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"Best Of" Players!


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Guest Ebzekro

Best Shot: Virus/Mr. Moob

Best Driver: Papamunski? I mean he drives taxis, he must be good.

Best Heli Pilot: Ollie

Best Officer: Ace

Best R&R: Flappypappus

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Gary

Best RP'r: Mcdili/Doctor James

Most Tactical: Old IS Gang

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Kratos

Most Reliable: Chronorpheus

Most Dedicated Player: Any staff. They do so much work and receive very little in return. God Bless you guys.



Mvp: Ace - One of the nicest guys I've ever met

  • Like 3
  • 6 months later...

Time to necro my love poem to the great hades?

also time to celebrate my third unwhitelisting in this server lets remove the forum tagz boyz

Time to revise this shit. Back when this was originally posted I was like "Nobody will give a shit about my list"


Now, nobody will still give a shit. But I'm gonna do it anyway.



Best Shot: Corporal_Moob

Best Driver: Honestly everybody sucks at driving

Best Heli Pilot: Ace/Colonel

Best Officer: This is a conflict of interest for me to post. So, I vote for myself. Screw you all

Best R&R: Muthinator

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): This is still Gary.

Best RP'r: Mobundo African Warlord

Most Tactical: Cloak/Deimos

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Corporal_Moob

Most Reliable: HamOfMoose. Always there if you need him for anything

Most Dedicated Player: This category is for anybody you wanna include on this list that isn't good at anything on this list. 


And finally...


Most Valuable Player:  Honestly have no idea who to put here. 

Time to revise this shit. Back when this was originally posted I was like "Nobody will give a shit about my list"


Now, nobody will still give a shit. But I'm gonna do it anyway.



Best Shot: Corporal_Moob

Best Driver: Honestly everybody sucks at driving

Best Heli Pilot: Ace/Colonel

Best Officer: This is a conflict of interest for me to post. So, I vote for myself. Screw you all

Best R&R: Muthinator

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): This is still Gary.

Best RP'r: Mobundo African Warlord

Most Tactical: Cloak/Deimos

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Corporal_Moob

Most Reliable: HamOfMoose. Always there if you need him for anything

Most Dedicated Player: This category is for anybody you wanna include on this list that isn't good at anything on this list. 


And finally...


Most Valuable Player:  Honestly have no idea who to put here. 


Wow dili.....I thought our rp session were the best  :(

You can be most dedicated player




based on some of your answers dili im gonna have to say you got a lil somethin' on your chin bud <3

based on some of your answers dili im gonna have to say you got a lil somethin' on your chin bud <3

ur just mad it wasn't urs gg no re r i p

  • Like 2

Time to revise this shit. Back when this was originally posted I was like "Nobody will give a shit about my list"


Now, nobody will still give a shit. But I'm gonna do it anyway.



Best Shot: Corporal_Moob

Best Driver: Honestly everybody sucks at driving

Best Heli Pilot: Ace/Colonel

Best Officer: This is a conflict of interest for me to post. So, I vote for myself. Screw you all

Best R&R: Muthinator

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): This is still Gary.

Best RP'r: Mobundo African Warlord

Most Tactical: Cloak/Deimos

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Corporal_Moob

Most Reliable: HamOfMoose. Always there if you need him for anything

Most Dedicated Player: This category is for anybody you wanna include on this list that isn't good at anything on this list. 


And finally...


Most Valuable Player:  Honestly have no idea who to put here. 



Best Shot: TheRealKyle 1k shot, ask CheckUrFoodAndWater

Best Driver: No one is good at driving lets me honest.

Best Heli Pilot:  D3V1L

Best Officer: McDili

Best R&R: PHunter

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP):  Ricky Spanish, TrentonTheGod, Conan The Destroyer, John The Savage (Kavala Valet Services)

Best RP'r: Bounty Hunter Robo Cop Finyla

Most Tactical: KI

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: TheRealestKyle

Most Reliable: HamOfMoose

Most Dedicated Player: 

Best at getting Banned: Moob



MVP: (SGW) Faded

  • Like 3

Time for me to make one now that i'm back......

Best Shot: Moob

Best Driver: noone

Best Heli Pilot: Devil (lol)

Best Officer: McDili

Best R&R: p Hunter

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): NERDZ

Best RP'r:   Mobundo

Most Tactical: idk

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Dejay

Most Reliable: Hamofmoose obv

Most Dedicated Player: This category is for anybody you wanna include on this list that isn't good at anything on this list. 



And finally...


Most Valuable Player:  Too many are so close

  • Like 2

Best Shot: Moob, wreks fools

Best Driver: Not TMan

Best Heli Pilot: Not Tman

Best Officer: Peter Long, he was my training officer, so everything I know I owe to him!!

Best R&R: Muth, despite his many many faults, he is still awesome at what he does!

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Ham of Moose/Gary

Best RP'r: Peter Long

Most Tactical: Moob, again, will wrek folks

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Dili, something about his RP just makes me laugh

Most Reliable: Odin, is always grinding both in front and behind the scene's 

Most Dedicated Player: SPbojo, you have to be dedicated to post as much as he does


And finally...


Most Valuable Player: Odin, He is a cop, R&R, Admin, Dev and a great friend.

  • Like 1
Best Shot: M Goldberg (Hacks.exe) Z3R0 & Walt Jr
Best Driver: Walt Jr (or myself)
Best Heli Pilot: Tman
Best Officer: Pinkstreak
Best R&R: Odin
Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Grandma Gary / Hades
Best RP'r: Bobey (forever in my hearth)
Most Tactical: Walt Jr, Z3R0  (M Gang) 
Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Walt Jr / Z3R0
Most Reliable: Z3R0 & Walt Jr
Most Dedicated Player: Warfare / Corporal Moob & myself
and last but not least, MVP goes to Snake.


Best Shot: M Goldberg (Hacks.exe) Z3R0 & Walt Jr


DEAR LORDY Confirmed Bojo is so blind even Jesus couldn't help him.

Best Shot: Corporal_Moob

Best Driver: Ares

Best Heli Pilot: Ares

Best Officer: McDili / Clamenza

Best R&R: pHunter

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Adi.

Best RP'r: chainz

Most Tactical: cLock / Adi

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Moob/cLock/Devil/Gary

Most Reliable: Moob, always there to put you down

Most Dedicated Player: Dannyfrog, you can't do anything to get him off this server. Trust me.


And finally...


Most Valuable Player:  pHunter

  • Like 1

Best Shot: Corporal_Moob

Best Driver: Me

Best Heli Pilot: Cake, Adaptation

Best Officer: Thomas

Best R&R: pHunter

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Adi.

Best RP'r: Thomas and everyone who uses the excuse that the MK18 is a pellet gun.

Most Tactical: Adi

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Moob/Jopple/Adi/orcpoc/Thomas/GaFski/GhostFace/Andrew/All of Nerdz/All of PcP

Most Reliable: Nick5523, Chains, Fedot and Carl

Most Dedicated Player: Moob cause no life with 4k hours.


And finally...


Most Valuable Player:  The Untouchables



Most Dedicated Player: Moob cause no life with 4k hours.




Bruh, 4534 Hours thank you very much.

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