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I am Rufus.


I am a opioid addict from Glasgow, Scotland who sometimes smokes a bit of crack to mix it up. I currently don't have a job so that I can focus on playing Arma competitively.

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  • Monkey 1

My name is John.

I am 28 years old. I am the best on this server at skilled and unskilled PvP and my kill to death ratio is potentially in the hundreds in real life and in game. I am also a commercial realtor in Baltimore, Maryland. Skateezy's photo is what happens when you don't pay up. 

@ Little Kev  when are you paying the money for reading my status. Don't make me tag the admins.

Can anyone donate $20 to my PayPal so I can afford some dinner tonight? @ Ryan  I see the donation goal has been reached, hit me up with $20.

I once played an Among Us tournament with some guy named Joseph, not sure his last name cause whenever I asked him he seemed to get really offended and say "Bye, then" so I told him I wouldn't push the topic further with him. He could be a felon I'm not sure I tried to contact my local police department but they have my number blocked due to excessive calls regarding seeing people in my street that I do NOT respect (they are children) but they will never come out and arrest them like I wanted them to so they got a court order to prevent me calling them but unfortunately they couldn't stop or prove it was me so they just blacklisted my number. I've been burgled 50 times since but I can't report it. I guess that's just what happens when you live in the freest country on Earth ( AMERICA WOOHOO ). It's just a shame we rank so low in education my brother is illiterate because he was arrested by the police for not having a clear and see through backpack and not walking through metal detectors that he is required to walk through just to get an education because we have so many restrictions on what we must do to acquire some kind of education, but fuck education cause we've got free and open access to firearms, second amendment woohoo!

It's just a shame three of my other siblings (technically double-siblings woohoo USA USA) have died in mass shooting events. But it's not a gun issue it's a mental health issue we shouldn't restrict the private ownership of firearms - but we also should not fund any form of socialised or universalised healthcare system because it's my tax dollars going to work bombing poor brown people in a third world country who don't even understand what a plane is from the comfort of an air-conditioned office that I'd prefer my tax dollars to go to! Fuck all these freeloaders on welfare and needing socialised healthcare, I have health insurance to cover the cost of my $700 epi-pen for when I accidentally eat peanuts (haha it sounds like penis)  when the food I eat at a chain restaurant is contaminated due to poor and non-universal laws dictating that sometimes they don't have to declare major allergens but my co-pay is only $640 (excess exempt).

But even then I'll spend $2125 (national avg.) on an ambulance but HELL YEAH BROTHER I wish they'd replace the ambulance with a Ford Raptor truck that only has 10mpg (unless it's rolling coal [this is legal in most US states]) that takes up most of the entire lane (why are there so many road fatalities in the US by the way) and has nearly ZERO regulations on what shitboxes can get on the road, but the Raptor can just BONK em outta the way amirite guys? Don't forget the truck nuts cause a truck looking in any way feminine is socialism and perhaps effeminate things could actually be the fabled Antifa...

But fuck yeah US number 1

1 minute ago, Tex1221 said:

Names Jacob 

Live near Dallas TX and I mow grass. : 0

You live up to your name sir.

My name is Sov.  I once brutally killed a man in close quarters combat by shoving a can opener into his eye and not stopping until I hit the back of his skull.  I like puppies, long walks on the beach, and spending time with my family. 

GRATS @ Not Skateezy -Don't Ban-  .. you got the server owner on your post!  I only manage to do that when I'm knee deep in mako rumors.

8 minutes ago, The Sovereign said:

GRATS @ Not Skateezy -Don't Ban-  .. you got the server owner on your post!  I only manage to do that when I'm knee deep in mako rumors.

the real server owner is not ryan but @ Magic Mike

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hello i am a male stripper and i own olympus entertainment @ Ryan  handles the day to day but i handle the investors 

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  • Suicidal Frog

I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. I am also a frog.

2 hours ago, KermitZooicide said:

I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. I am also a frog.

more like trained to perform kamikaze missions

  • Developer II
20 hours ago, Ryan said:

My name is Ryan and @ Milo  has served to be a professional gambling addict.

Tallest tale I've ever heard- liar liar pants on fire! Also you and @ Rexo  every night:


  • Chief of Furry Police
38 minutes ago, Milo said:

Tallest tale I've ever heard- liar liar pants on fire! Also you and @ Rexo  every night:


Woah woah woah that’s some crossfire there.  I was stayin outta it.  #milobrokeit

  • Haha 1

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