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"Best Of" 2016 edition.


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Some of you know there was a post back in 2014 called ""Best of" Players"

It's been quite a while and we're in the beginning of 2016 with a lot of different players making up the community so let's see what comes out of it this time!


Also, no voting for yourself and no voting on the same person twice.


By the way, if you don't come into this thread fully expecting a circlejerk, then you need to evaluate your expectations. That's all this thread is gonna be, lol.



Best Shot: R* Rusty

Best Driver: Virus (Hands DOWN) ((RIP Toe Knee passenger seat))

Best Heli Pilot: [MC] G.O.A.T. for those borderline RVD rotor snaps

Best Officer: |SS| Joel for the quote "A-P you'll get the D later, hands up!" - Deputy Joel

Best R&R: Commander Suki

Best Kavala Troll: [DB] Dingle - For threatening people to do backflips in their helis in kavala or be titaned. And then actually delivering

Best RP'r: Grandma Gary 

Most Tactical: Deimos

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Corporal_Moob

Most Reliable: Gidgit

Most Dedicated Player: Toe Knee for actually going from a passenger seat cop with a 50% mortality rate to designing shit like the map, good job dude.

Best CQC player: Mobundo African Warlord.

Best Clutch plays: Gummycow for gorilla mode


MVP: Best player all around goes to my boy Peter Long when he isn't playing Elite: Dangerous and/or the Forest. Which is like, never.

Best Shot: EatMeth or Corporal_moob

Best Driver: Fat_clemenza

Best Heli Pilot: The one and only G.O.A.T

Best Officer: Jack dukes For the beeping noise he made while processing me and meth

Best R&R: Peter Hunter

Best Kavala Troll: Crispy Aaron 

Best RP'r: TheRealKyle And Dejay

Most Tactical: TheRealKyle

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Corporal_Moob,TheRealKyle,EatMeth,Gummycow,Rusty,3Rip,Dejay,Adi,Fat_Clemenza,John Linka,Taxi Marty,Mdili,RougeMk,Huskers,ToeKnee,XvlSavagelvx,Orcpoc,Goat

Most Reliable:Kanger 

Most Dedicated Player: Corporal_Moob

Best CQC player: EatMeth

Best Clutch plays: Always

MVP: Orcpoc for being able to be good at all the things listed above!

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Best Shot: babooshka

Best Driver: clemenza

Best Heli Pilot: goat 100%

Best Officer: ham


Best Kavala Troll: eatmeth

Best RP'r:[Taxi] Marty

Most Tactical:Adi

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Corporal_Moob, Dejay, GhostFace, Gummycow, Rusty, Babooshka, Huskers, Jopple, Linka, Quintin, GOAT, Rambler, orcpoc, happy, Toe Knee, Brody, Mcdili, the list goes on honestly

Most Reliable: Kanger for always havin that titan

Most Dedicated Player: Moob.

Best CQC player: Alwayz.

Best Clutch plays: sp99ky m9m9r aka Gummycow


MVP: Honestly cant choose one.

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Best Shot: 3 Rip or Babooshka

Best Driver: Virus

Best Heli Pilot: Ghostface

Best Officer: Ghostface

Best R&R: Commander Suki

Best Kavala Troll: ZHS 

Best RP'r: Mcdili

Most Tactical: Babooshka

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with:  Gummycow, Zhs, Deimos, Rusty, Babooshka, Cake, Huskers, Jopple, Eric, iDictatee, Mr. Kevin, Leon, Kyle, Ghostface, 3 Rip, G.O.A.T, Linka, Virus 

Most Reliable: Eric

Most Dedicated Player: Cake

Best CQC player: Huskers

Best Clutch plays: Eric 


MVP: Eric or 3 Rip or Deimos

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Guest G.O.A.T.

Best Shot: anyone in possession of the $tanky rahim

Best lagsterbater: *R* R9sty

Best Driver: [Taxi] Marty

Best Heli Pilot: Kanger

Best Officer: cLoak

Best R&R: sp00kalo Bill

Best Kavala Troll: Jopple&Gummycow hostage situations

Best RP'r: [Taxi] Marty

Most Tactical: d9jay

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: OpTic TheRealKyle, SoaR Dejay, Eatmeth (when workers arent stolen), Rambler, ToeKnee, Ghost, Kanger, Clemenza, Moob, Midnight, rest of the l8 night crew.

Most Reliable: Clemenza

Most Dedicated Player: Dustin87

Best CQC player: [MC] "Losing connection" Alwayz

Best Clutch plays: Kanger, cannot forget the .50 cal 1 taps


MVP: Eatmeth for beautifully recreating my endless voice cracks.


Best Shot: My boy Trimorphious Always stealing my kills. @Trimorphious

Best Driver: Wang/ Weathers 

Best Heli Pilot: BigPat For losing Connection every time he gets in the air.

Best Officer: CheeseGrater @Cheesegrater

Best R&R: Issac Newton

Best Kavala Troll: [TAXI] Marty~ =]

Best RP'r: |SS| Azela

Most Tactical:  F3AR

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with:  Ham @Ham

Most Reliable: Phizx 

Most Dedicated Player:  Nino Brown

Best CQC player:  Pinkmen

Best Clutch plays:  JackL for always being the watch dog ( what ever that means :P)

MVP: In my opinion Corban has been the Most MVP in Olympus to me he was always there when i needed help, or when i was playing alone and needed someone to play with.@WanaBeCop

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1 minute ago, JoelProof said:


Best Shot: My boy Trimorphious Always stealing my kills. @Trimorphious

Best Driver: Wang/ Weathers 

Best Heli Pilot: BigPat For losing Connection every time he gets in the air.

Best Officer: CheeseGrater @Cheesegrater

Best R&R: Issac Newton

Best Kavala Troll: [TAXI] Marty~ =]

Best RP'r: |SS| Azela

Most Tactical:  F3AR

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with:  Ham @Ham

Most Reliable: Phizx 

Most Dedicated Player:  Nino Brown

Best CQC player:  Pinkmen

Best Clutch plays:  JackL for always being the watch dog ( what ever that means :P)

MVP: In my opinion Corban has been the Most MVP in Olympus to me he was always there when i needed help, or when i was playing alone and needed someone to play with.@WanaBeCop


Best Shot: McDili

Best Driver: Bubbaloo

Best Heli Pilot: Lucki

Best Officer: All The Senior Apd :)

Best R&R: Brody 

Best Kavala Troll: Gidgit

Best RP'r: Peter Long

Most Tactical: Adi

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Fat Clemenza

Most Reliable: GhostFace

Most Dedicated Player: Moob

Best CQC player: Huskers

Best Clutch plays: Nick5523

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7 minutes ago, EatMeth said:

Best Driver: Bubbaloo

I feel your sarcasm. Went right through my bones. LOL ;) 

  • Like 1
34 minutes ago, EatMeth said:

Best Shot: McDili

Best Driver: Bubbaloo

Best Heli Pilot: Lucki

Best Officer: All The Senior Apd :)

Best R&R: Brody 

Best Kavala Troll: Gidgit

Best RP'r: Peter Long

Most Tactical: Adi

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Fat Clemenza

Most Reliable: GhostFace

Most Dedicated Player: Moob

Best CQC player: Huskers

Best Clutch plays: Nick5523

Best Johnson Hopper: Eatmeth

I've never done one of these lists but I'll just do it really quick and whoever pops up in my mind first will be listed :D Sorry if I forget someone!

Best Shot:  Deimos (I've seen the montages...seen the kill feeds...all I can say is that I'm fucking scared shitless of Deimos LOL)

Best lagsterbater:  Rusty (lol)

Best Driver:  Virus - all day.

Best Heli Pilot:  Muthinator (taught me everything I know)

Best Officer:  McDili (before and during Chief of Police)

Best R&R:  CommanderSuki  (Although I love the entire R&R and you are ALL the best)

Best Kavala Troll:  [DB] Dingle  (dude you're awesome)

Best RP'r:  Kanger (phenomenal player and you should all invest in KangerTech Technologies)

Most Tactical:  APD - Brody (trying to rally the APD is so difficult!) Civ - Corporal_moob (10/10, you're epic man)   R&R - tie between CommanderSuki and Dezree :)

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with:  Grandma Gary!!!!! You see Grandma Gary comin' around the corner, shit's going down.

Most Reliable: [Taxi] Marty (honest, hard-working, ball-kicking)

Most Dedicated Player:  POSEIDON!!!!!!  (seriously though, Thank you for everything Poseidon)

Best CQC player:  Huskers all day.

Best Clutch plays:  Corporal_moob (thinking back on all the APD vs. Civ moments he has had, he definitely works best under pressure and can bring MC together to do some pretty amazing plays)


MVP:  Going to have to give this one to Toe Knee. In fights he is an absolute monster. Behind the scenes, he is doing great as a developer!


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Best Shot: Ollie (the original kavala rookist)

Best Driver:  No one.

Best Heli Pilot: Mcdili

Best Officer: Clemenza

Best R&R: Peta

Best Kavala Troll: no one can break me out of kavala hq quite like dingle pooper can

Best RP'r: toe knee 

Most Tactical: moob

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: you guys know who you are.

Most Reliable: ghostface

Most Dedicated Player: peter long

Best CQC player: anyone of group chats

Best video/montages: Pete Malloy

MVP: olympus staff

Best Shot: 3 rip 

Best Driver:  none

Best Heli Pilot:  adi

Best Officer: Brody 

Best R&R: Issac Newton 

Best Kavala Troll: Fedot

Best RP'r Gidget

Most Tactical:  mcdili 

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Corporal_Moob

Most Reliable: Posiedon 

Most Dedicated Player: Virus

Best CQC player: Mobundo African Warlord.

Best Clutch plays:  gummycow

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Best Shot:  Buffalo Bill

Best Driver: Skim Milk

Best Heli Pilot: TheRealKyle :Kappa:

Best Officer:  McDildo

Best R&R: Joce

Best Kavala Troll: Linka

Best RP'r:  Ghostface

Most Tactical: Moob

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: LOVE STAYING UP LATE PLAYING WITH MY BUDS IN MC @MOOB&CO #MC

Most Reliable: Kanger

Most Dedicated Player: Ham

Best CQC player: Alwayz

Best Clutch plays: Gummygorilla

MVP: Everyone that has made Olympus a great community <3

  • Like 3
1 hour ago, McDili said:

Best Shot: [MC] Corporal_moob [L]

Best Driver: [MC] Corporal_moob [L]

Best Heli Pilot: [MC] Corporal_moob [L]

Best Officer: Forever a Corporal_moob

Best R&R: Who the fuck cares about R&R

Best Kavala Troll: [DB] Dingle - I cannot disgrace Dingle pooper by taking his name out of this.

Best RP'r: [MC] Corporal_moob [L]

Most Tactical: [MC] Corporal_moob [L]

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Corporal_Moob

Most Reliable: [MC] Corporal_moob [L]

Most Dedicated Player: [MC] Corporal_moob [L]

Best CQC player: [MC] Corporal_moob [L]

Best Clutch plays: [MC] Corporal_moob [L]


MVP: Anybody except Peter Long.


Waow McDili.. I really agree with your choices!

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Alright Alright.. The actual List.

Best Shot: Nobody who puts 9s in their name.

Best (Worst) Counter-strike Callouts: Ghostface

Owner of the Best Honda: Fat_Clemenza

Best acceptance of Racism: Mory ''Boy'' Mango

Worst map design: Toe ''I don't give a fuck if I get removed, I'm seizing that hatchback'' Knee

Best Cable Installation: Snake

Most Likely to shoot their parents/Local area and then turn the gun on themselves: Dustin ''I wish my parents would buy me a Glock for Christmas so I can kill them'' 87

Most Admirable Moderator/Admin: G.O.A.T

Best CQC: 9RIC Nguyen's Shotgun

Most Unneeded Sr. APD Suggestions: Peter Long

Most Feared Gang: Skeeter and The Boys

Best ''Best of 2016 post'' : Corporal_moob.



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