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Yea APD is total bullshit

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I literally do the APD test and I got blacklisted because of "Cheating". I exited out of Discord but apparently it was running as a process (which I didn't know was a thing) and while doing the test there was a Discord ping which prompted into them thinking I was cheating.

What kind of joke is that, like legit I died laughing. Apparently I got blacklisted for cheating when I didn't.

EDIT: I offered to screen share/record my screen for them to prove that I'm not cheating but they denied. At least give me a chance to prove. I can't sue Discord cause they made there dumbass thing not close when you press the freaking RED X button.

EDIT: I think I answered some if not most the questions properly, I wouldn't be pissed if I failed the test but I'm pissed at the fact that I get blacklisted for cheating for legit no reason.

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It's actually very funny coming from my side, I'm trying to answer all the questions legit to the best of my ability and then theres an "internal investigation" because I'm "cheating". Total bullocks.

We tell you to close discord, we heard it. Your problem if you can't close your own programs. Sorry bud. Better luck next time.

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1 minute ago, Pledge said:

We tell you to close discord, we heard it. Your problem if you can't close your own programs. Sorry bud. Better luck next time.

I did close it but it was running as a process which I never knew was a thing, I was offering to screenshare the entire interview for proof I'm not cheating but you denied?

Nah, I think APD needs to overlook this, it's obviously retarded to jump to the conclusion that someone cheats if they hear something coming from the other persons microphone. I get steam & discord pings every 5 seconds because I'm a busy man, and discord does run as a process when you close it which is fucked up but eh. APD is easy to get into, as easy as medic, the APD handbook isn't much to remember, but for future references I'd record before doing a dumb interview with APD, you shouldn't have to but hearing this loool.

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You do know that clicking the X on your discord doesn't actually close it, and I didn't know that until recently. So therefore, it truly isn't his fault for not knowing discord doesn't fully close unless you manually close it by right clicking it in your task menu, and then force closing it.

That's like getting a call/text during a job interview, and them instantly failing you for attempting to cheat, even though the phone is out of sight.


who cheats on an arma 3 application lmfao, no one is that much of a low life.

  • Hmm 1
1 minute ago, DeadPool said:


I didn't know you actually had to go to task manager to close the process, the most retarded thing I've seen. If I press the big fucking X on Disord, I expect it to close.

1 minute ago, Piotrus said:

I didn't know you actually had to go to task manager to close the process, the most retarded thing I've seen. If I press the big fucking X on Disord, I expect it to close.

yea its fucked but making a post dont help you any so

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, DeadPool said:

yea its fucked but making a post dont help you any so

Yea but it's still total bull that I got blacklisted for cheating when I didn't.

1 minute ago, constipation said:

I want you to honestly apply at a job, then have discord, calls, or text messages spammed. If they stop you from interviewing and tell you to leave, I'll honestly pay you 50 dollars.

wait a few months try appealing a blacklist and closing everything including webbrower and retaking the test 

1 minute ago, DeadPool said:

wait a few months try appealing a blacklist and closing everything including webbrower and retaking the test 

Theres no point, if I got blacklisted for something as stupid as this then theres literally no point.

They offered to give me a second chance if I admitted to cheating, I denied as I was legit not cheating; like I don't know what else to say.

1 minute ago, Piotrus said:

Theres no point, if I got blacklisted for something as stupid as this then theres literally no point.

They offered to give me a second chance if I admitted to cheating, I denied as I was legit not cheating; like I don't know what else to say.

I mean I was blacklisted 2-3 times and just got look for my name on this sheet it is possible and #Worth XD


Just now, DeadPool said:

I mean I was blacklisted 2-3 times and just got look for my name on this sheet it is possible and #Worth XD


Nice man, I honestly congratulate you but I feel as if I don't deserve to be blacklisted cause I didn't cheat or do anything wrong.

I don't know the reason why you were blacklisted so I can't comment on that.

  • TriHard 1
1 minute ago, Piotrus said:

Nice man, I honestly congratulate you but I feel as if I don't deserve to be blacklisted cause I didn't cheat or do anything wrong.

I don't know the reason why you were blacklisted so I can't comment on that.

Just wait and dont make these forumns post to rant not gonna help you

Just now, DeadPool said:

Just wait and dont make these forumns post to rant not gonna help you

I know that I'm right so morally I have to do these as I'm not going to admit to cheating as I didn't cheat. This is so I get my word out.

1 minute ago, Piotrus said:

I know that I'm right so morally I have to do these as I'm not going to admit to cheating as I didn't cheat. This is so I get my word out.


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