Warfare 498 Posted March 21, 2015 Report Share Posted March 21, 2015 Let us know your opinions on this weeks episode and discuss any opinions you have bellow. Also don't forget to subscribe to the channel! 1 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/
Dustin87 864 Posted March 21, 2015 Report Share Posted March 21, 2015 On server 2 full server, there is usally 15 Crook, 10 Aos, and around 10-20 MC (at all times for MC). Then you factor in Virus and a ghosthawk (or a ghosthawk at all) and you think you are gonna get a run done you are wrong my friend. Mc has the cartels, Crook robs everyone, and Aos robs a bit and also gets robbed. Then the ghosthawk usally scoops up everything else, or even fights us the big gangs. good luck. We dont need a ghosthawk patrolling Cocaine field! Most people at coke just have Pdubs and Rooks and are small gangs. Now go to Crystal Meth and that is a different story, ghosthawk worthy as most players are Big gangs with heli's. Same with shine. Now, if you see a large gang at Meth while flying a Humming bird, then go pull your ghosthawk and fight them. You act like i have a titan on my back at all times. Or that you think im doing drugs in .50 cal? Before i even have a chance at fighting i have to make it through these steps. While being chased and shot at by a Hawk 1) Make it to a garage to pull a .50 , then i have to have a driver or the ghosthawk will just hover above me, and get a shot. 2) Make it to where i can purchase a titan or make it to my house where i have a titan. Good luck outrunning a ghosthawk, plus the titans dont damage it right the code is all funny. 3) Call backup. There may not always be backup but Vs a Ghosthawk you will need it. Remember, you have to do all of this with a ghosthawk on your tail and trying not to get shot down. Good luck. A ghosthawk out 6 hours a day sucks. Sure fighting cops is fun but if i get caught doing drugs i wont have money to fight the cops. Sooo yeah. Please tell me how well you do. Thanks for reading. Having a Ghosthawk out 5 hours of the day its op as hell, and makes the server unenjoyable. Its just plain annoying and it should be used for heavy engagment scenarios only. Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28625
Hades 1423 Posted March 21, 2015 Report Share Posted March 21, 2015 So gonna add my weekly 2 cents in regarding the podcast for everyone. Gonna try and stay in order of what was talked about from the recording. Tazer round damage was reduced by half as opposed to pre-wipe. This means that all taze rounds should take roughly double the amount of shots to taze someone. A pistol (P07) should require more shots then an MX does and much more then a 7.62. Armor is calculated by Arma when it comes to shots as well. If someone has the best gear on then it will take more shots to down someone as opposed to someone with no gear. Arma is a bit goofy as well when it calculated players in a vehicle and this is something that we don't have control over. This was done as before you could 1 shot taze someone and this simply was unfair to players as even the 7.62 rounds required at least a couple solid shots before bringing someone down. Arma does most of the calculations when it comes to any shots fired. The only thing we can adjust is the multiplier of damage. What I mean is Arma decides how much a chest shot is worth vs a leg shot. We can't change these types of values so if Arma sees it as a leg shot when in fact it was a chest shot then it is something that needs to be changed on the Arma end of things not on the server end. With that said we can still adjust the amount of damage, multiplier, the tazers do but they will not return to the previous damage they did pre-wipe. The prices of guns, items, ect was in fact not changed. The pricing was left the same as pre-wipe meaning APD as well as Civs still pay the same amount for weapons. The issue lies more with the fact APD are losing there weapons atm at times but that is a bug vs something that was meant to be. We are working on a way to fix this. It also doesn't seem to be every APD member having this issue only certain ones, so we have to narrow down what is causing the issue. Once that is fixed then APD shouldn't have to worry about repurchasing weapons as it was in the past. Vehicle pricing however was adjusted a bit. R&R & News vehicles do cost less then the Civ/APD variant and as such I have added the suggestion to adjust APD vehicle prices to our fixes. Titan damage was done in a way that is does a specific amount of damage to a Heli now whereas before it would just destroy it on impact. Each Heli has it's own amount of Armor as well as fuel amount. A heli with more fuel and higher armor will be able to take more hits then a Heli with no armor and little fuel capacity. Now if I remember correctly when a titan is fired it will do between 50-75% damage with a chance of a fuel leak. The next shot will do roughly the same but as damage has already been done it will take and calculate using the remaining amount of damage as well as the fuel leak. Depending on what part was damaged from the titans will dictate if the Heli is forced to land or not. With a GH it has a large fuel tank so it will take longer for it to leak fuel vs a smaller Heli. Armor is also calculated into the mix so again the damage will be lower on a GH vs a M900 persay. On average it should take no more then 3 well placed shot to take out any Heli currently in play. The newest R&R rules were put in place to add a bit more to the R&R role. It was added to add a bit more value to there lives vs before. Before if an R&R was taken hostage that R&R member could be the deciding factor if a battle went on for 45 minutes or only a couple minutes. For Civ vs Civ one side could have an R&R member that could constantly revive but the Civs on the other end could do nothing to that R&R member. For APD vs Civ once again nothing could be done to a R&R member. It was a double standard in a sense, since the rules stated you could only kill a R&R member if they went against your directives but at the same time if they were a hostage or Volunteer and told not to do something they still could. It just simply wasn't fair that it was so lop-sided. So we discussed it and still wanted it to be hard to kill a R&R member but the option at least would be allowed under hostage situations. The rules were put in place to give warnings and allow members from either side to take out a R&R member if needed. Sgt's and higher are suppose to be the ones who help with training the lower rank APD members. Seniors have this responsibility and is something they should always be open to showing if someone has a question. Seniors have the ability to try and schedule a training session if they feel one may be needed. Seniors also can have the lower ranks shadow them if they like to get a better idea of how to handle things, again however this is up to that specific senior APD member. So with that if a Senior member wants to do some training they are more then welcome to, they do not need to wait for the Chief to make a meeting. As long as they are teaching the lower ranks the correct way of doing things then it only helps. There currently are no limits on how many Sgt's or lower there can be at a given time. Yes the admins see much more then most players think. While we don't always see everything we do eye-spy when we are able. If you want to practice Heli training there is a workshop addon that anyone can use. It does not have the mods but it is better to learn to fly them at default then it is modded out. If you can fly a slow clunky Heli then you will in most cases be able to fly a modded one much easier. This is a single player mission and can be restarted as many times as you need. It gives a crash course on flight, landing, ect. Check the following link if your interested - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=192094335 The Ghosthawk rules themselves will remain the same. They have a very strict rule-set and as long as players are following these rules then we won't need to change the rules that have been in place for months. Now in regards to players with access to these vehicles we also expect them to not and try to skirt around the rules and try to find loopholes. If a person who has gone through the ranks decides they are going to try and get around the rules then they will simply be removed. Any player with access to this vehicle through there garage should have enough common sense to know when certain things are ok and when there not. I'll use the example where APD has been patrolling rebel bases without a vehicle ground unit. We didn't have the word vehicle in there as it was common knowledge that it meant to use a vehicle ground unit but instead of using this common knowledge APD would simply drop a single APD member off outside a rebel outpost. This is skirting the rules. Once that was changed APD members then started to sling load a vehicle to just outside the outposts, again skirting the rules when it was clear what our intentions were. As a whitelisted player we should not have to spell out each and everything in the handbook. We expect Whitelisted players, especially at higher ranks, to use good judgement and not try to go around the rules we have in place. Now with that said, I'd be much more scared or a Taru Bench loaded with Mk's then I would be of a GH any-day of the week. in redzones the GH still has to RP where Civs don't. There is just as much risk with a GH in the skies as there is a loaded Taru. GH's require 3 text messages before firing where a Taru only requires 1 if outside a redzone. There is a balance between risk vs reward. If your able to pull off an illegal run then great but we want players to feel like there is a huge risk to doing them types of runs. In the past a player could make a meth run, have little risk but reap the rewards. This simply broke the economy and that is part of the reason we did the wipe. Yes part of playing the game is making money but the bigger part is for the RP. What is the point of making large amounts of money when your not going to use the money? With the risk factor in the game atm you are taking a big risk but if you succeed it feels good. Now if your a player who just wants to play for the money factor then you will most likely never be happy as that is not the intention of the server. Some days are going to be better then others. Some days your going to make money while other days your going to lose money. If you want to be safer then doing legal runs are the route to go. You will make less but the risk is also much lower. If you want to rake in the cash then the risk is going to be much higher. 3 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28635
Snake 774 Posted March 21, 2015 Report Share Posted March 21, 2015 Listening to the first part of this podcast is hilarious. 4 V 1 Lol In considering a lot of whats discussed in part 1: 7.62 Caliber Rifle for Corporals+ That is only to be used in Federal Reserve/Terror/Jailbreak 1 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28637
Fat Clemenza 1722 Posted March 21, 2015 Report Share Posted March 21, 2015 Listening to the first part of this podcast is hilarious. 4 V 1 Lol In considering a lot of whats discussed in part 1: Standard issue, cost-free 7.62 Caliber Rifle for Corporals+ There. Fixed it for ya. Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28640
Dustin87 864 Posted March 21, 2015 Report Share Posted March 21, 2015 Corps do not need 7.62 guns. Come on. Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28642
Fat Clemenza 1722 Posted March 22, 2015 Report Share Posted March 22, 2015 You're right, Dustin. We don't need "rifels" chambered in .308. We need rifles chambered in .308. Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28671
SPBojo 6862 Posted March 22, 2015 Report Share Posted March 22, 2015 You're right, Dustin. We don't need "rifels" chambered in .308. We need rifles chambered in .308. cops need 7.62 ? ok, use your brain here, what guns that are 7.62 has tracers? only the zafir does. SO FUCK THAT. Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28679
Dustin87 864 Posted March 22, 2015 Report Share Posted March 22, 2015 cops need 7.62 ? ok, use your brain here, what guns that are 7.62 has tracers? only the zafir does. SO FUCK THAT. What are you saying? Cops arent OP enough we need Zafirs Asap and armed hellcats. wtf are you thinking bojo. 1 ghosthawk at all times isnt enough either. We need those available for corps and higher and hellcats for seargents and higher. duh bojo jeez. Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28682
SPBojo 6862 Posted March 22, 2015 Report Share Posted March 22, 2015 What are you saying? Cops arent OP enough we need Zafirs Asap and armed hellcats. wtf are you thinking bojo. 1 ghosthawk at all times isnt enough either. We need those available for corps and higher and hellcats for seargents and higher. duh bojo jeez. Zafir for cadets, armed hellcats for PO's and why not toss in a lynx for the Corporals + ? 2 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28683
Dustin87 864 Posted March 22, 2015 Report Share Posted March 22, 2015 Zafir for cadets, armed hellcats for PO's and why not toss in a lynx for the Corporals + ? Dont forget titans Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28689
SPBojo 6862 Posted March 22, 2015 Report Share Posted March 22, 2015 Dont forget titans +1 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28690
Fat Clemenza 1722 Posted March 22, 2015 Report Share Posted March 22, 2015 Corps do not need 7.62 Rifle's guys. Come on. Ok, now Corporals don't need .308 rifle is, or are you now personifying the rifle by saying it (the rifle) possesses guys? Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28691
SPBojo 6862 Posted March 22, 2015 Report Share Posted March 22, 2015 Ok, now Corporals don't need .308 rifle is, or are you now personifying the rifle by saying it (the rifle) possesses guys? get out argued, starts trolling... #justmcthings 1 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28692
Fat Clemenza 1722 Posted March 22, 2015 Report Share Posted March 22, 2015 get out argued, starts trolling... #justmcthings Corps do not need 7.62 guns. Come on. Guns? That would imply that the barrel of the firearm in question does not have an rifling and is therefore a smoothbore firearm, such as a shotgun. .308 rifles or go home Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28693
Hades 1423 Posted March 22, 2015 Report Share Posted March 22, 2015 Enough back on topic or say nothing at all. Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28694
Thomas 671 Posted March 22, 2015 Report Share Posted March 22, 2015 Everybody says cops are OP...maybe you should watch some of my vids, cops are not OP. The ghosthawk is easy to take out the gunners. Take the gunners out and virus will fly away. But my problem is that the titans are pretty useless. The ghosthawk took 4 titans spun around a couple times and then it flew away like nothing happened. Just the rockets alone thats 480k. I think 3 should blow the damn thing up or make it at least drop out of the sky like a rock. 3 Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28715
Vancey 167 Posted March 22, 2015 Report Share Posted March 22, 2015 Hades i feel like the Ghosthawk is to op to even patrol with, i was flying a orca with 6+ wanted guys and i wasnt wanted Virus flies by me and the cops checked the drug dealer and 3 texts was sent my way, not sure but doesnt ace want everyone to try and not tilde key or arrest people unless they are committing an act of crime in front of an officer just for RP reasons. Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28726
Fat Clemenza 1722 Posted March 22, 2015 Report Share Posted March 22, 2015 Hades i feel like the Ghosthawk is to op to even patrol with, i was flying a orca with 6+ wanted guys and i wasnt wanted Virus flies by me and the cops checked the drug dealer and 3 texts was sent my way, not sure but doesnt ace want everyone to try and not tilde key or arrest people unless they are committing an act of crime in front of an officer just for RP reasons. That's still up for debate, Jpeg. I try to stick to Ace's wishes when it comes to vehicles as well, but some people argue that his wish was for us to only abide by it when we see someone on foot. Some argue a vehicle is fair game at all times. I disagree. You'll only get stopped by me if you're breaking the law regardless of what you're using as transportation or lack thereof. Lastly, Jpeg, Ace wants us to do this, but it is not a server rule. We can abide by it if we want to. With that being said, if you're stopping Joe Shit the Ragman for no reason other than the fact that the game's telling you he's wanted, then good luck getting promoted. Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28733
Warfare 498 Posted March 22, 2015 Author Report Share Posted March 22, 2015 That's still up for debate, Jpeg. I try to stick to Ace's wishes when it comes to vehicles as well, but some people argue that his wish was for us to only abide by it when we see someone on foot. Some argue a vehicle is fair game at all times. I disagree. You'll only get stopped by me if you're breaking the law regardless of what you're using as transportation or lack thereof. Lastly, Jpeg, Ace wants us to do this, but it is not a server rule. We can abide by it if we want to. With that being said, if you're stopping Joe Shit the Ragman for no reason other than the fact that the game's telling you he's wanted, then good luck getting promoted. The reason I could argue that vehicles are fair game is because they have plates and you can run them. I'm sure a helicopter would also have some way to identify the owner of it as well. However I wouldn't say you can listen to Ace if you want to, he's the chief of police and if he tells everyone they should start doing something you should. Just because it's not plastered in the rules it doesn't mean you should just ignore it. Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28735
Hades 1423 Posted March 22, 2015 Report Share Posted March 22, 2015 If Ace has said not to do it then simply don't do it. The goal is to add more Rp to the server not less. By just using the tilda key when a player ins't breaking any laws at that time is just fail RP. I mean we could always go back to an old way were if it isn't seen then no tickets are given. If a crime isn't witnessed then they wouldn't be wanted for anything. Now would it be better to have it that way or leave it the way it is? I think most would agree to leave it the way it currently is as APD would make no kind of income while playing. With that we want people to RP and not just act like a robot pulling over anyone just because they are on a list. If there breaking the law then do your thing. If there just walking down the street not doing anything wrong then don't just chase em down because there wanted. Have a reason such as there jaywalking, ect before you do it so it adds to the RP value. Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28740
Warfare 498 Posted March 22, 2015 Author Report Share Posted March 22, 2015 If Ace has said not to do it then simply don't do it. The goal is to add more Rp to the server not less. By just using the tilda key when a player ins't breaking any laws at that time is just fail RP. I mean we could always go back to an old way were if it isn't seen then no tickets are given. If a crime isn't witnessed then they wouldn't be wanted for anything. Now would it be better to have it that way or leave it the way it is? I think most would agree to leave it the way it currently is as APD would make no kind of income while playing. With that we want people to RP and not just act like a robot pulling over anyone just because they are on a list. If there breaking the law then do your thing. If there just walking down the street not doing anything wrong then don't just chase em down because there wanted. Have a reason such as there jaywalking, ect before you do it so it adds to the RP value. You chimed in a bit on vehicle pricing but I don't remember reading anything about lowering the APD vehicles prices. Has any consideration towards that been talked about? It's hard when you earn money on cop and it takes weeks to get enough for a heli just to lose it instantly. Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28741
Dustin87 864 Posted March 23, 2015 Report Share Posted March 23, 2015 Dude who needs titans to take down gh's? I just bring thomas! LOL I dont have a problem with fighting ghosthawks at all, its just to OP for a patrol vieghcle. Take a fed for a example, im expecting a GH, so i will bring several titans you know? But during a drug run ill prob just bring a katiba or pdub even. I expect APD to patrol the zones, just not in a armored beast that is really only fightable with preperation. Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28754
Jorbis 327 Posted March 23, 2015 Report Share Posted March 23, 2015 Dude who needs titans to take down gh's? I just bring thomas! LOL I dont have a problem with fighting ghosthawks at all, its just to OP for a patrol vieghcle. Take a fed for a example, im expecting a GH, so i will bring several titans you know? But during a drug run ill prob just bring a katiba or pdub even. I expect APD to patrol the zones, just not in a armored beast that is really only fightable with preperation. The problem is that hummingbirds can be taken down with less than 10 rounds of well placed 7.62mm rounds. It doesn't make much sense to use a hummingbird when a ghost hawk is available. Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28756
Dustin87 864 Posted March 23, 2015 Report Share Posted March 23, 2015 The problem is that hummingbirds can be taken down with less than 10 rounds of well placed 7.62mm rounds. It doesn't make much sense to use a hummingbird when a ghost hawk is available. Yes but 10-20 MX variant rounds can take out my Hummingbird also. Quote Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/3297-bltn-podcast-ep-9-ghosthawk-rules-apd-training-tazer-strength/#findComment-28758
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