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Lonnie's Legacy

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Well all i have come to terms with my time here and it's lead me to a very tough choice. I have met many great people, had some great times, and even got some videos. There comes a time in one's life where you just need to move on and that time for me is now. I found a new place where i can really be me and i once again can enjoy this game with a smile on my face.

I want to thank all of you who i had a good time with, all of you who i would not have been here this long had it not been for you.

This is not a goodbye forever it's more like until i see you again. I have a place in my heart for olympus.

I sold 1 of my houses and moved everything to a good friends. 

I have achieved the following:

corp 4 times, maintained it for over a year

Medic Air responder 4 times


News Team (over 25 videos)

Never banned, Only demoted 1 time (thanks Fedot)


I can say i lived well, i played my ass off and the only regret i have is that i was trapped in a stagnation with only one option left and that was to move on. 

Farewell Medical Corps, Farewell APD, Farewell all. Enjoy every moment that you can, don't be a asshat, and please for the love of god bring the RP back.

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Lonnie :c Honestly one of the greatest RPers on this server. I loved your news videos and they have inspired me in the creation of my own. Please if you ever do decide to come back, realize that Olympus is always open. One of my favorite people here ;c. 


Good luck bud! Wherever your adventures take you.

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45 minutes ago, Lonnie85 said:

Well all i have come to terms with my time here and it's lead me to a very tough choice. I have met many great people, had some great times, and even got some videos. There comes a time in one's life where you just need to move on and that time for me is now. I found a new place where i can really be me and i once again can enjoy this game with a smile on my face.

I want to thank all of you who i had a good time with, all of you who i would not have been here this long had it not been for you.

This is not a goodbye forever it's more like until i see you again. I have a place in my heart for olympus.

I sold 1 of my houses and moved everything to a good friends. 

I have achieved the following:

corp 4 times, maintained it for over a year

Medic Air responder 4 times


News Team (over 25 videos)

Never banned, Only demoted 1 time (thanks Fedot)


I can say i lived well, i played my ass off and the only regret i have is that i was trapped in a stagnation with only one option left and that was to move on. 

Farewell Medical Corps, Farewell APD, Farewell all. Enjoy every moment that you can, don't be a asshat, and please for the love of god bring the RP back.

I agree, bring back the RP!

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13 hours ago, John Linka said:

this isnt happening

not happening

as long as you to move to the server that shall not be named; we're all good babe./


I believe that might be the one :(


Lonnie I only seen you a couple times and that was really only in Kavala lol, I also really enjoyed your news videos, and you always liked to Rp well! I hope your happy in your new community that's all that matters it's a game that's meant to have fun! 

  • Admin

Sad times Lonnie. Wish you the best. You'll come back. Trust me ;) 

not so sure bubbaloo, i already sold the house, and moved the gear to a reliable friend. even gave away most the cash

I just could not change enough things for the better , i lost the fun i had and when that goes so does the fight to want to stay

  • Admin
11 minutes ago, Lonnie85 said:

not so sure bubbaloo, i already sold the house, and moved the gear to a reliable friend. even gave away most the cash

I just could not change enough things for the better , i lost the fun i had and when that goes so does the fight to want to stay

I understand. I only mentioned it because I am biased to Olympus and for me there is no better home. Nothing like Olympus out there ;). But to each their own. Whatever makes you happy. Good luck in your future endeavors. 

17 hours ago, Lonnie85 said:

i was trapped in a stagnation

That's how I felt when I was sitting at corporal for 11 months straight with most cop play time (over 6 hours per day in most cases). Good luck wherever you're headed. We lost an admirable member of the community today.

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Hey Man. I Rp'd With You More then once. and enjoyed every moment you were and are a great member of this community dont become a stranger make sure to throw some troll and salt once and a while on here.

Peace Brotha :)

Lonnie , only played with you a bit, spoke to you in ts a bit more, and well it a shame to see you go, you will be missed.  

It's getting hard watching all these people that make Olympus great leave, but i guess if its the right thing for you, then its got to be. hopefully   i will see you around, i think i know where you are going. Il keep my comments on that to my self. 

well see ya. (

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Lonniieeee! When I hear olympus- I think of two people.. virus for being virus.. and you lonnie! By far the most mature person I have met here! You will be missed good sir! I'm sad to see medic lonnie leave!!

30 minutes ago, Papamunski said:

haha yeah mate, havent done any gaming for months! Gettin out and seeing more of my beautiful country before winter comes back!

Pfft. Real world.


I hear he's actually buying a taxi, guys ;)

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