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Locked Are Cops OP?


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As many can see there has been some discussion of cops being OP, now i am just looking to see who all thinks cops are OP, simply so yes meaning they are OP or no meaning they arent OP then if you wish follow by telling why.

Personally i think the Ghosthawks are OP in some cases, i think they should only be used in tactical situations only not for patrolling.

Cops aren't RP but they can be, like how the PO7 is way to OP, like how one time I was fully kited wearing a ECH and a GL Carrier Rig and a Cadet shot me Once with a PO7 and he downed me.

yes..if a cop throws a flashbang in front of you even behind cover you will be blinded and if its not in front of you it still blurs the screen for about 20 seconds(not to mention the ear piercing effect it has on my speakers which is annoying and unnecessary they could just mute out the sound)...they dont have to worry about re upping ever so they dont fear death....give me a few more days of play and im sure ill be able to come up with a few others 

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Yes, in the case as they don't really lose money when they die, don't have to buy 125k of gear like the rebels do, if the cops get this perk then give the rebels the perk of not having to buy gear as well. I've also heard of some rebels not being allowed on the police force after answering all questions correctly possibly due to grudges between interviewer and interviewee....

Yes, in the case as they don't really lose money when they die, don't have to buy 125k of gear like the rebels do, if the cops get this perk then give the rebels the perk of not having to buy gear as well. I've also heard of some rebels not being allowed on the police force after answering all questions correctly possibly due to grudges between interviewer and interviewee....

Or else they didn't answer all the questions correctly and you just heard their side of the story..... Ever thought about that possibility.....

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I've also heard of some rebels not being allowed on the police force after answering all questions correctly possibly due to grudges between interviewer and interviewee....

I would be interested to hear more about this.


As to the ghost hawk being OP, we have very clear, strict rules about using the guns.  Even when the go ahead has been given the chances of shooting to a helicopter that is being piloted by someone with more than 10 minutes flight experience is slim at best.  Shooting down a good pilot is near impossible.  All you have to do is figure out which side has a gunner then just bank any time the Ghost Hawk tries to line up a shot, anything over 300m or so and the shot accuracy drops to nothing.  There is so many variables to utilizing the ghost hawk to its full potential.  The only time the ghost hawk can be considered op is if someone shoots at it from the ground, hitting a stationary target is so simple even Pinkstreak can do it!  


Another thing i always read about is the cop tazer being op.  I agree to a point.  one leg/arm shot shouldn't be enough to taze someone, that said though the fact that pretty much ever life server uses this taze script I would imagine cause there simply isn't a better way to do it.  The only alternative is giving cops lethals and i'm sure nobody wants that.



no offense but its just the people being bad that calls the cop's OP.

with some basic tactics and good teamplay, you can easily kill all the cops. EVEN VIRUS! 

Cops are not OP, while yes the taser sometimes seems OP it really depends who's wielding it. Ghosthawks are almost a joke... I've shot down my share of Ghosthawks with a .50 and I even have a highlight on my stream of me doing it with my first .50, and they're so easy to get away from, just go north of kavala to those hills and fly low, you'll lose them easy, as I said before I lost ace in those hills while he was shooting at me and I was in a hummingbird. It's not hard. Just kill them, 2-3 ml-18 shots to the chest and they're done. And if you're alone it's youre fault, it is so hard to fight rebels in a group, just cover each other's downed bodies and you'll easily kill those over-eager gung ho cops who run over to restrain in the middle of a firefight.

I would be interested to hear more about this.



Sadly if i remembered who the player was that got declined for answering the questions correctly i would forward them to you, but it's been about 2 weeks since they played on this server and logged on the old clan teamspeak :/

"I've also heard of some rebels not being allowed on the police force after answering all questions correctly possibly due to grudges between interviewer and interviewee...."


I was one of the most hated rebel/Troll on any server ask many of people they would tell you how much crap i talked to cops how everytime i logged on they couldnt stand to see me or my gang. Everyone has a fair shot at APD, like i said i didnt know of anyone that actually liked me in the APD before i joined it and i got it first try. I worked my way up so if there's any question on if they actually hold grudges let me tell you first handed they don't or i wouldn't be on the cop force.



Cops are not OP ill just copy a post i made literally a couple weeks ago..



I actually love post like this..


The cops are SOOOOOOOOOO underpowered. On average there is 5 people in a "gang" that are cause a ruckus ie. robbing the fed, farming drugs, or just kidnapping people in kavala.

There are on average 7 cops for an ENTIRE SERVER!!!!!!!

 With that being said. 


Cops have at most a 6.5 MXM that holds Tracers or Lethals,

Rebels have 7.62 rounds..they also have a MK200 thats is a LMG that holds 6.5 and 200rounds witch btw is more powerful than the 6.5mm in the ghosthawk guns.

Rebels also have a .50cal


So just with this little information its clearly easy to see that the cops, (higher ranks) are well underpowered compared to the standard everyday rebel.


They thing i have honestly come to realize is that the people who start "whining" about the cops being OP are people who get beat, arrest, or straighup just rekted by some cops.

Rebels are SOOOOO OP and still whine.


Nothing is gonna change as far as nursing any cop weapons. The rules are set up so that the cops can return like a real life situation ie, in IRL there arnt 5 cops for an entire country so we allow cops to come back to make it seem like there are more cops on the server.


People honestly just want us to hand the money, make it easy to farm, and make the fed so easy that you just walk in and get the money and walk out. Work for it people. Stop whining because your team of 9 got rekt by some Deputys and a PO...


Some cops abuse the game mechanics by, for example, suicide restraining and respawning within metres of their death point if within HQ.

Had a cop jump off the roof of Cocaine Processing after tasing to suicide restrain which I didn't feel was fair, but hey-ho.

I don't think cops are OP per se, I just feel some rules need to be set in place to avoide abuse of game mechanics already designed to give more of an advantage..

Once you go in depth with the differences between rebel and cop like Ace has, it's easy to see that both roles are balanced and have their own strengths and weaknesses.

Some cops abuse the game mechanics by, for example, suicide restraining and respawning within metres of their death point if within HQ.

Had a cop jump off the roof of Cocaine Processing after tasing to suicide restrain which I didn't feel was fair, but hey-ho.

If stuff like that gets reported those officers get in trouble.

I'm the preacher for op cops even tho I am one. I still think me getting shot in the toe with 1 bullet and getting tazed is a bit harsh. However I'll just keep that to myself. 

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