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Olympus Times: Issue 4

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For context my comment about being unbanned was in regards to the teamspeak incident not any other dastardly act.

16 hours ago, Noble said:

I probably chirp the most staff members than anyone

Now you just gotta stir the pot ontop of the chirping. That's where the real fun comes in.

On 8/22/2023 at 6:22 AM, Joce said:

+1 a story about Burban


Interview @ Corporal Moob next.

I hear his name a lot but tbh I don't know anything about him at all.  I wanna try to get some staff interviews in next and mix it up a bit, but I'm down if I can get a good hook either for a good story or some solid lulz. 

On 8/22/2023 at 4:43 PM, Millennium said:

Now you just gotta stir the pot ontop of the chirping. That's where the real fun comes in.

I also love cherping admins it’s pog

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On 8/21/2023 at 8:50 PM, Grandma Gary said:

So @ The Sovereign you pointed out an interesting fact during our exchange. 

I was unaware you are Le Jew. 

If I contact @ Ryan and convince him to grow a vagina would you be interested in the worlds most awkward meetup?

You can’t talk about deaths or numbers with this guy because it always comes back to denying the holocaust and how the smokestacks at auschwitz were impossible or some shit 

24 minutes ago, Rafa said:

You can’t talk about deaths or numbers with this guy because it always comes back to denying the holocaust and how the smokestacks at auschwitz were impossible or some shit 

Wait your still a person last time I Hurd of you I had sapd you didn’t deal with for 4 months and left for somone else to clean up 🥸head on back to being not around and everyone will be happy k thx bye

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