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My time here is done.


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So obviously everyone has known that i have stepped back recently due to some situations that have happened. I have thought about them quite a bit but upon recent things I think its best I just step away all together.

Now I had a lot of stuff typed out here which of course would cause drama and lets be honest a lot of joy to some people on the website. But i have decided to just say this.

I have put countless time into this server, hours upon hours into the APD and when i finally got staff way back when. I worked hard to make sure that everything was held to a high standard, to make sure that this was the best server out there. I enjoyed my time here, I enjoyed some people here and others well...not so much. 

Honestly I feel like the server is on a major decline, its nothing like it used to be. The quality of the server was so much better back in the day..well until recently I feel.

So to not start to much drama im just gonna keep things small.

Poseidon...Learn to trust your staff, they need to know that you do trust them and thats why you let them be there. If you dont, then theres no point in having them. Trying to do this yourself is impossible, and it was great to hear your letting Odin have access to more. Hopefully thatll give Olympus more time. 

Gary...I love ya dude, one of the most fun guys to play with. Best troll, and great admin....good luck and congrats with that new tag.

Odin...best of luck my friend. You already know what im talkin about ;)

To all the other staff it was great working with you. And to most of the community it was nice speaking on a daily basis. I hope you all have a beautiful time and the best of lives..


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Ace, never had the pleasure of playing alongside of you, but its always hard to see someone committed throwing in the towel. Take it easy buddy and it was nice to have ya.

I'm just going to put my shitin here @Ace regarding trusting staff, haven't you learned that there is no such thing as trust on the internet. Think about it how many of us played on a community where one staff member went rouge bc something crawled up his / her ass. You can't trust anybody. the reason why the server has been up for so long is because none of us have any power to fuck with shit. also ace I love you but I also find you hot headed and you seem like you're throwing a fit like hades bc you did not get access to servers.  But on a final note Ace although you are a little hot headed you where a great addition and part of the community and I wish you luck.... ALSO Olympus  is on a decline because arma is on a Decline all servers are on A decline because BIS needs to fix see shit. 




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