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Locked What the hell has the APD come to?

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I thought the APD were trained and fucking tought correctly about RP, and shit but I guess not, this past month people have been getting corporal and have been abusing their powers for one, two everyone is getting demoted or de-whitelisted/blacklisted for fucked up reasons, I've seen some fucked up situations were you have to just give back the person lost because you robo-copped them or what the fuck ever, all I have to say is the APD is becoming something it shouldn't be and it was great but this past month it's been complete dogshit and it's not fun anymore. I don't want this post to become a hate thread, or a thread that everyone is biased about, it's just my opinion and I wanted to get this out there, as many know already.

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with 8 minutes left in restart I was rushed to a vigilante shop, robocoped hard as fuck. When I asked why are you rushing through this, he answered "I was ordered too". Now that's fucked up.

Also I was blacklisted from cop for sending an rdmer straight to jail instead of waiting for my higher up (PO) that ordered me not to do anything because he wanted to send him to jail because he had a high bounty.

How awesome is the apd?

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Well ur right, a lot has changed these past weeks, I personally am not letting cops calls rules on civ, and have some crap robo cop rp, im goin back to the way it used to be. Back when i first got chief and we didnt have to baby sit. So yea theres people that are gonna be mad when they got caught for doing something that they think isnt bad, because we've been WAY to nice. Heck i remember Travis removing deputys that went to the drug dealer by themselves. Just because they didnt listen or obviously didnt read the handbook. So yea this is just the beginning. Cop is a EARNED WHITELISTED spot if people cant deal with pressures of being a privileged player then they can leave..which obviously u already have stepped down. Im weeding out the problems. Looking for the ones who want to commit, no matter of ur gang if u cant respect it then you dont need to have it.  

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Yeah, I just blacklisted myself from APD. It was fun all the memories I had when I was in the APD but this past month the higher ups have made horrible decisions and everyone can back me up, end of story I am tired of it and it's going to end the server very soon.

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This thread is disappointing in comparison to my ''Stepping down from APD'' Thread, that was the equivalent to the great fire of London in terms of what it did to the forums.

Edited by Corporal_moob
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The SAPD have actually stepped it up lately. There is one simple rule you all failed to follow, its a easy ass rule. DONT QUOTE RULES! How hard is that? Its really not. If someone breaks a rule submit it, no need to talk about it in game. ORRR even better, move along. Not like none of you havent broke rules. I agree, most of the guys that were unwhitlisted were decent cops, but that dose not exempt you from following the rules like any other cop.

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The more you talk shit about the APD, the more it crumbles. That's what started this whole chain reaction, the APD slowly get more and more tired of people getting salty and complaining about their mistakes. EVERYONE makes mistakes, nobody can be 100% perfect. Just accept the fact that the APD is tired of being pushed around. If you don't like the APD, don't make a forum post about it. It's just more and more unwanted shit

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Well ur right, a lot has changed these past weeks, I personally am not letting cops calls rules on civ, and have some crap robo cop rp, im goin back to the way it used to be. Back when i first got chief and we didnt have to baby sit. So yea theres people that are gonna be mad when they got caught for doing something that they think isnt bad, because we've been WAY to nice. Heck i remember Travis removing deputys that went to the drug dealer by themselves. Just because they didnt listen or obviously didnt read the handbook. So yea this is just the beginning. Cop is a EARNED WHITELISTED spot if people cant deal with pressures of being a privileged player then they can leave..which obviously u already have stepped down. Im weeding out the problems. Looking for the ones who want to commit, no matter of ur gang if u cant respect it then you dont need to have it.  

Hell yeah Ace, bring back the good old days brother :D 

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This thread is disappointing in comparison to my ''Stepping down from APD'' Thread, that was the equivalent to the great fire of London in terms of what it did to the forums.

A single one of your threads has never even come close to touching half of some of my threads.


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why do you people even care holy shit. if someone doesn't rp who cares move on get the hell over it. if you don't like the way the apd is being ran, then don't be a part of it and don't associate with it. if the game isn't fun to you anymore don't play it. i don't get why people care so much about shit that isn't in their control. 

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I thought the APD were trained and fucking tought correctly about RP, and shit but I guess not, this past month people have been getting corporal and have been abusing their powers for one, two everyone is getting demoted or de-whitelisted/blacklisted for fucked up reasons, I've seen some fucked up situations were you have to just give back the person lost because you robo-copped them or what the fuck ever, all I have to say is the APD is becoming something it shouldn't be and it was great but this past month it's been complete dogshit and it's not fun anymore. I don't want this post to become a hate thread, or a thread that everyone is biased about, it's just my opinion and I wanted to get this out there, as many know already.


Instead of posting "how shit the APD is" Why don't you do something about it? Ask for training's. If you see 5 deputies to 1 P.O help out. Posting on the forums isn't going to do any justice. Help out where its needed. Forums like this isn't needed. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. But at the end of the day, its just a game. If you don't realize it you need to take a step back. This is a great community and an awesome server. 


this past month people have been getting corporal and have been abusing their powers for one,

Got a problem with a corporal tell a Lt +


two everyone is getting demoted or de-whitelisted/blacklisted for fucked up reasons, I've seen some fucked up situations were you have to just give back the person lost because you robo-copped them or what the fuck ever, 

Don't be one of the scum bags who starts quoting rules and still wants to get a RP session out of it. I'm down to RP and everything, Theres been multiple times where I have coached people into RP situations. You get what you put in. Shitty RP = Shitty Interaction with the APD. 

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The SAPD have actually stepped it up lately. There is one simple rule you all failed to follow, its a easy ass rule. DONT QUOTE RULES! How hard is that? Its really not. If someone breaks a rule submit it, no need to talk about it in game. ORRR even better, move along. Not like none of you havent broke rules. I agree, most of the guys that were unwhitlisted were decent cops, but that dose not exempt you from following the rules like any other cop.

So just report the hell out of everyone? There are often new players who dont even know there are rules... I do my best to help the out in a polite manner and RP it as best i can because often times newer players dont even know the server has rules

Edited by JBruesch
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So just report the hell out of everyone? There are often new players who dont even know there are rules... I do my best to help the out in a polite manner and RP it as best i can because often times newer players dont even know the server has rules

When you first load in. It tells you were the rules are. Also it states something along the lines of "just because you dont know the rules, doesn't make you exempt from them." I mean it is an a RP server.

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