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The admins never show bias towards NEMESIS players

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11 hours ago, America's Number 1 Fangirl said:

computer app GIF

Wash Hands Corona GIF by adambanaszek


nemesis gang is virus

In case of contact with these bacteria, wash your hands with hot water

racism @ Grandma Gary @ -dante- @ Xlax @ xsmitherz @ David Miller

any black admin on?

@ CaloomClark

whta is the new ?


11 hours ago, America's Number 1 Fangirl said:


@ Fraali You cannot detect cheats. A civilian blew me up with a protector

If he hadn't detonated this bomb and I hadn't reported him, Kavalada would have continued killing people with his aimbot.

Sometimes I see SCRIPTING bans posted by you. never ban hacker

There are even cheating videos shot on the olmypus server.

Not everyone in the Nemesis gang uses cheats, but there are people who do.

Give me in-game monitoring. Let me prove you the trick in 1 week

Or watch these players yourself, you'll see they're cheating

I only just watched this for the first time on this thread. Brother you need to take adaptive crosshair off in your settings that is step one. The fact that your body flops around like my my sack during turbulence is a large indication that the server was NOT preforming as it was suppose to!

ok i changed my mind can you guys go back to using translate so i can understand you? thanks

  • +1 1

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