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kicked from server need help


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i keep getting kicked for wrong signature file for

file C:\program files(86)\steam\steamapps\common\arma3\expansion\addons\vegetation_f_exp.pbo 

anyone know a fix?

  • Like 1
Just now, Hoonter said:

Have you tried reinstalling arma 3?

I'm about to that right now i tried everything i verified my game deleted that file and redownloaded it and still keep getting kicked

  • Like 1
Just now, Africa said:

I'm about to that right now i tried everything i verified my game deleted that file and redownloaded it and still keep getting kicked

Yeah prob a file bugged or some shit best bet is to reinstall arma 3

  • Like 1
Just now, Hoonter said:

Yeah prob a file bugged or some shit best bet is to reinstall arma 3

ok thanks ill let you know if it works

  • Like 1
22 minutes ago, MrBoonie said:

♦ Try deleting arma 3 profile, join the server
♦ delete the MPMissionsCache for olympus ... You will have to redownload unfortunetly. %appdata% click the arrow beside "roaming" and click "Local", click arma 3, Then click MPMissionsCache Delete all olympus's. (It will require you to redownload their mission file.
♦ Verify games integrity (disable anti - virus software first)
♦ Make sure you have no mods enabled via the Arma 3 Launcher
♦ Open command prompt, type /sfc scannow, then exit steam, restart PC, open steam, verify, try again
♦ Download needed signature files through bohemia interactive
♦ Re-install Arma 3 

Ok ill try thanks

  • Like 1
11 minutes ago, JAY1HP said:

Don't delete your arma profile...Youll lose your levels on TDM/Koth and stuff

Make sure you don't have any addons on, like epoch, what not that's what that file looks like

I backed up my koth stats and stuff but otherwise thanks

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, MrBoonie said:

you realise those are also saved server side? the staff of the KOTH and TDM can easily add that back..... but good on you for trying.

good luck waiting 42 hours in that channel and delete your profiles and go into german tdm and see if you have your levels and why are you always being so toxic on threads all the time, i probably would took if i looked like you and had a miserable life and got bullied throughout my entire childhood

2 hours ago, MrBoonie said:

you realise those are also saved server side? the staff of the KOTH and TDM can easily add that back..... but good on you for trying.

lets not forget you donating thousands of dollars to peter and you are still irrelevant

3 minutes ago, MrBoonie said:

 Im trying to assist and thats "being toxic", Second you come in here stating DONT DO THAT you would get rid of your levels and hard work, obviously theres other alternatives to gain your levels back on servers such as KOTH. Finally I dont think anyone here on olympus knows who the fuck you are, i havent seen you play on these servers, havent seen you in ANY reputable gangs I bet you waste your time on KOTH and TDM because you are entirely shit at playing on olympus and you honestly HONESTLY can kill your self. Oh and donating to peter long has NOTHING to deal with anything related to this fucking server xD but nice one not like everyone hasn't said that remark 15 thousand times. Get original and get dead kid.

i'll just leave this here lmfao


Just now, MrBoonie said:

kid that was years ago. Finally where is your montage? What gang are you in? You've been here since 2016 .... and are talking shit about relevancy? Your skillet by far doesn't compare to anyone other than the kids coming into olympus for the first time in kavala. Sit the fuck down, shut the fuck up and neck yourself PLEASE. Come back to me when YOU become relevant. 

lmfao you are so upset bro , go outside...this server and forums isnt my life sorry , and ive been in the best gangs on asylum and olympus lol  im too old to sit around on here all day good luck getting mod you are so toxic it will never happen lol

1 minute ago, MrBoonie said:

neither is mine, I dont play on olympus as much as I used to. I got contact'd BY africa to assist him with his issue which led me to this post, and you come her talking shit trying to act like you're tough shit, but by far you havent pissed me off you just proved you my friend are an irrelevant keyboard warrior, who is trash at arma 3 and should kys. Plain and simple. You claim to be "TOO OLD" but you started this entirely ? 

Also my mod boat sailed and by far you starting this whole arguement ordeal proves you are rather more toxic than I am.

hey dude..you started with me lol https://gyazo.com/5636d40703fc057fddcd044036e54d0b 

4 minutes ago, MrBoonie said:

I stated two obvious things 
1. the server owners cant backup your levels & earnings
2. you did make a good attempt at telling him what NOT to do but that shit isn't correct. (good effort)

YOUR REBUTAL to this is what is toxic 

but if you delete your files, you will lose your levels......your logic is flawed sir.

yes if they can back them up, that means they we're lost in the first place...correct? 

anyways, have a nice day

2 hours ago, MrBoonie said:

you realise those are also saved server side? the staff of the KOTH and TDM can easily add that back..... but good on you for trying.

They only allow 3 restores per ID, if ever banned from sumatra/HT they will not restore :(

2 minutes ago, RambleR said:

They only allow 3 restores per ID, if ever banned from sumatra/HT they will not restore :(

So if you delete you arma profiles right? You lose your stats....Yeah they can be restored...So they are saved client side..backed up server side..So I don't think I was wrong in my original statement..And wtf rambler you're a mod now? Nice man

  • Like 1
Just now, JAY1HP said:

I don't think it will fit me bro 


We will get you the XXL belt. You look like you slay bitches on the daily btw.

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, MrBoonie said:

He didnt win the arguement i literally can delete my profile RN join the regular KOTH server's discord and have my stats back in 12 hours or less. Regardless to say nothing truly will be lost ALSO hes wanting to play arma rather than some KOTH server i don't even fucking understand why that was brought up to begin with cx





Boonie I'm not sure where your ego comes from, you basically just described yourself below...



Mr Boonie - " Finally I dont think anyone here on olympus knows who the fuck you are, i havent seen you play on these servers, havent seen you in ANY reputable gangs I bet you waste your time on KOTH and TDM because you are entirely shit at playing on olympus  Oh and donating to peter long has NOTHING to deal with anything related to this fucking server xD but nice one not like everyone hasn't said that remark 15 thousand times. Get original and get dead kid."








  • Haha 1

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