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Reign of Kings RP server

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Not sure if this is the place for this, but if anyone plays ROK, me and a few friends have an RP server called haze gaming.  All are welcome to join!  mods, if this is the wrong place I apologize.!  Not leaving Altis though, dont ya worry!

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fucking copying my post, fak u gooby, just trynna beat my posting? cuntnugget

U FUKIN WOT M8 I SWER ON ME MUM IL HUK U RITE IN THE GABUR. I dont need to copy you to get your post count, im better then you in every way anyway.

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Me and Kratos played that the day it came out and the official server where all laggy as hell.  So there us running around naked with out wooden stick and along comes none other than the King himself so we think to ourselves hmm maybe we should hit him with our sticks.  Turns out lag + stick = dead king. =D



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U FUKIN WOT M8 I SWER ON ME MUM IL HUK U RITE IN THE GABUR. I dont need to copy you to get your post count, im better then you in every way anyway.

[CROOK] Dustin - Harrasment - Permanent - SPBojo

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Yeah I don't see a problem. To be completely honest, I think Olympus should start up their own ROK server.


There would have to be an outstanding demand for Olympus to start up a ROK server. Seeing as how this is an arma 3 community I can't really see there being much of a demand... :/

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It is absolutely not, especially for being an Alpha.  You need to get off the shit public server where people are trying to Dayz the fresh spawns everywhere.  That shit is banned on our server, thus making the game a lot more fun.  

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