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Jeff Chaplin

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Everything posted by Jeff Chaplin

  1. Kind of late posting this but, with the help of @ Bow we managed to find Debs obituary, on behalf of the Olympus Community I sent his family flowers on the day of his funeral Deb was a good friend who I'd met 7 years ago playing on this server and while I am no longer active on the server me and Deb always stayed in touch occasionally chatting and shooting the shit, I seriously wish I got one last chance to pow around on Olympus with Deb Rest easy buddy, you'll be missed
  2. Just got the news, one of my favorite people to play with, you will be missed man
  3. fuck no, ever played with the Zaffir or the Navid? This server would be so fucking stupid if they had every gun
  4. I see what you're saying... kind of...... Maybe a system in place that says where civs can click an NPC to start a terror and in the left-hand corner of the screen is a countdown timer (like jail or pharma) and it also alerts players in the top right hand corner (like a pharma) when its started and is in progress this would make it way to easy to call terror though imo
  5. This, drop the extra 40$ its worth it
  6. Couldnt you argue that if they were in your line of sight and earshot to hear the engagement that you could made the assumption they would want you to engage
  7. You can engage for someone while you are in restraints so long as it is not meta gaming For example your communications have been taken and you engage for you gang mate who is not within your visual range that is meta gaming (as you had no way to know to engage for him) Other example, your communications and GPS have been taken, and Greg tells you in side chat to engage for him and you do, that's meta gaming Correct me if I'm wrong
  8. Thanks! Yea I'm tired of being that random being stuck in hq with a 50k bounty for an hour and also tired of being the cop having to apologize to Civs that just want to be proccessed:(
  9. How would you guys feel about a rule added to the APD Handbook/ Server Rules that allows civilians to "Wave their rights" and allows that individual that chooses to do so to be proccessed while shots are being fired at HQ? (Only apples to individuals that choose to do it) Just a thought, - Jeff Notice me Senpia @Dante
  10. Is this the chef of police?

    Hi yea id like an order of the chicken alfredo and a side of broccoli 

    1. -dante-


      That sounds so good D:

    2. DeadPool


      Hes best with large double pepperoni pizzas

  11. Yes for all of these especially moving vigi outpost, I don't think its fair rebels have to go so far to gear when vigis can literally walk to the outpost. The level system encourages vigis to take in low bountys and discourages players heavily
  12. I might not agree with how Cosmo operates all the time but APD is not a popularity contest and Cosmo is playing within the rules and should not be removed because people don't like him
  13. Saw some messages about this on snapchat didn't think it was true till I came here to confirm I didn't get along with sociopathic well but he always had the best intentions RIP Sociopathic If anyone else has similar feelings and needs help they can contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline @ 1-800-273-8255
  14. I have an MK1 (black) Taser stolen from a former deputy chief of police I will contact the highest bid
  15. this wasn't even close to funny?
  16. I believe its considered FailRP to just leave someone restrained however if your ever unsure about a rule the support team guys have a lot of knowledge on this stuff
  17. Was from an old update, doesn't do anything currently to my knowledge
  18. 500k for the mx's and mags 40k for the uniform
  19. I'll buy any cop gear you have, the images are hard to see however, what do you have and how much do you want?
  20. Suicide vest - 400k? I wanna make boomboom in kavala
  21. Makes doing runs alot more interesting honestly
  22. So I met Jason today, he said he needed 2,000 dollars to buy a gun to kill Officer Wong, I gave him 25,000 and offered my assistance Dear Jason, I'm Sorry
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