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Staff Gang Gear Abuse:

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5 hours ago, The Sovereign said:

As it stands rn, tilde and monk are the only staff gangs who don't seem to be abusing the shit out of their staff privs.  If they are spawning in gear, who fucking cares.  They aren't bringing it into competitive atmosphere and costing people money who actually worked for it.

are you smoking dope tilde not abusing staff privs

5 hours ago, The Sovereign said:

As it stands rn, tilde and monk are the only staff gangs who don't seem to be abusing the shit out of their staff privs.  If they are spawning in gear, who fucking cares.  They aren't bringing it into competitive atmosphere and costing people money who actually worked for it.

Make-Up Meme GIF by Justin

  • Community Manager
5 hours ago, Millennium said:

As far as staff gear in houses goes, personally, I never had anyone have access to my houses with staff gear, with the exception of other staff members. Idk if that is the case for some of the others, but Ik the Staff that I used to play with did the same thing.

4 hours ago, Panda 🙂 said:

Only thing that throws a huge red flag to me here is why does anyone that is not staff have access to a staff members house with tons of spawned in gear? Especially when your gang owns majority of the real estate in multiple towns the only reason I see anyone else having those keys is so they can use it 🤷. I had a house when I was staff full of only gear that you could buy from rebel and very few redeemed admin point items and never did I give anyone else keys to the house lol.

Only 1 person who isn't staff has keys, none of the individuals are permitted to take anything besides commonplace magazines. The picture they showed was doctored, not going to show the actual ID to any individuals that don't already know. >_>


4 hours ago, Xlax said:

Mako has spent countless time and effort making the server better in ways most people don’t even know. 99% of the shit he does goes by without any recognition, and the majority of people don’t know how much he actually contributes to improving the server. The last thing he’d do is create a massive imbalance and abuse his power to spawn in gear for his gang.

Ngl, I do get some things for myself every now and then but for the most part I just fight cops with it instead of Civilians, still abuse but atleast they aren't paying for loadouts. 🙂

My Cyrus' aren't legit but I've only used it like 1-2x in combat, still pretty unexcusable but I wanted to have some fun.

5 hours ago, Ahegao said:

How bout reign in these stupid threads. Dude who is a massive cheater isn’t someone anyone would take seriously in ANY capacity, and if you understood the English language you’d know the difference between DURING and AFTER in regards to the second video you posted. 

Literally like watching an Al-Qaeda video about the West and believing them, a genuine terrorist to the server.

3 hours ago, Pigz said:

"Slightly profited " - Mako

What happened to all the gangs that got wiped cough cough tilde probably had 600mil + of legit money earned wiped / plus houses sold . My understanding is the average person that got banned over that bullshit only made 10-20mil max over exploiting the airdrop ifirits . 
All you dipshits got was a little fine if we take what mako said at face value. 
So u scrapped all these airdrop frits they did same yet yall got off with nothing more than a little tap on the shoulder

What dictated if person was banned / wiped with the scrap. I mean some people did it once or twice and still got banned.



yes with cyruses lmao
ya know the one where there should only be 1 legit cause it was a giveaway 

I dont understand why anyone would be paying for olympus + each month.

Monster scrapped his Airdrop Ifrits prior to the patch that introduced the dupe, 4+ staff members reviewed my work, you can always request someone else to review it if you want, I'm sure they'll answer you before the end of the year. 🙂

My Cyrus' are indeed spawned in, I don't utilize them unless I'm feeling like a menace to society.

There are quite a few Cyrus on the server due to @ Grandma Gary  being a raffle menace.

6 hours ago, The Sovereign said:

Tired of the hush money being paid person to person to cover this shit up.  

Fact of the matter is AEGIS are 100% getting free gear for joining the gang.  They have unlimited gear.  They have unlimited scrap.  It is well known in their gang, and they laugh and joke about it openly so people take it as a joke. 

Explain this shit:

So every gang thats been pushing their gang base is dumping tons of their hard earned money into fighting people who are just given free shit.  They laugh and joke about it openly because they know nobody is going to do anything about it and sr. staff work to help them cover it up, but it's utter dogshit.  Everyone on this game has to do constant runs while staff gangs openly pretend they're just gettign their money from conquest when they just never need to spend it.  They have houses ridiculously full of gear that would take decades to earn legitimately.  

Nobody gets gear for joining, nobody has unlimited gear (albeit me I guess), nobody has unlimited scrap, the reserves have been depleted crafting rockets. I don't like them joking about the abuse stuff because even sarcastically it still portrays a bad picture.

Mk-1 Gangbase loadouts are like 250k at most, most of our members make money through Cop or Conquest, it's not that expensive to fight, the Armor however adds a bit onto the total if chopped.

The majority of the houses shown are legitimate, the only one that wasn't was mine.


TLDR, 90% of staff abuse to some degree, I'm not going to lie and say I don't. I treat myself sometimes but I'm not giving players in my gang enhanced gear nor incentivizing them to join my gang due to that. You're literally watching a video of a kid who is a serial cheater and taking him at his word through hysteria instead of analyzing how things came to be.

Hope this clears things up, didn't have to reply but some people seemed upset so I figured I'd clarify it.

  • Like 7

Since most of this has been disproved my next question is, is it acceptable to spread information such as peoples house location who owns it / has access to it and what gear is inside of it on the forums and the way that information was obtained was through someone cheating

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  • Community Manager
27 minutes ago, Panda 🙂 said:

Since most of this has been disproved my next question is, is it acceptable to spread information such as peoples house location who owns it / has access to it and what gear is inside of it on the forums and the way that information was obtained was through someone cheating

Not acceptable to post anything relevant to cheating as it's basically advertising for said cheat in the past this usually results in a forum restriction. In this instance since they chose to call out corruption/abuse it'd look significantly worse to hide something, especially given the outrage. That is the sole reason this video is allowed to stay at the moment.

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9 hours ago, The Sovereign said:

I could post 10+ videos on teamplayers at this point but its a lot of editing and im getting ready for work.  I have videos of them respawning at gang base fully kitted.  I can provide instances of them buying kits and their money not dropping a dime in stats.  I watch their shit.  I have  a video of a hummingbird surviving 2 titan hits and landing unscathed despite all the crew being dead.  Some fishy shit is going on and whenever you call shit out, they just claim you are right and try to make it into a big joke.  That's the running defense for it.   We need seniors coming down and policing this shit. 

Dindnt you know that teamplayers are admins 

10 hours ago, The Sovereign said:

Tired of the hush money being paid person to person to cover this shit up.  

Fact of the matter is AEGIS are 100% getting free gear for joining the gang.  They have unlimited gear.  They have unlimited scrap.  It is well known in their gang, and they laugh and joke about it openly so people take it as a joke.   

Explain this shit:   

So every gang thats been pushing their gang base is dumping tons of their hard earned money into fighting people who are just given free shit.  They laugh and joke about it openly because they know nobody is going to do anything about it and sr. staff work to help them cover it up, but it's utter dogshit.  Everyone on this game has to do constant runs while staff gangs openly pretend they're just gettign their money from conquest when they just never need to spend it.  They have houses ridiculously full of gear that would take decades to earn legitimately.  


For the fucking love of god and all that is fair in this world, every member of aegis needs to have their houses wiped and be babysat and there needs to be consequences.

Teamplayers is far from innocent too:   Staff teleporting to people to help with a glitch and then getting pulled up on and robbed by Teamplayers DURING THE HELP SESSION!?  


Please god reign these kids in.  They need supervised.


No idea who you are, but you seem like an idiot

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Mako said:

Not acceptable to post anything relevant to cheating as it's basically advertising for said cheat in the past this usually results in a forum restriction. In this instance since they chose to call out corruption/abuse it'd look significantly worse to hide something, especially given the outrage. That is the sole reason this video is allowed to stay at the moment.

Of course I understand that, but this is a special case as even if this post is deleted the video is still uploaded and isn’t going anywhere and it being posted in this manner made sure it wouldn’t be deleted without any extreme backlash so, now this video is going to stay up and basically anyone will have the opportunity to observe and take note of all of this information they wouldn’t have known had this not been posted. I’m not at all saying players shouldn’t keep staff in check or at least attempt to do so, but you really got to use your head when you are doing so because this in my eyes was a propaganda video littered with lies that was also an extreme and one of a kind example of meta.

I’m also not suggesting to make an example out of anyone but it is sort of a predicament because with the amount of gear and properties you guys own it’s not exactly easy to just move it all somewhere else 

11 hours ago, nicole said:

The YouTube video is filled with false narratives and you're just easily falling for them, he tried painting it as I own the houses with all that gear, which I don't, and that over 10 people have keys to Mako's gear house when it literally is my garage in Telos which I give to anyone. 


If anyone were to touch Mako's spawned-in gear that he gets for being a Community Manager they'd be banned instantly, either way only 2 people have keys to that house I believe. 

It would be the same thing if you had an admin panel you aren't allowed to use.  It wouldnt make sense to have it if you're not using it.  Sharing keys to an infinite gear house has 0 purpose at all unless people are allowed to take it.  


10 hours ago, Panda 🙂 said:

Only thing that throws a huge red flag to me here is why does anyone that is not staff have access to a staff members house with tons of spawned in gear? Especially when your gang owns majority of the real estate in multiple towns the only reason I see anyone else having those keys is so they can use it 🤷. I had a house when I was staff full of only gear that you could buy from rebel and very few redeemed admin point items and never did I give anyone else keys to the house lol.

This.  Warrants a full investigation.


10 hours ago, Xlax said:


Insane that anyone would take what Peach says seriously. Dude is an absolute schizo who is chronically obsessed with causing any sort of damage to the server in any way he can. Unhealthy and the dude needs to touch grass.

Aegis are all VERY experienced players who have thousands of hours on the server. It would be stupid to think they don’t have good items / gear in their houses. 

As far as the staff gear, that is Mako’s gear, and that is for himself, not the gang. Nobody can access his gear but him. 

If any staff were truly spawning gear for their gang like that, they wouldn’t be staff anymore. Simple as. The “abuse” is nonexistent. 

Mako has spent countless time and effort making the server better in ways most people don’t even know. 99% of the shit he does goes by without any recognition, and the majority of people don’t know how much he actually contributes to improving the server. The last thing he’d do is create a massive imbalance and abuse his power to spawn in gear for his gang.

Im not defending peach collector.  I don't support hackers.. but in a situation where staff are clearly abusing staff privs to benefit their gang, and nobody is doing their job of policing him, a hacker is the only recourse to expose it.



11 hours ago, monster said:

Full list of all the gear/vehicles I scrapped:
3x armed hurons (360k scrap)
6x airdrop ifrits (180k scrap)
2x airdrop armed qilins (48k scrap)
2x Full Screen ENVG Thermal helmets (320k scrap)
+ months worth of collected airdrop gear

This is solely what myself and @ Mako  had after a long period of doing federal events and collecting gear/vehicles which resulted with us gaining about 1M scrap which was then used to craft RPG rockets (172,500 scrap per 100 rockets, 1M scrap, 280k left in my house you do the math on how many rockets I should have)

@ The Sovereign  you have to realize we are some of the longest, and most experienced players currently on the server, some of us having played the server for 7+ years and amassing thousands of hours of playtime so it should come as no surprise that we have a lot of gear/vehicles/property.

No.  Just no.  The fact that you would even pipe up on this with that narrative is insane to me.  Part of me is grateful that Mako is so corrupted he protected you from the perm you should have had, because it also protected some friends of mine, but the fact is you were one of the TOP SCRAP DUPING OFFENDERS and it was covered up.. poorly at that.  Even staff openly talk about how you should have been banned but mako covered for you.

If you didn't do what you did, a ton of people would still be permed right now... so I guess it worked out, but mako bent over backwards covering up the mess you created.  I'm shocked, frankly, that he at least had the decency to wipe your account at least.. but something tells me you probably still have dumb amounts of gear that was 'overlooked.'





5 hours ago, Panda 🙂 said:

Since most of this has been disproved my next question is, is it acceptable to spread information such as peoples house location who owns it / has access to it and what gear is inside of it on the forums and the way that information was obtained was through someone cheating

The man said a video was doctored, and that disproved it?  Especially after it was already admitted to being legitimate?    Come on.

AEGIS DOESNT DO RUNS.  Aegis people get money from ????????.   People join aegis poor and end up rich. Conquest doesnt pay enough to cover the cosntant kit wipes they take.  They don't rob.  They don't do runs.  Some get money from cop, but others do not.  The math is simply not there.  It doesn't add up.  

And that's not even getting to TP yet... 

The fact that there is so little oversight on these staff gangs that the only way to figure shit out is by a hacker says a lot about the state of affairs as it stands.  We need people actively investigating and checking in on things to make sure the play is fair considering they insist on involving themselves in competitive situations like conquest and gang base.  

6 hours ago, Mako said:

Only 1 person who isn't staff has keys, none of the individuals are permitted to take anything besides commonplace magazines. The picture they showed was doctored, not going to show the actual ID to any individuals that don't already know. >_>

In the interest of equality can I have keys to the house?

  • +1 1
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Thanks for the signup bonus @ Mako ! I'm really enjoying being in aegis!

20 minutes ago, The Sovereign said:

Conquest doesnt pay enough to cover the cosntant kit wipes they take. 

Youd be surprised how hard it is to go negative money wise in conquest.

21 minutes ago, The Sovereign said:

but in a situation where staff are clearly abusing staff privs to benefit their gang, and nobody is doing their job of policing him, a hacker is the only recourse to expose it.

Mako doesn't play with us, i wish this was real.... 😞 

26 minutes ago, The Sovereign said:

Im not defending peach collector.  I don't support hackers.. but in a situation where staff are clearly abusing staff privs to benefit their gang, and nobody is doing their job of policing him, a hacker is the only recourse to expose it.


You keep talking about "i have this and that *proof*" yet all we see is mentally ill forum posts, its fucking insane.

I have 20 videos of you hacking, you should be banned! im not gonna upload them but just know i have them! :pepega:

Kinda confusing how no-one cared when fake grandma would admin abuse but Mako allegedly does something and everyone gets their panties in a twist. Not saying i 100% support the guy but this is some mentally ill allegations. 

  • Senior Admin

I typically don't comment on these sort of post since it's just a "omg how they get these must be staff abuse or duping" without any actual thought because it's much easier to get the pitchforks out but the amount of misinformation and jumping to conclusions is quite insane here and quite frankly I know I'm not one of the people who are part of the issue as practically nothing has changed in the stuff I use for gear from before and after staff.

Few fun facts:
1. The person from aegis on the scrap duping list was actually not Monster

2. The list of people who did do the dupe was seen by the majority of the staff team (or at least those who paid any attention ) pretty hard to cover it up.

3. I currently have 3381 staff points between designer and admin which would equal up to 50,175 warpoints or 57 ghosthawks but I choose not to use them or spawn in money as it would kill the game for myself along with it not being the reason I joined staff, main reason I even applied was because I didn't want to be the guy complaining about how things were going whilst doing nothing myself.

4. Any report against or made by someone I'm in a gang with or friends with I just let another staff member deal with it not because I'm bias but because it just gives a bad image as anything I do with the report will be perceived as bias no matter what.

Also the whole staff shouldn't be doing what any other player could do on the server is pretty insane to me. You do realise everyone prior to getting staff was also another person just wanting to play the server, whilst we're here to help most of us still want to play with our friends like we did prior to staff and quite sad that so many people forget that we also are here to have fun on a game.

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29 minutes ago, Masonn said:

Also the whole staff shouldn't be doing what any other player could do on the server is pretty insane to me. You do realise everyone prior to getting staff was also another person just wanting to play the server, whilst we're here to help most of us still want to play with our friends like we did prior to staff and quite sad that so many people forget that we also are here to have fun on a game.

You are supposed to be competing with banks accounts as much as skill.   When you spend 240k titaning an enemy orca, and it does 0 financial damage to them, it makes it not worth even fighting them.  

But they inject themselves into every competition.   I get staff want to play, and I feel they should and be part of the community... but if they're aren't measures taken to ensure and police that their staff privs aren't being abused in any way, then we just have to take their word for it.  And the math all around suggests their word is insincere.  

The only manner of policing we get is they get 'staff esp' above their heads when using it.  Which you have to have a name on them to even see.  You can turn it on and off really quick and if the player doesn't have a name on you, hey your whole gang just 'happened' to find someone.

2 hours ago, The Sovereign said:

RUNS.  Aegis people get money from ????????.   People join aegis poor and end up rich. Conquest doesnt pay enough to cover the cosntant kit wipes they take.  They don't rob.  They don't do runs.  Some get money from cop, but others do not.  The math is simply not there.  It doesn't add up.  

Hey I'm on vacation rn just reading the forums because I'm bored but I genuinely did not think someone can be this delusional. A lot of people have speculated about me specifically getting money from "dupes" or "exploits" or staff whatever. Aegis makes a shit ton of money from PLAYING THE VIDEO GAME.

We constantly do banks (3+mil each time) do pharmas (1.5-3m each time), rob large drug runs, fight every single airdrop (narco, gear, vehicle), DO FEDS AND BLACKWATERS CONSTANTLY all while normally selling all the gear we make.

I made 1.2 BILLION in the 7 months I played with Aegis.

Granted I'm fairly conservative with spending money, but if I have a mk1 kit I will respawn immediately and generally spend 1-2mil for every couple hours I spend on civ. There is also the fact that pretty much everyone that joins Aegis is already incredibly financially well off. I was poor when I joined, comparatively (150m). Headtaps, pooperson, virus, kyle, on9, darn are all in the top50 for money because they have a ridiculous amount of hours and are pretty fuckin jewish (like me).

I can break down my earnings in the past half a year if ya'd like: 410mil from cop, 6.7k gold bars sold, probably 300m+ from swat and conq (4th most swat caps, a lot of civ ratting where you can easily make 5+mil solo if u try), 562 pharmas sold (most solo), 113 staff events won, plus a bunch of other shit I'm probably forgetting about. I think I averaged around 50-60hrs a week for 7 months grinding money and for people just to think I got there from staff is fucking ridiculous, mako wont even fuckin rev me when I die to a rock.

Just my 2 cents, sov ur as delusional as always and listening to a man who has spent probably a few thousand real USD on arma accounts and cheats in order to fuck around and troll on olympus.

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Mmmk... Who gonna explain this?  


Maybe legitimate?   Maybe he got comp for a pdub he lost that had sentimental value so they took into account pain and suffering?  Maybe he lost 100mil kit to an arma bug?    Seems odd when a dead broke man convieniently gets 100 mil added to deposit box though.   Not saying it's illegit, but it's extremely fishy.  

Just now, Kyle said:

You are actually retarded and delusional 


6 minutes ago, The Sovereign said:

Mmmk... Who gonna explain this?  


Maybe legitimate?   Maybe he got comp for a pdub he lost that had sentimental value so they took into account pain and suffering?  Maybe he lost 100mil kit to an arma bug?    Seems odd when a dead broke man convieniently gets 100 mil added to deposit box though.   Not saying it's illegit, but it's extremely fishy.  


6 minutes ago, The Sovereign said:

Maybe legitimate?   Maybe he got comp for a pdub he lost that had sentimental value so they took into account pain and suffering?  Maybe he lost 100mil kit to an arma bug?    Seems odd when a dead broke man convieniently gets 100 mil added to deposit box though.   Not saying it's illegit, but it's extremely fishy.

Its sandman, probably getting his fuckin staff point payout for 3 months from being a lead designer. Look at his roles and use your brain

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