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What's upp with cops lethaling?

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I was robbing a gas station fully geared and cops come, one lethals me and ignores my text when I ask him why he used lethal.


 Once I died I respawned since medics were offline and geared up again, then we do a hq takeover and I get lethaled again by the SAME cop who lethaled me the first time. 



I texted him if he's gonna comp me or atleast tell me why he lethaled me and he just ignores my texts.

Contact senior apd about the issue. It's possible that he lethaled you by accident but I don't see why he wouldn't reply unless he was scared about getting in trouble. 

Currently there's a bug where tazers lethal instead of tazing. This is the issue that you have been experiencing. As for them not responding to your texts, they should explain what happened to be courteous. Comp does not need to be given by the officer if the kill is the cause of the bug.

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Currently there's a bug where tazers lethal instead of tazing. This is the issue that you have been experiencing. As for them not responding to your texts, they should explain what happened to be courteous. Comp does not need to be given by the officer if the kill is the cause of the bug.

Would you not even get comp if you have a cadet downing you and then fireing a entire mag into your hear and keep shooting at you til you actually do die?!

To many times have i seen people being killed by cadets shooting the absolute shit out of you when you are already downed.

Would you not even get comp if you have a cadet downing you and then fireing a entire mag into your hear and keep shooting at you til you actually do die?!

To many times have i seen people being killed by cadets shooting the absolute shit out of you when you are already downed.

They get trigger happy but no, this isnt why they are dieng, i juan tap people some times and they die.

Would you not even get comp if you have a cadet downing you and then fireing a entire mag into your hear and keep shooting at you til you actually do die?!

To many times have i seen people being killed by cadets shooting the absolute shit out of you when you are already downed.


If you observe this happening report it to the senior APD, preferably with evidence. From there it will be decided if action should be taken due to the report of excessive force by an officer.

yo i have a question: when doing a fed robbery can a cop tase you, wait till you get untase and lethal you? They couldve restrained me but just waited to use lethal

yo i have a question: when doing a fed robbery can a cop tase you, wait till you get untase and lethal you? They couldve restrained me but just waited to use lethal


It's possible that once you were tazed it was not safe for the officers to move to your location in order to restrain you. The #1 goal of the APD is to preserve life, no matter what the person has done.

It's possible that once you were tazed it was not safe for the officers to move to your location in order to restrain you. The #1 goal of the APD is to preserve life, no matter what the person has done.

So that's why cadets unload 30 rounds of PO7 into my forehead?

So that's why cadets unload 30 rounds of PO7 into my forehead?

To save you from yourself uknow, lol

If you observe this happening report it to the senior APD, preferably with evidence. From there it will be decided if action should be taken due to the report of excessive force by an officer.

Execessive use of force? They shot the fuck outa me laying infront of them on the grond, didnt even talk to me.... :/

So that's why cadets unload 30 rounds of PO7 into my forehead?


Execessive use of force? They shot the fuck outa me laying infront of them on the grond, didnt even talk to me.... :/


It's not acceptable for an officer to be shooting at your already downed body, if you see this happening inform a member of the senior APD. From there it will be handled appropriately. Just keep in mind that even though not required, video evidence allows us to get a much clearer picture of the situation. 


Accidental tazing does happen. Keep that in mind.

It's not acceptable for an officer to be shooting at your already downed body, if you see this happening inform a member of the senior APD. From there it will be handled appropriately. Just keep in mind that even though not required, video evidence allows us to get a much clearer picture of the situation. 


Accidental tazing does happen. Keep that in mind.

im fully aware that accidental tazing can happen. and its really a confused area right now, seeing as cadets probably get really goddam worried if they try to down this fucknugget and end up killing the guy. so in my recent studies, we just need to tell ALL deputies to calm the fuck down on shooting :P and when it comes to the handbook if im not mistaken it says that the cadets main weapon is their Main Weapon! :)

Also, all though the officer that lethal'd you isn't required to give you comp, you should be able to submit a comp ticket as you did die because of a bug.

Now that I can actually respond (Earlier, was on phone).


From personal experience, sometimes a message is sent but never noticed by the officer, there are multiple reasons

  • Officer is in active situation and isn't able to read the message.
  • Is in middle of processing, and is for example busy reading charges.
  • As you sent the text we got another useless/spam dispatch saying #GETREKT or so, meaning your message was never seen
  • Officer was in a coma and was unable to check his phone as ALT+TAB = OP.
  • Simply missed the message

The officer is not obliged to give you any compensation, as it would be unfair on him. Deputies don't have any choice in lethal/tazer yet it happens, which is why it would be silly. 50% of times it will automatically pardon you, else just message an officer and you will be given a pardon.


If you have recorded the situation, you can send a ticket in and get any visible gear you had on your back, as you should of been processed not killed. Though, if the officer was meant to taze, for example, cLoak and hit me instead and it killed me I'd be more then certain a "#CompOrBan" would be appropriate, as you were not the initial target.


Always keep in mind, officers are either busy or getting dispatch spam etc. Though, if he is unloading into you (EG: You're downed and he walks up to your body and keeps shooting) then by all means contact any Senior APD, as that is outrageous. Whereas sometimes we have the bug where you appear to be standing, so he may continue shooting until he notices the chat. I've been a victim of that issue myself, and continued shooting a tazed man.

Sometimes, a Deputy may taze you (Example: FED, 4th wave) and he sees another 3 rebels watching for you to get him (Meaning he will die), he can relay information to a Corporal which will change his aim, and as soon as you become threat again he may use lethal force on you. It is discouraged, but has been a situation not once where mission to restrain you would of been a suicide.


Hope it cleared it up for you!

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Oh man that second video has me in tears laughing man. He shoots you a few times, hesitates, and offs you, hahaha!!!

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