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The Making Of A Movie! Transformers: True Kavala Chaos!

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I hereby Announce The Making Of The New Transformers: True Kavala Chaos! Directed by Cuzzi

     WARNING!: Many CIVS and APD were harmed in the making of this film!  Please by all means try this at home!

                 -  FYI: There were a total of 30 Hatchback Sports, 1 Hummingbird, and 1 Hemmt Transport Blown Up In The Making Of This Film!

Part 1: The Setup!

     - http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/387672015420814866/8F094DDB24139D4A851102FB1F5EC39663DBBB64/

     - http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/387672015420815993/DD5ACE0F0EACB79727A6549D7D2FEA8BC04FBC64/

     - http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/387672015420816922/51984A74D6083E06BBDE171780E9FA0D77489B91/


Part 2: The Ignition Switch!

   - https://gyazo.com/c235513ea992233b185a8ac1d4fa4d68


Part 3: The Aftermath!

   - https://youtu.be/nGDEPTfTEUQ

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It's alright everything in the video that was lost was my own property (except that hummi RIP and an Officer's Hatchback) I had a permit from the APD to shoot my film and gave a fair 10min warning to all pedestrians nearby! :) ps: That hummi was landing to pick me up to take a photo lol

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You were not in the heli... I was there for a good 5 or 10 minutes after it all ended and I didn't arrest anyone. If you got arrested after all that, thats your own fault for loitering around a mass casualty incident.

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1 hour ago, Lucki said:

You were not in the heli... I was there for a good 5 or 10 minutes after it all ended and I didn't arrest anyone. If you got arrested after all that, thats your own fault for loitering around a mass casualty incident.

*Correction -> MOVIE SET not Mass Casualty Incident

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  • 8 months later...

We did one back in pre wipe, where we made a train of hatchbacks just in a row and circling around some blocks in athira, and it was like dominos going in a row to form this big circle, and it was amazing. One my friends  had the video somewhere but i cant find it:(

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