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Server wipe, an unpopular opinion!

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  • Lord of Tickets
2 hours ago, Linka said:

Don't enjoy revives come get me !!!!

Everybody gonna get got when I'm around. Trustttt. I can't speak for everybody tho :/ 

When people say Olympus is dying, they don't mean the server player count. There probably are some idiots that think you could determine anything from that, but that's not the point. We don't really focus on new players, as we already have a rather large and loyal community, but the problem is it's just getting stale. You're either doing runs, hijjacking people during runs, or sitting on a rock at a cartel. The server was fun for everyone when they first played, and despite the fact I'm doing the same thing I still found fun in this server for a long time. For whatever reason though, I've experienced a very large drop in the level of fun I have playing on here, or playing on Arma in general. Why specifically NOW, no idea, but when I see people talking about it dying, they don't mean the community, they mean the level of enjoyment.


A server wipe would be good for leveling the player field again, as there's a huge imbalance of power regarding new players and gangs, but it definitely would not revive the server, it may even kill it. I say nay.

I understand the server is getting stale for some people but that does not mean the community is dying. Last time we tried a server wipe it almost killed the server and took months to recover. That said, we go through this drama every year. I've been a staff member for a little over two years now and I have seen this drama happen on more than one occasion. Its always after Winter break or Summer vacation. Same shit, different year. Just because people go back to real life does not mean the server is dying. Not everyone can afford to play Arma 3 as much as some of you guys.

tbh i fly around for like 3 hours at a time and would never find anybody doing runs and most the community r fags 

olympus could use more content tbh or less texture bugs 

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