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I miss BurBan


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Not BurBan pt 2, not the BurBan that came over after wipe into the warzone.


I'm talking about The Burrito Bandits of server 3. 


Some gangs on Olympus go through stages of dominance on their server. Recently you might think of Mayhem or MC in these positions. Back then we had 3 servers and each one had a dominant gang. For server 3 it was BurBan. But Olympus has seen its fair share of dominant gangs, they come and go. Though BurBan was one of the longer standing gangs of its time.


We could argue all day about how they acted and talk about conspiracies or whatever. The main reason I miss BurBan is because they took matters into their own hands.


If a cop screwed up with the rules, they didn't go and bitch about it to the admins or whatever (With the exception of BurBan Toad, guy was a mongoloid) and they didn't go posting it on the forums bitching about this or that. They took matters into their own hands and chose to teach that cop a lesson. They hunted that cop down, took him hostage and just all around made his next hour or two complete shit. Back then the admins frowned upon these tactics, but I miss it. 

This is part of the Altis Life experience! Same thing for medics. Oh you denied services to my gang for some dumb reason? Hope you enjoy being followed around and told not to revive everyone you try to revive for the rest of the restart. Deny my gang, I deny your service to everyone. This is how BurBan taught lessons to folks. Taught them not to fuck with them. SO much more preferable than having a gang just brigade the forums moaning about things that need to be changed. CHANGE IT YOURSELF, make your mark and teach folks not to fuck with you.


They also did some nice things to the smaller guys. The gang robbed everyone, didn't discriminate. When it came to fully functional gangs they showed no mercy. But when it came to the little guys doing legal runs. They made a very big show of force to establish their dominance in a situation, and demanded the people talked with them. They made a deal. BurBan gets 30% of every run you do. You tell us when you do a run before you start it. We may even protect you, but we can ensure that we certainly won't rob you of your take. Just give us 30%.

I remember one time I just happened to tag along with them once and they found some guys that neglected to tell them about the run. BurBan flew over, chastised them for it and the guys exclaimed they were sorry for not letting them know and quickly offered their 30%.


This was a gang that just had a massive influence. If you screwed up against them, they'd make your experience hell. When they left, players rejoiced. And there were certainly some things about the gang that sucked and I didn't agree with. But I just miss how they chose to ACT and try to teach people lessons instead of just moaning about shit on the forums like the gangs of today seem to favor more.


Just some thoughts running through my head today that I figured I'd share.

5 minutes ago, Rusty said:

#FuckAllMedics <3 

Denied services for life.

Also, DB made giggles and sport of my pronunciation of BurBan...

BUR Baaaan


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59 minutes ago, McDili said:

If a cop screwed up with the rules, they didn't go and bitch about it to the admins or whatever

El 0h El

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Stealth was a really cool dude. I miss having a powerful gang around because today I would be able to have some great fights with them. It's honestly a shame that we're (Mayhem) are so limited to fighting just 1 or 2 gangs that are even remotely to our level. Would be truly amazing to see them come back full force but they seem to be tied to a different server.

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47 minutes ago, McDili said:

KI actually did a lot of the old "Taking matters into their own hands" stuff. I think Nacho took it a little too far as a medic when he picked up a Katiba and blasted some fool.


I miss Nacho

I still remember that, I was on cop and Vondrex was telling some guy to put his hands up or a sniper would kill him. He grabbed the Katiba and layed down, he killed Vondrex and the sniper killed the guy. Should have restrained Nacho but it was way to funny.

56 minutes ago, babooshka said:


well i mean when you take a group of people that play the game for fun and mix them with the kids trying to play in the next arma 3 dreamhack finals this is the reaction you get. kinda like how devil is when he plays cs with us :^)

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1 hour ago, Jaeger Mannen said:

I miss BurBan.. The Last Major Rival Gang I truly Respected.. now we got these "Top Kek""LMAO""quickpeek" and "rekt" gangs....



jaeger u are a literal joke 

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15 minutes ago, Lethal said:

is this the same burban than now plays cop on archetype? 


Yeah that's one and the same. They are nothing like the gang they used to be a year and a half ago.

The left after some issues between the admins of that time. They came back after wipe (Actually a year ago last month) and competed with MC. This time last year was probably when they were strongest. They had Symfuhny, Deimos, Big Bad Adam, and Honeybooboo with them among a few other strong players. I distinctly remember MC and them going back and forth trading victories but they eventually left again for whatever reason. MC was stronger back then as well I'd say compared to now. Moob wasn't a SGT yet so they had a pretty strong presence on civ.


BurBan now is nothing compared to the BurBan 1 year ago, that's for sure.


I disagree, server3 burban was better than year ago. None of the originals were there, it was just randoms that played.  ie majestic, huskers, etc.


Cops actually didn't like to play on server3 because it was always cops vs civs and cops always lost because it was just POs with MXC's.


Server1 was Exile, POTP, and there was some other gang

Server2 was KI, Nerdz, BFO

Server3 was just burban...so always cop vs civ

2 minutes ago, John Wayne said:

I disagree, server3 burban was better than year ago. None of the originals were there, it was just randoms that played.  ie majestic, huskers, etc.


Cops actually didn't like to play on server3 because it was always cops vs civs and cops always lost because it was just POs with MXC's.


Server1 was Exile, POTP, and there was some other gang

Server2 was KI, Nerdz, BFO

Server3 was just burban...so always cop vs civ

Server 3 BurBan was more ruthless. The BurBan last year is much more similar to Mayhem today. They were there for the warzone and the fight more than anything else.


Server 3 BurBan, I can't attest much for their strength as a gang since I didn't play 3 very much. I played 2 with Nerdz back then. I just remember how ruthless they were compared to any other time which is what this post is about. The OP is about how I miss how those guys would just take matters into their own hands and how I'd rather today's gangs to favor doing something about it on civ rather than moaning on the forums about rules or factions.


Server 1 was Exile, POTP, and PRAE

Server 2 depending on the time of that period was DC/EPDB, Nerdz, BFO, KI, IS (Later to be MC), and BurBan PD (They didn't play cop on server 3 against their own). 

Server 3 was just BurBan, as you said. They just made it hell for anyone to try and oppose them back then. I remember server 3 being the one you just didn't go to because BurBan was there. they really had a powerful influence.


I have to say server 2 was the most fun. It had the largest diversity of gangs back then. There was multiple gang fights every day at drug processors, field, everywhere. There was a lot more fighting back then. People always say this is an RP server, and that's true. But it's the gangs that make Altis Life what it is. Gangs are the lifeblood of this server. You guys gotta take action towards what you don't like in-game. Posting on the forums can do some good sometimes, but it's much louder to speak with your actions.


Lot of gangs bitch about medics lately, so go make their day shit then. Something's gonna change eventually. Or if you like medics, help them. Whatever floats your boat.

Cops fighting a gang you don't like? Don't be a mamby pamby and ask for immunity. Kill the gang and kill the cops. Kill them all. 

Cops pissing you off? Takeover their HQ's for a half hour.

Some gang just killed your guys? Don't sulk, this is the internet. Pride smide. If your gang is worth its shit then it has plenty of gang funds to pick itself up and go try again. Your enemy won't go away if you just let them walk over you and you won't get better if you shy away from fights.

This is how you teach. If you want people to not screw you or screw up, gotta punish them for it in the only way you can.


43 minutes ago, John Wayne said:


Server2 was KI, Nerdz, BFO


ayyyyyyy BFO

server 2 was the shit back then. some people will never know the wars that went on. oh man the memories.

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