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Civ Meeting Tomorrow 3/3/18

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Civ meeting tomorrow in the Olympus teamspeak. The meeting will be at 3pm est. It will be in the Civ Metting Room. If it becomes cancer a password will be placed on the channel and the cancer people will be removed. 

If you can not attend and wish to drop your idea here please feel free to do so. If not then hold them til the meeting. 

1 hour ago, Gerzbek said:

Take all, Store All on T inventory

Double Click the item then click store.

24 minutes ago, Savage said:

Dopamine at all clinics!!!

Look at the last civ round table

1 hour ago, Jazzy said:

free the boys


1 hour ago, obeymatt said:

Unbannathon pt2 


1 hour ago, N7Zero said:




29 minutes ago, Mike Pence said:

Pyrgos chop shop

PLEASE. It sucks that when you're either in Pyrgos or even in the giant landmass south of Pyrgos that the nearest Chop Shop is either Neo or Sofia

  • Like 1
45 minutes ago, Destruct said:

PLEASE. It sucks that when you're either in Pyrgos or even in the giant landmass south of Pyrgos that the nearest Chop Shop is either Neo or Sofia

It will be addressed tomorrow 


1 hour ago, Mike Pence said:

Pyrgos chop shop


1 hour ago, Proud said:

remove vigilante

Real request

Make blindfolds, actual blind folds, instead of see through, as often or times a lot of meta gaming happens, and its quite annoying at times, when you cant really prove it at times, also to add more guns for vigi, as i feel you need to be up close, and personal and often times have a huge disadvantage.

  • Downvote 1
11 minutes ago, Unseen said:

Make blindfolds, actual blind folds, instead of see through, as often or times a lot of meta gaming happens, and its quite annoying at times, when you cant really prove it at times, also to add more guns for vigi, as i feel you need to be up close, and personal and often times have a huge disadvantage.

1. blindfolds where made like this since pure blackness was not liked by staff or community

2. Vigis are not getting buffed. They already have pure cqc vigi weapons.

8 minutes ago, Mike Pence said:

WHY is pyrgos chop shop a no


2 minutes ago, Savage said:

Remove Vigilante is a serious request u tell me 1 person that has never complained about it

tell me this would the staff go for it and dont reply we both know the answer

1 minute ago, DeadPool said:


tell me this, would the staff go for it and dont reply we both know the answer

took me a solid minute to understand what u tried to say my brain was hurting for a sec pls put COMMA'S!!!

  • Senior Developer

Ok, real questions time.

1. Pygros Chop - i saw some requests for this... plase make it far as fuck south so that diamond people don't get fucked any more than they already do. half of the legit 911s on APD are diamond.

2. #FreeTheBoys - I can't be the only one.


13 minutes ago, Extrentic said:

ddosers don't get opinions. fuck off little jewish rat


I'm sorry if I terribly hurt your feelings! I really am!

14 minutes ago, Jayden Romero said:

Let medics spawn at Clinics

RnR not Civ related

2 hours ago, Proud said:

I'm sorry if I terribly hurt your feelings! I really am!

Imagine getting ddosed daily and as soon as you go to retaliate you get permed. sit retard

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