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Donald Trump will be the new President of the United States Megathread

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Just now, McDili said:

But what was Obama's alternative? Obama came into office post-invasion.

It would have been hard to do anything at that point. I can't think of anything Obama could have done that would have dramatically improved the situation.

Obama took the politically viable route and pulled out, I think damn well knowing shit would erupt after but he got to say he ended the war. We shouldnt have gone but we also shouldn't have abandoned the Iraqi people.

4 minutes ago, Moose said:

Obama took the politically viable route and pulled out, I think damn well knowing shit would erupt after but he got to say he ended the war. We shouldnt have gone but we also shouldn't have abandoned the Iraqi people.

Continuing the war would increase anti-americanism and would not help the country get back on the right track. If you want to bring peace and stability to a region you dont do it with soldiers, you do it with peacekeepers and humanitarian aid

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There was no war, it was an occupation. Us leaving created a war far more destructive and barbaric. Life is full of hard choices and we elect leaders to make them not to take the easy route so they can get reelected and push degenerate pet projects like transgenders in the military

Just now, Moose said:

There was no war, it was an occupation. Us leaving created a war far more destructive and barbaric. Life is full of hard choices and we elect leaders to make them not to take the easy route so they can get reelected and push degenerate pet projects like transgenders in the military

It was a war. War and occupation are not mutually exclusive. And yes, chaos followed, but you can't continue to occupy a country forever. What would you suggest he should have done? Also why do you bring up transgenders in the military? First of all it has nothing to do with this discussion, second of all why shouldn't they be allowed to serve their country like any other citizen?  

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1 minute ago, Moose said:

Mental illness shouldn't be glorified

The apa has stated that identifying as a a transgender does not constitute a mental disorder. Where do you come up with these things?

6 minutes ago, Moose said:

Mental illness shouldn't be glorified

I won't discuss the issue of transgender as a mental illness, I dont have the expertise for that and neither do you, but allowing them to enter the military does not mean glorifying transgenderism. That's like saying people with phobias, which are mental disorders, shouldn't be allowed to enter the military. They can't control it. You might as well say veterans with PTSD shouldnt march in parades because they have a mental illness. If you allow white people into the military are you glorifying white people? No, you're not glorifying anything, you're merely giving people the opportunity to serve their country in a way they see fit. 

1 minute ago, Moose said:

Mental illness shouldn't be glorified

The question I'm asking is what would be Obama's alternative?


I understand that ideology has exploded in the region after we left, but I'm just confused at this point. If invasion was the wrong move, surely leaving was the right one? How can they both be the wrong decision?


Yeah he got to say we ended the war or whatever I get that it was just political to say that. But down to the brass tacks, what should we have done differently than leaving?

1 hour ago, Dick Hurtz said:

I'd rather explain to the wall trump is going to build then explain this again to you. The wall would probably be less dense.

Ouch, haha. That's cold bro.

Until about 20-30 years ago it was classified as such. It's the downward spiral of cultural Marxism. But yeah enough if that topic.

I think going to war was dumb because we removed someone who had control over their country. We interrupted the natural order of political dissent and revolution in Iraq. Upon leaving we left a brutal nation with a huge surplus of cheap Soviet weaponry and no history of Republican or Democratic culture to its own devices. It was poor and down trodden and that leaves people open to extremist influence and violent behavior. Look at a crime ridden inner city like Chicago and take away the police force and any sense of national unity add ak47s and Wahhabis and you get Iraq 2.0

1 minute ago, Moose said:

Until about 20-30 years ago it was classified as such. It's the downward spiral of cultural Marxism. But yeah enough if that topic.

Homosexuality was also classified as a mental disorder and schizophrenia was once classified as possession. Science changes as we learn more. Just because something was done in the past is a terrible reason for it to continue. 

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Just now, Moose said:

You yourself said you don't know the science so how can you invoke science in favor of your argument

I said im not an expert. doesnt mean that I dont have any background knowledge in psychology; ive taken four courses on it

1 minute ago, Moose said:

Psychology is a set of theories based on observation like all sciences. I'd rather not continue this aspect of the discussion because it's too personal for some people and they will get asshurt.


1 minute ago, Moose said:

Psychology is a set of theories based on observation like all sciences. I'd rather not continue this aspect of the discussion because it's too personal for some people and they will get asshurt.

lol fair enough, but I've enjoyed the conversation

Nothing I find more hilarious than Donald trump solving illegal immigrants by building a wall.

Ignoring the factor of cost, most illegal immigrants come here on planes with temporary work visas, in fact before border security was ramped up, most immigrants would come to the US, work for the money, then take it back to their families in Mexico, but now that it's a bitch to get across the border, most immigrants that do just stay in the US, and in fact try to get their families across the border as well.

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The issue of building a wall is more than about immigration its also about drugs. I dont get where you say MOST come in through Visa overstays that number is around 40%. Still a high number but not MOST. The overland trade is favored by Cartels and Smugglers (the human trafficking industry is very profitable), providing yet more $$ for cartels that hang people from bridges and chop up tourists and locals continuing the instability of Mexico. Go look up the human trafficking trade, Mothers regularly put their daughters on birth control before crossing because they are regularly gang raped by Coyotes. Ranchers in Texas/New Mexico/Arizona regularly find dead bodies and clothing of young girls on trees as markers. The amount of drugs brought into this country illegally via the southern border is ridiculous. Almost 1.6million kilograms in 2009 alone. The average body weight of an amerifat is 80 kilos. Btw that number is JUST WHAT WE SEIZED. I dont get how you people can argue for an open southern border.


2 hours ago, McDili said:

But what was Obama's alternative? Obama came into office post-invasion.

The only way Obama could have better dealt with it would be by going back in time and stopping 9/11. There is no way it could have been solved that did not involve either too much money or leaving troops there forever. And although it may seem like keeping troops there was a good idea, we still would take heavy losses of troops to ISIS, as it did exist at the time we pulled out. The problem was that we just didn't calculate the Iraqis inability to run a government that has control.

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5 hours ago, Barrack Obama said:

Did i say it gave everyone free healthcare? I said it reduced the cost for the normal citizen and offered free healthcare to the poor. This is a common ad hominem logical fallacy attacking the other person rather than there ideas IE calling me retarded. 

" yeah fuck that obama guy giving people free health care and ending the war in Iraq who the hell does he think he is! "

Look up any research on the subject and all you'll see is that all obamacare accomplished was raising everyones insurance costs.

I'm a normal middle class citizen and I should not have to pay 72% more for health insurance that I don't even use but now its required that i have it? It's really a big joke.

Politics are something that is very complex and everyone has many views and ideals on them. that being said i do have my opinions but will not share them as i do not find this a place to do so... however i will ask for one thing in the next upcoming months as i am seeing the begin of tears in the public as today i have seen protest across this country. I ask that we try to remember that we are all human, we breath the same air, we hate mondays and long for fridays. Around the country and the world we all watch and wait and hope for the best. 

I honestly do not see this as the end but just the beginning. there is only one constant thing in this world and that is Change.

love you guys :D 

he won't build a wall. he won't be allowed to and why would he spend billions if not more on a wall that will most likly be deconstructed in the near future. there are several different ways to Handel this situation

Edited by Rogue
44 minutes ago, Opus said:

Politics are something that is very complex and everyone has many views and ideals on them. that being said i do have my opinions but will not share them as i do not find this a place to do so... however i will ask for one thing in the next upcoming months as i am seeing the begin of tears in the public as today i have seen protest across this country. I ask that we try to remember that we are all human, we breath the same air, we hate mondays and long for fridays. Around the country and the world we all watch and wait and hope for the best. 

I honestly do not see this as the end but just the beginning. there is only one constant thing in this world and that is Change.

love you guys :D 

^ Basically my stance on this issue. Trump always had the mouth he did before running for president. The media just decided to take advantage of that to smear him out of the race. I feel like most of the younger voters were heavily influenced by the media (heavily biased toward democrat in my opinion), which is the main reason we're seeing a lot of the civil unrest.  Add that to the fact that riots have been trending recently and we're looking at a potentially exciting few months. However, I'm pretty sure all the babyragers will eventually dust themselves off and realize that the crying isn't going to solve anything. People need to understand that the whole "a house divided cannot stand" quote is pretty relevant here. Last time the US tried to function as two separate entities was in the 1860s. Google can tell you how that turned out.

Trump always had the mouth he did before running for president.  I believe once he's surrounded by the right people and experiences the burdens of being president he'll learn to curve his big shot mouth that has carried him through the celebrity lifestyle. If he was doing it for money he'd have been better off dropping out of the race early. Everyone should see that.

At the end of the day, Trump, like every other president, deserves and needs the peoples' support in order to have a hope of making the difference he wants to. He will have to deal with the checks and balances our government has set in place to prevent the "radical hate-mongering" most people seem to be fearful of. No matter what, democracy is still democracy. Our elected officials must listen to the voices of the people. We basically own their jobs. People shouldn't feel powerless just because the election didn't go their way. It's still America, and we're still Americans no matter who is president.

TLDR: It doesn't matter who is President. Democracy will still win. #4yearsofmemes #Feelsgoodman

Here's a funny meme that's relevant 



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