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I Hope This Doesn't Trigger Anyone

Is Moob & Co. Media Center A Good Thing?  

73 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you entertained by my videos and find them funny?

  2. 2. Are you offended by my videos?

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I recently posted a video about Kirby being executed. I came on today and it was no longer there, it was deleted. I'm not exactly sure what caused it to be deleted. Not sure what was offensive about it and from the feedback it seemed that the majority of people who viewed it were entertained. The main purpose of the video was to entertain the viewers. Does this mean that if something on the forums triggers a single person or a minority of people it will be removed? Will all of my future videos be removed? I hope that everyone realizes this videos are jokes about in-game rivalries, its supposed to be funny. I personally believe that my videos and Moob & Co. Media Center add character to Olympus. 



What's your say on this topic, Olympus Community?

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I don't see why they are removed. In the past they were kept, if you did not like it then you did not and that was the end of it.

I don't only speak for myself but for others, I find them entertaining as I know they are a joke. MC is always known as the 'terrorists' and so we keep our

character going that way, some like it and some don't. Matter of opinion, and how dark ones humour is.


If a staff member or two don't like a suggestion they simply ignore it or add their reason why they don't like it, not straight off remove it. All a matter of opinion and because one or few don't share that opinion, does not mean it should be removed.

Of course there will always be a few people that find your videos like that offensive. Everyone can very selectively choose what videos to watch and what forum posts to click on and be involved in. If a person feels that a video is offensive to them, they may have a very good reason. I am not saying its wrong, but to other people it is entertaining. No one is making you watch anything so if the majority of people are finding these videos entertaining/funny I don't see why they would be removed.

The reason why some of your videos have been removed is most likely due to the real world terrorist group being tied into them. If your videos were exclusive to arma 3 gameplay then they most likely wouldn't be removed. We've got a fair number of players in the community that have served in the military, some of which have gone up against extremist groups that are similar if not the same group(s) depicted in your videos. Yes we're apart of a gaming community and you've stated that you make the videos for fun and to entertain others, but to some this may bring in some harmful memories that are not necessarily desired. To be entirely honest I don't take offense from your videos but I can see how some might, after all there are specifics listed in the server rules...


  1. Do not use names that are associated with extremist groups
  2. ?Do not post things that will be hateful, racial, derogatory, sexual, ect on the forums
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See thats the thing, I don't add anything that identifies as a terrorist group. I don't add symbols,flags or anything with terrorist acts in them. The problem is what people perceive as terrorists or terrorism. Arabic writing, music, and Arabic people aren't related to terrorism. People see Arabic people with guns and automatically assume its a terrorist. The U.S. backed/funded FSA look just like your typical Al-Qaeda/ISIS member, the identifying difference between groups like the FSA and ISIS is not their appearance but their ideology and what their fighting for. The way someone dresses, speaks, or looks doesn't make them a terrorist, its what their doing and what they believe.



The irl parts of my video don't identify who they are. Its better that way, no need to bring politics into it. So when you watch the video you see Arabs with AKs getting out of a van and that's it. The people that get offended add an image to those people and a label on them which cause offense to them.


The bottom line is, all you see is a man in black with a mask watching the news on multiple tvs. After that you see a couple vans drive into the desert and masked men with aks get out of the van. I don't see how anyone can be offended by this. The only way people can get offended is if they imagine or believe who this men are, what they do, and what they believe. My video doesn't include anything of that, so I don't see why it was deleted. 

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MC is always known as the 'terrorists' and so we keep our

character going that way, some like it and some don't. Matter of opinion, and how dark ones humour is.


Matter of opinion, and how dark ones humour is.



or how sadistic you are but ya same thing

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See thats the thing, I don't add anything that identifies as a terrorist group. I don't add symbols,flags or anything with terrorist acts in them. The problem is what people perceive as terrorists or terrorism. Arabic writing, music, and Arabic people aren't related to terrorism. People see Arabic people with guns and automatically assume its a terrorist. The U.S. backed/funded FSA look just like your typical Al-Qaeda/ISIS member, the identifying difference between groups like the FSA and ISIS is not their appearance but their ideology and what their fighting for. The way someone dresses, speaks, or looks doesn't make them a terrorist, its what their doing and what they believe.



The irl parts of my video don't identify who they are. Its better that way, no need to bring politics into it. So when you watch the video you see Arabs with AKs getting out of a van and that's it. The people that get offended add an image to those people and a label on them which cause offense to them.


The bottom line is, all you see is a man in black with a mask watching the news on multiple tvs. After that you see a couple vans drive into the desert and masked men with aks get out of the van. I don't see how anyone can be offended by this. The only way people can get offended is if they imagine or believe who this men are, what they do, and what they believe. My video doesn't include anything of that, so I don't see why it was deleted. 


This is how I've always felt.


I could see the gang name "ISIS" being offensive, but Arab militants with no obvious affiliation are just people with guns.


What would the response be if someone found American military and ideology offensive on our forums? Would we remove those videos? Would the person just be flamed by the community? Or would it be accepted and left alone?





I love philosophy

The issue is when you see children shooting guns, mutilated bodies, dead children, obvious suggestive themes in the video and so forth. If you want it to be funny then make it funny, do not use issues that many people take offensively. The suggestions you are putting in the videos and the way people are perceiving them are of your own fault. You create the videos because you know the reaction it will receive.


As simple as this, if you make a video and it is perceived to be a RL terrorist nature, good or bad, it's going to get removed. If there are dead children in the video, it will be removed. If it is felt to be out of line with what we allow it will be removed. Keep the content to the game not RL situations.


On a side note, Pete you are banned from the servers already on a permanent basis. You really don't need access to the forums being the ban will never be lifted. Be grateful that you have not lost this access.

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Videos such as these are rather distasteful and inappropriate given current world events.  You should probably consider the fact that your video is depicting an act of terror, which is neither funny, nor entertaining.  People are being executed in the same manner on a consistent basis.  Also, Soldiers from many countries have fought and died trying to prevent these atrocities. Thats probably why your video was removed as it was rather inappropriate.  I would think that this would go without saying but I guess not.  

  • Like 4

I'll not vote, but say this:


Your latest video is meant to mimic the famous ISIS beheading scenes of the several journalists/individuals who have had their heads literally taken off by a knife, with the exact same set up and discussion style as your last video. To say that you're not being group specific is literally the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.





As a side note, I've repeatedly heard you produce these videos only because 


"You think its funny because it pisses Hades off"

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To begin with, the video did not contain children shooting guns, it did contain real life news broadcasts. I assumed if that footage could be broadcast to millions of people through a media outlet it would be okay on the forums, I guess not. The video was supposed to show a person seeking revenge for the actions of the government, the Olympus government as I stated in the speech and the videos I added on top of the tvs.


My video is depicting an act of terror in Arma 3. Running up to someone in Kavala and killing them when they don't have a weapon is also an act of terror. Killing, bombing, and the use of weapons is an act of terror to many people. Arma 3 is filled with terror but the thing is, its not real, its a form of entertainment. Many soldiers from many countries have also died to stop war and killings. I don't think its offensive to them when we play Arma 3 and shot/bomb each other.


 Movies display and reenact events for entertainment. Hundreds of movies display things like this and other acts of war/terror. Again, this is not real, its just a video made for people to watch, some people find it funny, some people find it interesting and then some people don't like it.  If you don't like the video don't click a thread with a title like the ones I post.


I can understand some parts of the argument against these videos and my future videos will have less real life images. Although, I think a great addition to the forums would be an 18 and over section where mature adults can enjoy content meant for adults.




P.S. One of the reasons these videos stared getting produced is because of Snakes views about certain groups of people and certain regions. The rage over these videos is also a plus although most of that rage comes from Snake and his buddies.



P.S. One of the reasons these videos stared getting produced is because of Snakes views about certain groups of people and certain regions. The rage over these videos is also a plus although most of that rage comes from Snake and his buddies.


And there you have it, Blatantly breaking Forum rules, intentionally trying to start flame wars and targeting religious groups.


Also, 18+ for mature people? These videos are blatantly opposite of maturity - they make light of serious world events by using real life images and mimicking of serious events. Thats Hardly mature.


Also, this vote is humerus to me considering more than 80% of the votes belong to MC. 



I'll leave it at this: If maturity is intentionally trying to make people angry, I'd say we probably don't need a section like that on the forums.

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No as he will not be given another chance due to the reason for the ban. This is the same reason there are others who are not given another chance. Certain actions are simply not allowed and chances are not given for them actions. Ppl assume they know why this player is banned when in fact they do not.

Why not? Does he not deserve the same rights afforded other members of this community?


I wish people would stop harassing hades over the recent unbans - CHEATING/EXPLOITING IS NOT THE SAME AS SIMPLY BREAKING A RULE

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idk i think if snake can get unbanned from multiple perm bans anyone can get unbanned with the right apology/time

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Pete i liked the video. keep em coming. next time put up a title tho that mentions it could be offensive to some. I thinkt he problem was like hades said i depicted RL dead people. i know it would take alot more work but try and fill all the screens with Arma 3 footage and then maybe have the vans roll like you did then cut back to arma. idk just a suggestion.





No as he will not be given another chance due to the reason for the ban. This is the same reason there are others who are not given another chance. Certain actions are simply not allowed and chances are not given for them actions. Ppl assume they know why this player is banned when in fact they do not.


I've heard a few things. Imo hacking is the only thing that should actually stay a perm. But lets presume what snake said is correct and he exploited and thats why he was permd... how does that harm the community any more/less than harassing members of the community endlessly? Mass RDM/VDM? Abusing positions of authority? Do these things not harm the community? Why are those excusable and others not.

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Hacking should most definantly stay a Perm ban. With exploiting it should be a Perm ban aswell but i do feel that after sometime if the person apoligizes for there actions and is placed on some restrictions he/she should be allowed back into the community. 

Videos where images of war is seen is not okey, no matter what country is shown in the video, you could post a video of Norways elite army group killing people and i would still vote to get it removed due to the fact that it has no place on this forum...

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