Guest G.O.A.T. Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 Altis Police Department Master Handbook Rework Updated: 8/30/2017 This update has been a long needed change for the handbook, many of these changes are minor and the most important ones are put in red. I encourage you to re-read the handbook and fully understand the changes. Chapter I - Professional Standards Conduct Officers are allowed to conduct themselves casually with civilians, so long as they do not go out of their way to excessively insult a civilian or go outside the boundaries set forth by the server rules. Officers are expected to treat all players with respect. This is a two way street. Officers are expected to obey the directions of higher ranking officers. Street language is not frowned upon in the APD, you may RP freely as so long as you don't cross the lines of harassment, racism, and other extreme vulgarities. Role Playing Officers are expected to role play in every scenario they encounter. Officers are expected to maintain their character in every scenario they encounter. Metagaming - See Server Rules Officers are not to use information gathered while playing as a civilian to carry out their duties as an officer. Officers are not to use information gathered while playing as a cop to play as a civilian. Officers are to wait at least 15 minutes in between switching factions to prevent metagaming if you are on the same server. Individual Officer Redeployment APD members may respawn to any HQ if there are (5) five or less officers on the server. Server Redeployment Server redeployments should be conducted by Corporals and higher when it appears that officer placement is unbalanced. Corporals must be on the server at the time of the redeploy. Full APD redeployments are conducted by Sergeants and higher to redistribute an unbalanced APD force between all of the servers. All officers are expected to follow redeploy instructions. Chapter II - Application Process, Rank Progression Application Process - Support section Application - These can be found in the support section of the forums. All answers must be filled out and be truthful otherwise the application may be denied. You will know your application was approved upon receipt of an approval message from a Lieutenant or higher. Interview - The interview is completed by Sergeants and higher to judge each individual's competency with the APD Handbook/Rules/Ticket Guide and their ability to employ them in potential scenarios given. The interview may last anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes and may contain any number of basic questions that a Deputy in the APD may face. Repeatedly questioning Senior APD about getting an interview is a sure way to delay your test. Rank Progression Deputy: This is the lowest rank of the APD. In this rank an individual is re-enforcing their knowledge of the rules and learning basic role-play. Deputy’s if at all possible should partner up with a Patrol Officer while playing on the server. Deputies are limited to remaining inside the cities unless they are partnered with a Patrol Officer or higher. Upon promotion to Deputy, anytime you login for the next 3 days must be on cop. If you log into CIV within this period, you will be terminated. (This does not apply to previous officers of the APD.) Promotions: The Deputy will be given a test by a Sergeant or higher. This test will include reviewing the practical abilities as well as asking a number of questions regarding rules and scenarios that the officer may run into while on duty. This test occurs when the Senior APD determines that you are good enough to be tested. NOTE - Repeatedly questioning Senior APD about getting a test is a sure way to delay it. This is the lowest rank of the APD. In this rank an individual is re-enforcing their knowledge of the rules and learning basic role-play. Deputy’s if at all possible should partner up with a Patrol Officer while playing on the server. Deputies are limited to remaining inside the cities unless they are partnered with a Patrol Officer or higher. Upon promotion to Deputy, anytime you login for the next 3 days must be on cop. If you log into CIV within this period, you will be terminated. (This does not apply to previous officers of the APD.) Patrol Officer: Patrol Officers should know and understand the rules of the APD. These individuals should be focused on high level role-play. They should be mentoring the Deputy’s and partnering up with them for patrols. At this level officers may take the initiative to patrol illegal zones. Promotions: A Patrol Officer must show competency in all rules and show a major effort in role-play. After this is seen by Senior APD the member will be tested again through a verbal test on questions and scenarios that the officer may run into. Repeatedly questioning Senior APD about getting a Corporal test is a sure way to delay it. Failure to show competency in the APD rules may result in demotion to Deputy. Corporal: In this position you are a full fledged independent member of the APD. Corporals are entrusted with lethal rounds and patrol helicopters/planes. At this level of APD you should be proficient at rules and role-play. Corporals are responsible for APD members on the server with them, and may be held accountable for their actions if they knowingly disregard lower ranked members not following the rules. Promotions: A Corporal must show a major commitment to the APD. They must be a master of the APD Handbook and Ticket Guide. The individual must know and understand how to properly role-play every situation. Sergeant: Sergeants are the backbone of the APD. These individuals have shown great knowledge when it comes to the rules and role-play. Not only do they command patrols and take charge of major incidents, but they ensure proper APD staff deployments and are responsible for interviewing and training APD applicants. Lieutenant: Lieutenants have shown great dedication to APD and know the rules front to back. Each Lieutenant is responsible for several Sergeants and should get staff reports when players break rules or are doing well in their roles. Lieutenants are responsible for approving APD applications and assisting Sergeants with interviews. Finally Lieutenants assist the Deputy Chiefs and Chief in resolving disciplinary issues, promotions, blacklisting and whitelisting. Deputy Chief of Police: These individuals are the right hand of the Chief. They assist him in the day to day operations of the APD. They are able to make staff adjustments for infractions to the APD rules and guidelines as needed and posses many of the powers of the Chief. They are able to make decisions on behalf of APD in the Chief’s absence. Chief of Police: The end all be all of the Police Force. The Chief has overall decision making power when it comes to anything related to the APD. Chapter III - Use of Force Your First Weapon Your first weapon is always your voice. Always attempt to defuse a situation without firing a shot. If necessary, you may bring your weapon at the ready while continuing to use your voice. If the situation calls for it, you may restrain a suspect or civilian if your verbal attempts to resolve the situation have failed. Non-Lethal Force The use of taser rounds are permitted when a suspect attempts to flee on foot or in a vehicle, or presents any weapon. The use of non-lethal weapons may be used to disable fleeing vehicles by targeting the operator or their vehicle Lethal Force Lethal force is authorized only when non-lethal force has failed or is inadequate to resolve the situation. If you have loaded lethals during a situation against a single group and another group joins that situation, lethals are still authorized against all opposing forces. Failure of a non-lethal solution is defined by 2 failed attempts with a non-lethal option by the individual officer. Lethal loading waves are not counted until any officer has gone through at least 2 waves. Lethal force may also be authorized when the officers are outnumbered by a ratio of 3:1. If at any point while executing the duties of an APD member you come under fire without prior warning you are immediately allowed to return fire with extreme care for life and property of the people of Altis until the situation has been neutralized. If an officer is tased during an active engagement lethal force is authorized against the group that tased the officer regardless of wave. If a server reset occurs during an active situation and lethal force was authorized prior to restart, officers may return to the situation with lethals loaded on rebels still at and/or fleeing the situation. If an officer is taken hostage, lethal force is authorized in order to recapture the officer. Vehicle Shooting The officers may only fire back when they have a positive location of the unit(s) that have fired If the officers are starting the engagement APD must send a text to a member of the criminal unit from an officer before firing letting them know they will be fired upon by the APD if they do not surrender. Exception - All APD ground vehicles in active pursuit. Once it has been determined that the suspect is clearly evading, they are cleared to open fire upon the fleeing assailant. Chapter IV - Civilian Interaction Dealing with the Public Respond to 911 Texts if possible. Officers are encouraged to find out more information from a 911 dispatch by texting the original caller. If flagged down, try to take note of the citizen’s requests for service or questions. Civilian on civilian accusations are not to be considered actionable evidence. Civilians may be detained if they are interfering with an ongoing investigation for no more than 15 minutes. If detained, the civilian must be notified as to why they are being detained. If detained, civilians are not to be left in an area that is likely to cause harm or death. (e.g. a roadway or balcony where they may fall off.) Making Contact Always announce yourself as an APD Officer or “APD”. Always attempt to follow the Use of Force guidelines when dealing with any suspect. Suspects are not to be restrained while in combat. They must either be downed, have their hands up or notified why they are being restrained. If a civilian gives an officer consent to do something (searching, ticketing, lethaling, etc.) the officer is allowed to do so. You can add 1 extra charge at most. This can only affect the civilian who grants consent. Dealing with Vigilantes Vigilantes are subject to all civilian laws. Officers may not take a suspect from a vigilante unless the suspect is wanted for under $75k. Vigilantes are to have their weapons holstered unless acting in defense or in fulfillment of their lawful duties. Vigilantes found abusing their license (see Vigilante Rules) are to be sent to jail immediately. Dealing with Worker's Protection License (WPL) Holders (see Server Rules for more information regarding WPL) Civilians in possession of a WPL or related gear are required to provide identification upon request. Civilians in possession of a Worker's Protection License are able to legally carry a TRG-20 or ACP-C2. Chapter V - Hostage Situations A player may not be pardoned if their bounty is $1 Million+, if they have an escaping jail charge, and/or hostage situation charge. If their bounty is over the above amount then they must request something else. The hostage taker may not: Request for APD to issue a warrant to go into a house/gang shed. Request for APD to conduct a search/impound/seizure of any vehicle/person. If the hostage is an APD member that APD member can not offer negotiations. This means the APD hostage can not give you a pardon or money. Force the APD to send another player directly to jail as a request. The APD member may still drops items they have on their person if that is the request. An APD member (the highest available rank near the situation) can delegate a negotiator to text the hostage takers stating his/her name and intentions. This text primarily serves as a means to let the hostage taker(s) know the APD are on the way. The negotiator entering the area must enter unarmed. The negotiator can not be taken as a new hostage nor may they be robbed. The negotiator may be killed. Hostage situations may be defined as failed if: The negotiator is killed. If an agreement cannot be made after proper attempts by the APD. If any type of hostile action is taken towards the situation by the hostage taker(s). Any APD who enter must first allow proper negotiations before attempting to fire on the suspects. A Sergeant or higher may make the call to immediately engage on the hostage takers if they feel they can remove the said hostage(s) safely. APD members that are Corporal and lower may set up shooting points but may not fire until negotiations have failed. If the negotiator is going to restrain said suspects, the suspects must first be in a tased state or have their hands up as per standard restraining rules. If negotiations are done and both parties have come to an agreement once the situation is over then both parties are to go there own way. This means APD must wait a minimum of 5 minutes before attempting to arrest/capture the hostage taker(s) If it is clear the hostage taker(s) intent is to not leave the area or cause trouble, the APD are authorized to intervene and catch the criminals. Anyone clearly partaking in the negotiation or ‘pulling security’ can and will be appropriately charged with hostage situation. Any player who partakes in the tasing and/or restraining of an APD officer will be charged with hostage situation. Chapter VI - Processing Suspects Processing Suspects Suspects are to be notified as to why they are being restrained Suspects must be processed within 15 minutes after being restrained. Exceeding the 15 minute limit is grounds for cruel and unusual punishment and all charges are pardoned. The 15 minutes DO NOT start until the situation has been fully neutralized. If processing 5 or more suspects, then APD is allowed to go over the normal 15 minute rule within reason. If the civilian chooses to RP the situation, such as just randomly talking or asking questions, the 15 minute rule starts at the end of the RP session. Suspects may be taken to a safer area (e.g. a police HQ) to be processed. If a suspect is killed while in police custody, their charges will be pardoned ONLY if the death was a direct result of the actions of the police officer. (IE: An officer crashing a vehicle that results in death, etc.) Suspects may request a superior officer, provided they have a valid reason to do so. The handling officer must make an attempt to request their immediate superior officer. If the superior officer is too far or busy, they can decline to respond, and the suspect is processed by the handling officer. The 15 minute rule does not take effect until the superior officer has entered the area if they are going to handle the request. Processing A Criminal When processing suspects always follow the L.I.S.T. acronym. L – Licenses. Check licenses. I – Inventory. Search the player and their backpack if you have probable cause. S – Seize weapons if you have probable cause. T – Ticket the suspect. Chapter VII - Dealing with Vehicles Vehicle Interaction Officers are never to enter a civilian vehicle, unless: Making the roadway safe for other drivers if there is no intention to impound or seize the vehicle. Turning off the engine for ease of discussion. Entering a vehicle to extricate a deceased individual. Moving a vehicle that is blocking an area that officers are attempting to gain access to. Officers may impound vehicles: Obstructing public roadways or spaces. If the owner is in APD custody If the owner is not in sight. Pulling Players out of Vehicles Players may only be pulled out if the vehicle is not moving, at least half of its tires have been disabled, or the player has been downed while inside the vehicle. Stopping a Fleeing Vehicle Unrealistic tactics such as head-on collisions with illegal vehicles in an attempt to stop vehicles is prohibited (also covered under Server VDM rules). Officers may use conventional PIT maneuvers and roadblocks not likely to cause death and destruction in efforts to stop fleeing/evading vehicles. Illegal Vehicles Illegal vehicles are defined as any armed vehicles, Ifrits, Striders, Hunters, and the Taru Bench. Illegal vehicles are subject to search and seizure after the situation has been neutralized. Aircraft If an aircraft is found in violation of aviation laws, officers may: Text the pilot once to leave or be fired upon OR fire 3 warning shots to the pilot ensuring the rounds miss the helicopter. After the warning shots, officers may direct fire at the helicopter in an effort to force a landing or get the aircraft to leave. If an aircraft inserts itself directly into an active situation you are engaged with, you may open fire at the helicopter. (No text needed) If an aircraft is seen hovering over/around any APD occupied area (including HQ's), officers are to send 3 warning shots before opening fire on aircraft. (No text needed) If an aircraft is seen attempting to land within federal event facilities during an active robbery or breakout, they are automatically engaged. (No warning shots or text required.) Chapter VIII - Probable Cause Definition of Probable Cause Probable cause is defined as reasonable grounds to conduct a search or make an arrest. Examples of Probable Cause Officer witnessing a suspect or vehicle within an illegal area. Officer sees an illegal weapon. Officer sees a suspect or vehicle leaving from within an illegal area. Officer sees or hears a suspect conducting illegal activities (further examples found in the APD Ticket Guide.) Officer sees a civilian in possession of a TRG20 or ACP-C2 (Provides probable cause only to check licenses). Eyewitness Accounts Eyewitness accounts by civilians are not considered actionable evidence or probable cause. Chapter IX - Searches and Seizures Searching of Persons In order to search a person for illegal items, one must have probable cause to do so. You must announce that you are searching the person. If questioned by the person, explain why you are conducting the search. Checking of Licenses You may only check licenses when the player is in possession of an item/vehicle which requires a license to carry/operate, when they have broken a law, or you have probable cause to do so. Searching of Vehicles In order to search a vehicle for illegal items, one must have probable cause to do so. You must announce that you are searching the vehicle. If questioned by the person, explain why you are conducting the search. Seizure of Weapons Illegal firearms are to be seized when it is safe to do so, preferably before transport. Blackwater items of note: Thermal NVGs (NOT COMPACT NVGs) are illegal. DMS Scopes. Silencers of any sort. Non-black MXM and MAR-10, these are not APD equipment. Suspects cited for any crime that requires a weapon (ie. Manslaughter, Attp. Manslaughter) permits seizure. (See APD Ticket Guide for further charges that warrant seizure.) Seizure of Vehicles Illegal vehicles are to be seized at the end of a situation. Any civilian vehicles left after a federal event will be seized. Vehicles containing illegal contraband valued at $350,000 or more are to be seized. Vehicles will only be seized upon the order of the highest ranking APD member at the situation. Warrants Raid Warrant Raiding a house/gang shed is authorized when: A suspect has taken refuge in a locked house/gang shed. A suspect is shooting out of a locked house/gang shed. APD must enter to rescue a hostage. Raid Warrants allow officers to enter a premises solely for the purpose of capturing a criminal and removing them. Corporals and higher can issue Raid Warrants. If issued by a Corporal or higher, the issuing Officer must be present. The Officer that received the Warrant must state that the home will be raided before exercising the Warrant. Search Warrants Search warrants allow officers to enter a premises in order to capture suspects and/or search the premises for contraband. Sergeants and higher can issue search warrants. The issuing officer must be present to exercise the warrant. The Sergeant or higher that is exercising the warrant must state that the home will be raided before exercising the warrant. The Search of crates and inventory must be announced prior to a Sergeant searching the storage/crates. Searching a house/gang shed is authorized when: An APD member has a form of probable cause (bounty, illegal weapon, etc.) and witnesses a civilian interacting with a house/gang shed in any form. The Sergeant or higher has discretion on whether or not to conduct a search. Any officers not authorized found going through storage will receive severe disciplinary punishment. Chapter X - Checkpoints & Patrol Guidelines Traffic Stops Officers may conduct a traffic stop on vehicles when the driver or passenger is on the wanted list or is seen breaking traffic laws. Officers may check players for licenses only if the driver of a vehicle or the passengers are wanted/have committed a crime in front of the officer. Vehicles which fail to stop within a reasonable time may be cited for evading arrest. Speed Limits are as follows: Inside City limits - 75 Km/h Outside city limits / back roads - 100 Km/h Outside City limits / Highway - 125 Km/h APD Checkpoints A Patrol Officer or higher must be present. At least 3 APD members must be present to run a checkpoint. Police vehicles must be parked at each checkpoint entrance with their lights on to notify the public that the checkpoint is active. No person or vehicle can be searched without authorization from the owner of the vehicle. (Unless the officer has probable cause) If they decline the search they must go out the way they came in. If a civilian goes around the checkpoint it is considered checkpoint evasion and they can be pulled over and processed from that point DP Missions POs+ can do DP missions at their own discretion. Chapter XI - Illegal Areas Drug dealers, drug fields, drug processing, Federal Events* (during robbery), rebel outpost areas, Cartels/Warzone, and any other area marked with a red crosshatch are all considered illegal areas. *Federal Events are defined as: the Federal Reserve, the Federal Penitentiary (Jail), and the Blackwater Weapons Facility. Officers must announce themselves within any illegal area with code 3 (Lights and Sirens).*Texting to engage in an illegal zone is NOT ALLOWED* When using code 3 to enter an illegal area, this automatically engages all weapon-bearing civilians inside the illegal area. Officers may only patrol illegal areas every 10 minutes. Officers are not to remain in or near an illegal area if there is no apparent illegal activity. Looking into an illegal area is considered checking it. During active engagements in any illegal area, Officers are to respond in “waves”. Each wave of officers are active until all officers at the incident have been killed or neutralized. If upon entering an illegal area and suspects are found, APD can call in backup. Backup can only enter on 1st wave as long as a member of the original group calling for backup is still on scene. If the first group is eliminated before backup arrives, then second wave begins, backup is no longer available, and normal wave rules apply. If 1st wave backup does not arrive to the illegal area in time prior to the last death of the original group, the backup can wait at their current location (and go no further) for the 2nd wave to catch up. If 1st wave backup witnesses the civilians leaving the illegal area, they are authorized to engage the civilians and resume normal engagement/wave rule. All waves after the first, must start with ALL officers responding to the engagement being present in an APD HQ. Once all officers responding have returned to HQ, the next wave may begin. (Example: When the last officer dies the next wave may begin, even if the last cop that died has not respawned. The last cop that died In the first wave can still enter wave 2.) Any officers who are pulling out of responding to an incident or are retreating from the incident to start the next wave must return to a HQ before the next wave can begin. If a situation begins inside an illegal area and then moves outside the illegal area, waves are no longer required. Once an engagement within a red zone has been deemed clear by the highest ranking member present, all officers may return to the scene to clean up/provide prisoner transport. Officers may only enter Rebel outposts and Cartels/Warzone when: There is a Sergeant or higher in the group. At least 3 officers in the squad. The whole wave must all enter code 3, or must all enter "dark" with an intent to verbally engage. No mixing and matching. This is only for each individual wave. Cartels/Warzone may be patrolled by APD during times of high population. The APD may enter Cartels/Warzone if they have pursued someone into the area or have probable cause to enter (Such as a 911). Once APD have engaged rebel forces in a Cartel/Warzone, they may continue to raid it following standard rebel raid rules until the situation has been neutralized at that Cartel/Warzone. APD May enter Cartels/Warzone and Rebel Outposts for hostage situations. PO or higher to negotiate. Can be accompanied by other officers. Cannot return unless standard Cartel/Rebel prerequisites (mentioned above) are met. APD may escort medics into Cartels/Warzone.(Sergeant or higher needed) For federal event robberies/jailbreaks: No RP is required to engage rebels that are participating in a federal event. All APD are free to fire on rebels in these circumstances. If you see a rebel (Clearly participating in a federal event) you can shoot them. If in the instance there are multiple federal events going on at one time, the order of priority to respond is the Blackwater first, Federal Reserve second, and Jail last. APD are not to enter the Blackwater dome prior to an active robbery unless: A Civilian is trapped inside. Any game error has occurred. Chapter XII - Fines and Penalties Ticketing Procedure When ticketing a suspect, always list their charges and tell them the total value of their ticket or bounty. Once a ticket is written, the cost is set. An officer cannot place additional charges on the suspect. Tickets may be less than the set price with approval of a Corporal or higher. Suspects are granted two chances to pay the ticket. If the suspect refuses the ticket both times, he may be sent to jail. A third chance to pay is discretionary and out of courtesy, but an officer is never to give more than 3 chances to pay a ticket. Patrol Officers and Deputies are to abide by the ticket values with no deviation from the fine amounts, even in the absence of higher ranking officers. Patrol Officers and Deputies are only permitted to write a $500 pardon ticket when there are no Corporals or higher available to grant a pardon. Corporals have the ability to give discounted tickets, up to 50% off the total bounty. Sergeants and higher have the ability to discount tickets at their discretion. If a mistake has been made while adding charges, and it is noticed before the ticket is issued, the officer may manually adjust the ticket price to reflect the proper amount. If a ticket is accidentally issued for a higher amount than the actual bounty, that civilian must be pardoned and released. If a ticket is issued for a lower amount than the bounty then the civilian has a chance to pay the lower price. If they deny both lower price tickets, then they still go to jail for the full bounty price. During the last 5 minutes before a restart, if an APD member is processing a wanted player they may continue to process said player even if shots are fired in the HQ area. The wanted player will need to be in a "Panic Room". If a person enters the "Panic Room" and begins firing then the processing must be stopped. APD Ticketing Guide Jail When sending players to jail, officers must inform the suspect that they are being sent to jail. Patrol Officers and higher may send a player directly to jail if they are seen blatantly breaking server rules. If a player has a combined total of 15 or more Manslaughter, LEO Manslaughter, and Gang Homicide charges they are considered a serial killer. If a serial killer is found and restrained they may be sent directly to jail without a chance to pay any outstanding tickets. When a player has an "Escaping Jail" charge they MUST be sent straight to jail. If a player has the "Hostage Situation" charge they are considered a hostage taker. Hostage Takers may be sent directly to jail without a chance to pay any outstanding tickets. Adding Charges Patrol Officers and higher are granted abilities to add charges to a suspect. The crimes must be witnessed by an officer in order to be added to their bounty. Pardoning Corporals and higher have the ability to pardon players who have been added to the wanted list mistakenly, or have committed the acts in a justifiable manner. Players must notify the police via text message upon committing a justifiable offense. Other considerations may be used when pardoning a suspect. (e.g. desync kill, traffic accident, other glitches.) Chapter XIII - APD Equipment & Ground Vehicles APD Tools Weapons are to be carried in low-ready position when not engaged in a situation that warrants the use of the weapons. Smoke Grenades and Flashbangs are to be used in tactical situations only. Spike strips are to be used on fleeing vehicles only. Defusal kits should be purchased when responding to a federal event. GPS Trackers may be used anytime, anywhere, for anything. Bolt Cutters are ONLY to be used by Corporals or higher when the owner of a house is NOT online. No exceptions. The SDAR can be used by POs+ without approval of a Sergeant as long as the suspect is in the water or there is no other way of dealing with him (I.E. on a roof, in a locked house with no Corporal or higher online). In other words, use it as a last resort. In all other cases, a Sergeant will need to approve the use of an SDAR. This does not mean you will be able to store an SDAR in your backpack. After you have used the SDAR, seize it. APD Officers are only authorized to use equipment available to them at their rank in the APD Shop. Vehicles Police vehicles must be secured at all times. If an officer is expected to be away from their vehicle for a prolonged period of time, the vehicle should be impounded to prevent theft. This does not apply to active engagements or situations. Impounding any vehicle before a situation is clear is prohibited. Lights and sirens are to be used only in fulfillment of one’s duties as an officer. Chapter XIV - APD Aircraft Aircraft Patrols Recon Patrol - Recon patrols can be performed by any APD member, with the approval of a Corporal or higher. These patrols can not directly engage with criminals on the ground. Recon patrols can be done with any helicopter in the APD arsenal so long as the pilot is the only inhabitant of the helicopter at the start of the patrol. Rapid Response Patrol - These patrols are lead by a Corporal or higher. These patrols are tasked with rapidly responding to major calls and patrolling high crime areas. Minimum Crew: Pilot + One Gunner - Corporal or higher must be present Rapid Response patrols can be done with any helicopter in the APD arsenal so long as the minimum crew is present at the start of the patrol. To clarify, crew amounts can differ during Recon and Rapid Response patrols, but they must be defined at the start of the patrol. Airplane Patrols Airplane recon patrols can be performed by an APD member, with the approval of a Corporal or higher. You may perform recon over illegal areas without using lights and sirens. Fixed Wing Patrol - The Fixed Wing Aircraft can be used for both recon and rapid response. For standard patrols, the APD may employ the use of parachutes. Minimum Crew - Pilot - Corporal or higher must be present. These patrols require an additional unit to engage using code 3 in illegal areas if the patrol utilizes parachutes, or landing to engage suspects. The Ghosthawk Ghosthawk Patrol - Ghosthawk patrols are conducted by Sergeants or higher. These patrols are utilized for a heavy APD response to large gang actions or high risk rebel activity. Minimum Crew - Pilot + one Gunner - Sergeant or higher must be online. The Ghosthawk’s weapons are only to be used on vehicles that are operated by a suspect of a crime, or on vehicles in which a suspect is known to have boarded beyond a reasonable doubt. If giving chase to an aircraft piloted by, or containing, a suspect of a crime, the pilot is to be notified by text message 1 time to land the vehicle or be shot, and given 10 seconds to comply. Exception: You can fire upon an illegal ground vehicle (including stolen APD Hunters and Striders), if given 1 text message and 10 seconds to comply. If an aircraft is over water and receives a text from a Ghosthawk it must attempt to land at the nearest body of land. If an aircraft continues to fly out to sea it can be shot down over the water. If the Ghosthawk is fired upon by a titan, the Ghosthawk remains guns hot regardless of wave rule until the engagement has been . broken for more than 5 minutes. If a Ghosthawk is stolen, and its operators utilize the guns on the APD or the civilian population, the APD is authorized to use any means necessary to destroy the stolen Ghosthawk (excluding breaking Server Rules). The Sergeant or higher must be the one to give the directive to use the guns. Exception: If multiple Ghosthawks have been shot down in the same situation any Sergeant and above may decide to use the Ghosthawk(s) guns hot provided they notify a member of the opposing force to leave or surrender prior. Once a single Ghosthawk meets guns hot requirements, all Ghosthawks in the area of engagement may go guns hot without prior warning. For federal events only, once the prerequisite is met, the ghosthawk may respond to the federal event with GUNS HOT against all hostile robbery/jailbreak participants. The prerequisite is defined as: The bomb blowing at a federal event. (Example: If the bomb blows on wave 5, wave 5 MUST FINISH before the Ghosthawk can come out on Wave 6) Multiple Ghosthawks lost, with approval of Sergeant or higher. Once rebels leave the federal event (Inner Anti-Air circle), the Ghosthawk ceases fire and resets to normal Ghosthawk rules. If a server reset occurs during an active situation and the Ghosthawk was guns hot prior to restart, the Ghosthawk may return to the situation (after restart) GUNS HOT at the rebels still at and/or fleeing the active situation. Hummingbird The Hummingbird’s weapons are only to be used on vehicles that are operated by a suspect of a crime, or on vehicles in which a suspect is known to have boarded beyond a reasonable doubt. If giving chase to a vehicle piloted/driven by a suspect of a crime, or a vehicle which is carrying a suspect of a crime, the pilot/driver is to be notified by text message up to 1 times to land/park the vehicle, or be shot. While an APD member using a Hummingbird comes under fire by players within another Helicopter or ground unit, the Hummingbird gunners may immediately return fire without a text first. The Corporal or higher must be the one to give the directive to use the guns. If an APD hummingbird enters an area of engagement and/or is in the area where an active gunfight between APD and civs is taking place, the hummingbird may fire upon engaged ground units without sending a text (including ground vehicles). M-900 Patrol Officers and higher are permitted to utilize the M900 exclusively for transportation to federal events/terror. Any use other than transportation to a federal event/terror will need the authorization of an online Corporal or higher. Chapter XV - Bait Cars Bait cars are not to be used at any time for patrol. At any given time, a maximum of 3 bait cars may be in use by the APD on a single server. Bait cars may be left in illegal areas. However, this does not warrant “camping” of the illegal area.1. Bait car must be accompanied by a marked APD vehicle into the illegal area. This is for engagement purposes. Activation of the vehicle, or movement of the GPS tracker gives probable cause to raid any red zone the aforementioned vehicle was left in, regardless of time since the last visit. If the APD come under attack during transportation of the bait car to the desired location, the APD are allowed to retaliate in order to resolve the situation. Chapter XVI - Communication Channels Teamspeak All officers are required to be logged into the Olympus Teamspeak while on duty. Officers must be within their appropriate channel dependent on the server and city they have been assigned to. The APD Teamspeak channels are to be used for APD operations only. Casual conversations can be held in other channels such as the APD Lounge. Channels City channels are to be utilized by all officers who are patrolling those areas. Unit channels are lead by Corporals or higher to perform specialized patrols on the ground or utilizing the helicopter patrol. See APD Helicopter Section for more info on Helicopter patrols. Corporals or higher are authorized to pull APD members into the Unit channels to make up their Patrol Team. Unit channels should hold no more than 5 APD members at a time. The federal event channels should only be utilized during those incidents and the highest rank on the server should be in command. In-Game (Direct) Direct chat is the main form of in-game communication with the civilian population. Vehicle chat may be used to speak to other occupants of a vehicle. In-Game (Group) Officers are only to use Group chat to conduct map-wide operations between cities. In-Game (Side) Side chat is never to be used for voice communications. Cop and Medic chat Cops are only authorized to utilize the "APD and R&R chat channel" when an exigent circumstance exists and communication via emergency text message, or direct chat, is not possible or practical. All communication via the "APD and R&R Chat" should be considered critical in nature. Officers are able to engage/issue commands via this chat. Chapter XVII - Executive Decision If at any point the Chief of Police feels the policies outlined above prevent them from fulfilling their duties in resolving a situation, they reserve the right to supersede the APD Handbook. Chapter XVIII - Case Law and Amendments The purpose of this Article is to present any case found within the parameters of Law Enforcement that are not previously addressed in this document. Case law and amendments are binding and effective as standard procedure. Quote Link to comment
Guest Excision Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 10 minutes ago, G.O.A.T. said: Lethal loading waves are not counted until any officer has gone through at least 2 waves. so no more "corporal waves" I'm guessing? worded weird tbh. Quote Link to comment
falcon 765 Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 Ayeee got that roboto text! Quote Link to comment
Guest Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 Thanks for taking the RP outta my cop experience. Quote Link to comment
Pledge 2294 Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 2 minutes ago, Excision said: so no more "corporal waves" I'm guessing? worded word tbh. You are correct. Word. Quote Link to comment
Lord of Tickets -dante- 5510 Posted August 31, 2017 Lord of Tickets Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 Just now, Excision said: so no more corporal waves I'm guessing? worded word tbh. As long as any officer has gone through 2 waves, lethals are authorized for CPLs+. Worded word. Quote Link to comment
Sociopathic 717 Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 9 minutes ago, G.O.A.T. said: If a civilian gives an officer consent to do something (searching, ticketing, lethaling, etc.) the officer is allowed to do so. You can add 1 extra charge at most. This can only affect the civilian who grants consent. RP firing squads inbound 4 Quote Link to comment
Guest Excision Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 Just now, Dante Fleury said: As long as any officer has gone through 2 waves, lethals are authorized for CPLs+. Worded word. idk if I like that, but I guess we will see how it plays out Quote Link to comment
Guest Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 Just now, Dante Fleury said: As long as any officer has gone through 2 waves, lethals are authorized for CPLs+. Worded word. yeah idk about this one. Quote Link to comment
Guest G.O.A.T. Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 1 minute ago, Excision said: so no more "corporal waves" I'm guessing? worded word tbh. worded word And yes, no more Corporal waves. Quote Link to comment
proud 3850 Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 If a civilian gives an officer consent to do something (searching, ticketing, lethaling, etc.) the officer is allowed to do so. You can add 1 extra charge at most. This can only affect the civilian who grants consentDoes this mean that if they say " You can add an aiding in black water charge on me" then we can add it on them? Quote Link to comment
Pledge 2294 Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 2 minutes ago, Proud said: If a civilian gives an officer consent to do something (searching, ticketing, lethaling, etc.) the officer is allowed to do so. You can add 1 extra charge at most. This can only affect the civilian who grants consentDoes this mean that if they say " You can add an aiding in black water charge on me" then we can add it on them? Technically. Yes. But only once. Quote Link to comment
PoptartRex 3294 Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 1 minute ago, Proud said: If a civilian gives an officer consent to do something (searching, ticketing, lethaling, etc.) the officer is allowed to do so. You can add 1 extra charge at most. This can only affect the civilian who grants consentDoes this mean that if they say " You can add an aiding in black water charge on me" then we can add it on them? Yes - Add that charge Quote Link to comment
Guest G.O.A.T. Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 Just now, Proud said: If a civilian gives an officer consent to do something (searching, ticketing, lethaling, etc.) the officer is allowed to do so. You can add 1 extra charge at most. This can only affect the civilian who grants consentDoes this mean that if they say " You can add an aiding in black water charge on me" then we can add it on them? Yes, you can add the charge a maximum of 1 time, and that is the ONLY charge you can add in addition to their current bounty. Quote Link to comment
proud 3850 Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 Just now, Pledge said: Technically. Yes. This is going to be fun, thanks. Quote Link to comment
Lord of Tickets -dante- 5510 Posted August 31, 2017 Lord of Tickets Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 1 minute ago, Proud said: If a civilian gives an officer consent to do something (searching, ticketing, lethaling, etc.) the officer is allowed to do so. You can add 1 extra charge at most. This can only affect the civilian who grants consentDoes this mean that if they say " You can add an aiding in black water charge on me" then we can add it on them? Yes. Only ONE charge can be added on top of what they rightfully were charged with. If they give you permission. Quote Link to comment
Guest G.O.A.T. Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 Just now, bigPat said: WHO SLIPPED THIS IN THERE! IM DEAD! @Col3 Found it first, gets a SGT Beret for a week. Congrats. Quote Link to comment
Pledge 2294 Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 2 minutes ago, bigPat said: WHO SLIPPED THIS IN THERE! IM DEAD! There was no slipping. It was more of a slide. 1 Quote Link to comment
PoptartRex 3294 Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 Just now, bigPat said: WHO SLIPPED THIS IN THERE! IM DEAD! The easter egg was already claimed! Sorry you didn't get to it first! 1 Quote Link to comment
bigPat 695 Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 Just now, TheCmdrRex said: The easter egg was already claimed! Sorry you didn't get to it first! I didnt know it was a hunt Quote Link to comment
Pledge 2294 Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 1 minute ago, bigPat said: I didnt know it was a hunt That's the key Quote Link to comment
bigPat 695 Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 Any prizes for 2nd place? Quote Link to comment
TheRealKyle 1232 Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 41 minutes ago, bigPat said: Any prizes for 2nd place? no Quote Link to comment
nephew 1653 Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 this is some coonery 1 Quote Link to comment
Peta 494 Posted August 31, 2017 Report Share Posted August 31, 2017 just to clarify coz my english is bad: 1. if there's a situation with POs who've done 2 waves, and I join, I can go on and load lethals ? 2. why would anyone ask to add an extra bounty on them? thanks you <3 Quote Link to comment
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