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Medics and General Harassment/Bullying

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People are to impatient when it comes to waiting for the medics to arrive.. I know i resigned from my position in R&R because i just lost the drive to continue with all of it... But even with all the harrassment and verbal abuse, i still have so many good memories with the rest of the R&R team :)

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Jesus Christ, I rant about medics all the time. But not because of ETA's. They do not have to give us an ETA. As of right now, until we get epi-pens they are all we have. Some of them always sit in kavala, or go afk. Complain about THEM. Not the ones who drive SUVs 10km and don't give ETA but make it their duty to get to you.

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2 hours ago, Benjamin Remer said:

I have been a Medic 2 times, both times I never got to Search & Rescue. The first time was sometime back in 2014 or 15. The next was like 4-5 Months ago. But I'm not a Medic anymore

And why are you no longer a medic? If you say it's boring, how about you come fix the ETA problem yourself? ETA's will not help anyone or anything. They only hurt, and make the time go slower.

Benjamin it's like there's a one way mirror in front of you everyone else but you is able to read what people have been trying to tell you but the only thing you can see is you i don't know if your a kid or just so self absorbed that you cant see past your own needs try to remove the picture of your self and read what people have been trying to tell you just once we dont expect you to give a eta everytime apd receives a request so why do you expect everyone else have to do it for you

remember you are not the only person in this community so try to open you mind for other people just once in you life

thank you :)

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I just need an ETA when this all gets resolved. :happygary:

Seriously though I think most want an ETA to see if they are even close on the list. I would rather just re-spawn if the medic isn't going to be able to get to me. If he can't get me, oh well. It's just a game. It's more of just a convenience thing so I don't have to re-gear up.

KOS was allowed until people abused it.  Now it went away and its probably for the best.  You can still kill a non complaint medic in a red zone.  But now you need to at least give them a chance to leave.  Thats pretty fair.  

Still with ETA's.  People know that when I do play I give ETA's when I can.  Sometimes we dont always see that moment in side chat when a person asks either.  Its all very subjective and I wish we had some extra futures to make it better for boths side.  Bottom line is we dont and we have to make the best of what we have.  Honestly, I think a lot of you are starting to forget how cool the concept of Arma 3 Altis Life really is.  You get impairment and angry over the silliest things.  Sometimes we need to take a step back and re-evaluate the situation and think.  Is it truly that bad?  Just saying.

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only time i get pissed is when i request twice and the medic is still in the same place (usually kavala) and when i ask if i should just respawn not getting a response is fucking aids.

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4 hours ago, CommanderSuki said:

Benjamin it's like there's a one way mirror in front of you everyone else but you is able to read what people have been trying to tell you but the only thing you can see is you i don't know if your a kid or just so self absorbed that you cant see past your own needs try to remove the picture of your self and read what people have been trying to tell you just once we dont expect you to give a eta everytime apd receives a request so why do you expect everyone else have to do it for you

remember you are not the only person in this community so try to open you mind for other people just once in you life

thank you :)

That's a little hardcore o.o. I like it!!

  • Admin

I say. Only ask for ETA's if 7 minutes have passed and you still haven't gotten revived so that way you'll decide wether to respawn or request again. What is the point of asking an ETA 20 seconds after getting killed? So that you know if you should ALT-F4 or wait? 

There is NO point in asking ETA unless you are past the 7 minutes. Medics know you need a revive. Get over yourself. 

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11 hours ago, Fedot said:


People of Altis we know you are very special, kind and sometimes rude, But Kindly NOOT off. The Medics are not your personal doctor. Every Time I'm in game I see "Medic ETA" or "Medic do your Job". I get salty, The medics are doing there jobs! Most of them are slower because they do not have access to Helicopters and Medics may not enter redzones if they are EMTs. When People Say "Medic ETA" you are pretty much telling the medic stop what there are doing and message you (Most likely driving to a request) to answer. So Next time you ask a MEDIC eta the Answer is and always will be "ETA When I get there". And Also Note if a medic is 0.007KM from you and suddenly stops and starts running away, it's most likely due to one of two causes 1) Another fool died near you. Or 2) There is a Wookie with a EBR pointing at us yelling repeatedly that they are gonna kill us if you get revived. Games have Bugs and if you can't be Revived . I'll list some examples

  1. If you were a passenger in a Helicopter that crashed.
  2. If you Crashed your helicopter or Died in the air.
  3. If your Body Disappears for no reason.
  4. If the vehicle you get in gets stored.

This past week we lost two Search and Rescue Operators (The Guys who can get to you fast). because the massive amount of harassment medics receive for following our hand book. That's Two less Medic that can save you fast. If you have an Issue with the RnR Service just use your Defibs.... Oh Wait..... That's not an Option, so Treat medics like Humans and Know that the world does not revolve around you because you died.

Sorry about that Rant, I''m just a little mad 2 RnR Members felt like they did not want to play the game/medic anymore because of the Abuse they receive.

I miss My 2 best buddy's Man , Al becuas of the Abuse :/ 

7 hours ago, CommanderSuki said:

Benjamin it's like there's a one way mirror in front of you everyone else but you is able to read what people have been trying to tell you but the only thing you can see is you i don't know if your a kid or just so self absorbed that you cant see past your own needs try to remove the picture of your self and read what people have been trying to tell you just once we dont expect you to give a eta everytime apd receives a request so why do you expect everyone else have to do it for you

remember you are not the only person in this community so try to open you mind for other people just once in you life

thank you :)

I know exactly what people are trying to tell me. And I don't agree with it. As I said for the thousandth time, Medics should give ETA's. Medics have been ignoring people's request for ETA's the longest time, and it's pretty fucking annoying. When I was still a medic, I was one of the very few who gave ETA's. It's makes no sense to me how I have to argue with people over the Forums about something as simple as typing a msg. Goes to show what the R&R has become. Not trying to be a dick, or act like a fucking moron. But that's what I'm getting from this. No need to flip shit about people wanting to get ETA's. And again for the thousandth time, the more Medics refuse to give ETA's and the more medics use the excuse "I don't have to give ETA's" the more the community gets pissed off. 

1 hour ago, Benjamin Remer said:

I know exactly what people are trying to tell me. And I don't agree with it. As I said for the thousandth time, Medics should give ETA's. Medics have been ignoring people's request for ETA's the longest time, and it's pretty fucking annoying. When I was still a medic, I was one of the very few who gave ETA's. It's makes no sense to me how I have to argue with people over the Forums about something as simple as typing a msg. Goes to show what the R&R has become. Not trying to be a dick, or act like a fucking moron. But that's what I'm getting from this. No need to flip shit about people wanting to get ETA's. And again for the thousandth time, the more Medics refuse to give ETA's and the more medics use the excuse "I don't have to give ETA's" the more the community gets pissed off. 

I just thought I'd post this for you, because your blind to what we mean. This is the kind of stuff we take, every day. Look at that picture. We should give them stress relief and waste our time heading to the next person?



11 hours ago, TheSkyStarKnight said:

I just thought I'd post this for you, because your blind to what we mean. This is the kind of stuff we take, every day. Look at that picture. We should give them stress relief and waste our time heading to the next person?



I.. don't know what you mean??

14 hours ago, TheRealKyle said:

only time i get pissed is when i request twice and the medic is still in the same place (usually kavala) and when i ask if i should just respawn not getting a response is fucking aids.

Record and Report, because Fun comes after Work

3 hours ago, Benjamin Remer said:

I.. don't know what you mean??

Look at side chat, and what is going on.

I Recently got killed twice (Sorta bullshit-Rp by other civs). I was surprised to see the medics arrive with all the other requests, They took their time but in the end I was treated and they did their job, I was glad. Why should people be so in-patient to know when you're going to there? (This has already been said so I'm going to get to the point now). I see to few medics on to treat the hordes of "MEDICC!!! OOOH OOOH! PICK ME!!!!" messages. I was wondering if I could apply to be a medic (even better become one)... I've seen no official forum as of yet.


Other than that, Nice job Medics. Keep it up! :D

2 hours ago, TheSkyStarKnight said:

Look at side chat, and what is going on.

Someone pretty much saying "I wish you would kill yourself". To be completely honest, you should pay attention to useless pricks in side. If they're the one's requesting revives and they're going crazy in said starting shit like that then just deny them services. Don't waste your time on the rats of the server.

33 minutes ago, Benjamin Remer said:

Someone pretty much saying "I wish you would kill yourself". To be completely honest, you should pay attention to useless pricks in side. If they're the one's requesting revives and they're going crazy in said starting shit like that then just deny them services. Don't waste your time on the rats of the server.

1 issue: That's what most do. They're all extremely disrespectful, and even to the extent of harassing people. The point i'm trying to get across is that they're people harassing other people over a game for a dumb reason. Just be patient.

52 minutes ago, TheSkyStarKnight said:

1 issue: That's what most do. They're all extremely disrespectful, and even to the extent of harassing people. The point i'm trying to get across is that they're people harassing other people over a game for a dumb reason. Just be patient.

There are plenty of other reason's why people hate medic's, and trust me it's way more than it should be.

1 hour ago, Benjamin Remer said:

There are plenty of other reason's why people hate medic's, and trust me it's way more than it should be.

I'm just pointing out the issue.

Two problems I see with medics 1 -  some seem to think its a good idea to go in order of request instead of getting to people that are close together. Seen this plenty times medic will be 2-3km away and respawn to a different city. 2 - very few medics will actually listen when you tell/ask them not to revive someone so in the end you have to shoot them anyways. 

19 minutes ago, orcpoc said:

Two problems I see with medics 1 -  some seem to think its a good idea to go in order of request instead of getting to people that are close together. Seen this plenty times medic will be 2-3km away and respawn to a different city. 2 - very few medics will actually listen when you tell/ask them not to revive someone so in the end you have to shoot them anyways. 

A medic's jb is to get anyone and everyone, no matter the cost. We value our lives and try to cautiously get others as best we can. Medics should be going in order of request. People can be patient, and how would you feel if you were that 1 guy waiting for 24 minutes?

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