...just tell people to not be dumb dicks...simple
  13. Or how about people just not be freakin idiots.
  14. No you do need trust in people, ur right there are times that kids are trusted with stuff and end up screwin people but w/e. The reason the server has been up for so long is not because we didnt try to steal it lol its because we busted our hindend to keep it here. And ur right im from the great south, of course i get hot headed when someone is a complete idiot. Or someone calls me a southern cunt. Or even when someone puts me on a "hit list" which i consider a threat. So yea i can say i get hot headed. Throwing a fit? Nah just tired of dumb dicks i guess. Iv already told Poseidon there was no hard feelings. Dont worry we've talked Best of luck to your family my friend. Lots of prayers
  15. Enjoy my friend ;)
  16. So obviously everyone has known that i have stepped back recently due to some situations that have happened. I have thought about them quite a bit but upon recent things I think its best I just step away all together. Now I had a lot of stuff typed out here which of course would cause drama and lets be honest a lot of joy to some people on the website. But i have decided to just say this. I have put countless time into this server, hours upon hours into the APD and when i finally got staff way back when. I worked hard to make sure that everything was held to a high standard, to make sure that this was the best server out there. I enjoyed my time here, I enjoyed some people here and others well...not so much. Honestly I feel like the server is on a major decline, its nothing like it used to be. The quality of the server was so much better back in the day..well until recently I feel. So to not start to much drama im just gonna keep things small. Poseidon...Learn to trust your staff, they need to know that you do trust them and thats why you let them be there. If you dont, then theres no point in having them. Trying to do this yourself is impossible, and it was great to hear your letting Odin have access to more. Hopefully thatll give Olympus more time. Gary...I love ya dude, one of the most fun guys to play with. Best troll, and great admin....good luck and congrats with that new tag. Odin...best of luck my friend. You already know what im talkin about To all the other staff it was great working with you. And to most of the community it was nice speaking on a daily basis. I hope you all have a beautiful time and the best of lives.. peACE
  17. Anyone caught ban evading will receive a perm on both accounts (obviously) But also any gang that is knowingly playing with gang mates that are ban evading WILL BE BANNED ALSO!!! NO EXCEPTIONS!! Im putting this here as a warning because we already know of a bunch of people ban evading and they will be banned, their gang mates that are helping them ban evade WILL BE BANNED ALSO!!.
  18. @RaptorJesus We are all good staff. We just get tired of being treated like trash.

    1. Dejay


      Yo thanks for banning 3 rip, only took 2 tries to perm him, symphunny took 3, that's improvement. Good job OS!

    2. Stix


      People dont realize what work you guys do to make the game fun for them. Sorry that people do treat you like trash.

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      The ones that do treat the staff like trash are pretty much ignorant kids that don't appreciate what it is done behind the scenes for fools like them to be able to have fun on this FREE server. 

  19. So uh im glad i was notified of me streaming this.... so uh with a kind cold heart...... *clears throat*
  20. Im gonna lock this after my post here. Let me just say that this isnt something that we said oh hey hes hackin lets ban em. Puttin aside the fact that i caught him shooting me while i was invisible. I have and many many other people have watched his videos over and over again. in slow mo and normal speeds. We studied it like crazy just like we did with Symphuny. And the similarities were outstanding. The snap toos...the prefires...heck the random hip fire kills. there was a bunch of things that got this kid banned. So anyways, its a game...some 12 year old got hacks thought he would get cocky and brag...ends up gettin smashed and perm banned. Get over it. Go hack on many of them other servers and get urself that fatty global ban bud...
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