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What really happened with Mayhem

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Just looking for some real answers. Deimos and Huskers taking a lot of heat off of this but i don't really get why the entire gang disbanded...

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Husker and Deimos left to join BurBan, which is fine, whatever, Warfare would just solo lead it or promote someone. BUT they decided to have a nice big fun morning with the whole gang in a big "lets go mayhem!!" type thing, and a few hours later they decided to leave and take "their cut" of the gang funds. meaning they stole 45 million from the mayhem funds for the 2 of them and left about 6 mil for everyone else. essentially screwing everyone over and stabbing their "friends" in the back with a big "FUUUCKKK YOUUUUU" warfare got pissed at the staffs response and at the stupid bullshit that has been happening including the deimos/huskers scandal and quit (rip new map) so M is done.

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Ok so i want to clarify right now I'm not keeping all this money for my self. I have been handing out the money to the players who have put in time into the gang and have fought for cartels and capture them. If you want a cut and you were in mayhem please contact me. What happened was is when BurBan came back and stealth told me he was back for good me and huskers decided to merge Mayhem and BurBan. I took all the gang funds out as I did not want warfare to keep everything for himself. Some people are freaking out and jumping to conclusions. If you have any problems with what I did I will talk with you.

Since this has become an issue I do just want point out something for those that assume the staff don't care when things like this happen. From what info I have received I think the players of Mayhem got shafted hard. All the staff I have spoken with agree it was a shit thing to do. However with that said it is not the staffs responsibility to regulate how a gang is maintained. We leave this up to the gang itself and as such we are not going to get involved if things like this happen. We allow different ranks setup within gangs to allow them to maintain themselves. If we, as staff, had to get involved in situations like this then we would also have to get involved in other situations where honestly we shouldn't.


Now it isn't that we don't care as some may assume it's just not our place to get involved. No rules are broken when players within a gang do something like this. While it may be a slimy thing to do it is part of the game. People lose things all the time, just in this case it was a much larger thing that was lost. I can't say what the intentions were when the players did it other then what they have said in previous postings. While we may not agree with it we also not going to go in and remove the funds from them as they did in fact have the access to do this. I don't know of any other servers that would regulate this sort of activity either because as stated it comes with playing the game. In the end choose who you trust and play with carefully. In AL things can change in an instant and friends can become foes just as quickly.

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Since this has become an issue I do just want point out something for those that assume the staff don't care when things like this happen. From what info I have received I think the players of Mayhem got shafted hard. All the staff I have spoken with agree it was a shit thing to do. However with that said it is not the staffs responsibility to regulate how a gang is maintained. We leave this up to the gang itself and as such we are not going to get involved if things like this happen. We allow different ranks setup within gangs to allow them to maintain themselves. If we, as staff, had to get involved in situations like this then we would also have to get involved in other situations where honestly we shouldn't.


Now it isn't that we don't care as some may assume it's just not our place to get involved. No rules are broken when players within a gang do something like this. While it may be a slimy thing to do it is part of the game. People lose things all the time, just in this case it was a much larger thing that was lost. I can't say what the intentions were when the players did it other then what they have said in previous postings. While we may not agree with it we also not going to go in and remove the funds from them as they did in fact have the access to do this. I don't know of any other servers that would regulate this sort of activity either because as stated it comes with playing the game. In the end choose who you trust and play with carefully. In AL things can change in an instant and friends can become foes just as quickly.



This was actually well said in my opinion. Hopefully things can continue to be resolved as more and more people get the opportunity to talk to Deimos. 

  • Admin

Husker and Deimos left to join BurBan, which is fine, whatever, Warfare would just solo lead it or promote someone. BUT they decided to have a nice big fun morning with the whole gang in a big "lets go mayhem!!" type thing, and a few hours later they decided to leave and take "their cut" of the gang funds. meaning they stole 45 million from the mayhem funds for the 2 of them and left about 6 mil for everyone else. essentially screwing everyone over and stabbing their "friends" in the back with a big "FUUUCKKK YOUUUUU" warfare got pissed at the staffs response and at the stupid bullshit that has been happening including the deimos/huskers scandal and quit (rip new map) so M is done.


Yeah, this should stop being a thing already. Should just be handled in a mature way. And the fact that a gang member expected the staff to intervene on M's gang funds management... I mean he should have known better than that ( with all due respect to that person ). Like Hades mentioned, gang funds are an in-game feat in which staff should have no control of. If the gang had bad management and trust issues that's their problem. 


People who play here are not babies. Admins are not supposed to change their diapers. It just baffles me that they blamed the staff for this. Anyway. Good luck to the players of mayhem and next time... play with people you trust... remember is not about quantity as much as it is about QUALITY. 

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