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Why dont't you shut-ins have a music thread ?

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Other than this its mostly Whitechapel, Lorna Shore, and Invent Animate. Saw Currents live on the 12th, Foreign hands was one of the openers. Waiting for Knocked Loose to come back to FL so I can actually see them live.

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eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpbWciOiJfMGY3YjBkNGM5ODU1MDAyYTg2ZTAxODMyZDM3NjNlZWQifQ.TPjEEIKXUBec27D0pLqMR2xVub8NL63zxh_S3aQMl7o-png.jpg mac miller gets better the weirder he gets tbh the more you listen to him the more you'll understand his style. i recommend to start with his circles and swimming album to start.





eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpbWciOiJfZWFiZWU0ODc4ZGZiZTAyNmFlYjI2NTFhOTNkMTllZmUifQ.fGpnanoflXPQDWiRYeP9NvuPlCKlJinpLOMEME_WjeM-png.jpg Im running out of ways to say how amazing doom really is and the dynamic he brings to rap is unparalleled


for the R&B and rap nerds^

5d18e86a20ed2cd9025d30a68f491619.png the sequel to this album was mid asf and i was very disappointed

best R&B album out there


and for the rock nerds

902e3752048aa9b7184f5e43cb9c88a6.png just some tik tok song i found





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There is absolutely nothing better then getting into a TS chan full of people screaming at you to unban them or wine etc etc while listening to jazz. its like watching a sitcom unfold 

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  • Senior Web Developer
1 hour ago, Noble said:

There is absolutely nothing better then getting into a TS chan full of people screaming at you to unban them or wine etc etc while listening to jazz. its like watching a sitcom unfold 

boy do i have the playlist for you


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