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Altis Life Update - 2022-11-19 - November Content Patch

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  • Players in Roulette Event now spawn with 4-Five pistols and VR Suits
  • Ability to sling HEMTT Transport (Covered)
  • SRT Strike Packs no longer require SWAT whitelist
  • SRT Hunter Texture no longer requires SSgt. Whitelist
  • Strike Packs no longer give 140 virtual
    • Strike Packs now take Vest size into account like a normal backpack
    • Strike Packs offer 40 virtual space
  • Car shops now list alphabetically
  • Slinging/vehicle loading now prevents despawn
  • Dopamine timer from APD increased from 7M -> 10M
  • Corporal+ may now allow lethals in APD HQs
  • SRT Hummingbird changed from Corp+ -> PO+
  • Gangbase Rebel timer reduced from 3M -> 1M
  • Map 


  • Clothing bug fix removing scopes/suppressors
  • Vigilantes/Police tasing in Roulette events
  • Dopamine shot cooldown now resets on player respawn
  • Visual effect of Blindfolds being disabled by NVGS
  • Medic Garage action elevated to the top of the list
  • Gendarmerie clothing listed as Full Body VR Suits
  • Tin Foil Hat missing from clothing shops 👽
  • Plane delivery NPCs not working for non-English language Arma players
  • Processing bonus resetting when swapping between trunk/backpack processing
  • Coast Guard Hummingbird to O+
  • Loading loadout not applying scopes
  • Medic name <null> on respawn screen
  • Loading loadout not applying Gangbase discount
  • Groups page updating too rapidly
  • Medic Taru variants missing lights
  • Pacific Tempest Transport Covered texture missing
  • Gangbase stating 45M capture instead of 30M
  • Fever Dream Orca listed as Coast Guard
  • Map
    • Some houses near processors were restricted
    • Sofia Martial law starting in Neochori
    • Pyrgos general store staircase 
    • Towers at BW being destroyable
    • Minor rotation bugs


  • Halloween Textures
  • NASA Ifrit
  • Duplicate RnR Helicopter Coverall


Hotfix #1

  • Deploy parachute action while inside a vehicle

Hotfix #2



  • Y Inventory default is now 1
  • Cancel to center of interaction wheel


  • Lockpicking freezing/crashing players with new interaction wheel
  • Raven Vest not available to O+ subscribers
  • Kidney Transplant and Receive Dopamine missing cash amount
  • Licenses are now localized to languages
  • SRT Qilin
  • Fracture Ifrit


  • Combat Fatigues (Dazzle) from APD shops


Recommended Comments



Now this is a good fucking update.

  • Lead Texture Designer


WTF is this shit the whole trade off for the kitbag is less physical space more y-inv space

This is a shit space and I dont see why anyone would choose less space for no trade off.

  • Strike Packs no longer give 140 virtual
    • Strike Packs now take Vest size into account like a normal backpack
    • Strike Packs offer 40 virtual spaced
  • BlessUp 1
  • +1 1
  • Admin


  On 11/20/2022 at 4:59 AM, sandman said:

WTF is this shit the whole trade off for the kitbag is less physical space more y-inv space

This is a shit space and I dont see why anyone would choose less space for no trade off.

  • Strike Packs no longer give 140 virtual
    • Strike Packs now take Vest size into account like a normal backpack
    • Strike Packs offer 40 virtual spaced


spongebob squarepants eww GIF



was the auto clothes bug fixed where it deletes scopes and supps ?

  • Community Manager


  On 11/20/2022 at 8:15 AM, Paul wall street said:

was the auto clothes bug fixed where it deletes scopes and supps ?


Should've been, forgot to document. Thank you.

  • BlessUp 1


10% tax reduction on transfer of warpoints? why is this needed?

for money if you dont want tax reduction you pull it out and give cash, can warpoints have some sort of same concept?

  • Like 3


  On 11/20/2022 at 5:25 PM, proud said:

10% tax reduction on transfer of warpoints? why is this needed?

for money if you dont want tax reduction you pull it out and give cash, can warpoints have some sort of same concept?


fairly certain the tax is meant to decentivize people just doing runs and then buying mass amounts of warpoints that they wouldn't be able to get otherwise because its meant to be a skill based currency. Although the issue could be solved by just making them not transferable 🤷‍♂️



  On 11/21/2022 at 12:52 PM, monster said:

fairly certain the tax is meant to decentivize people just doing runs and then buying mass amounts of warpoints that they wouldn't be able to get otherwise because its meant to be a skill based currency. Although the issue could be solved by just making them not transferable 🤷‍♂️


i feel like if anything it should tax warpoints from the person receiving them instead of the one sending them.



  On 11/21/2022 at 1:24 PM, proud said:

i feel like if anything it should tax warpoints from the person receiving them instead of the one sending them.


Pretty sure that its the same both ways essentially, could be entirely wrong but I think it takes the tax from the amount you're sending, for example you want to send 80 wps someone it takes 8 from the 80 and the person receiving only gets 72, I'd have to look in game but based on how its stated in the changelog it sounds about right.

  • Lead Map Designer


  On 11/28/2022 at 5:44 AM, rabid said:

retarded map design team literally ruining processors that don't need to change

staff points > server quality

@ NokiaStrong @ Zeuse @ SpecTGV


H-h-h-hey man... haha.. that was quite rude h-how you uh, called us retards haha.. did you mean to do that? ha...

I just get told what to change and submit concepts, usually which get run by CC, in this case I didn't design moonshine brewery only made some changes, main complaint I've heard about that is the knockable walls which should probably be fixed at some point. 

For cocaine processor I was told it had to be shorter in distance between field -> pro -> dealer, and more defendable, the only issues CC had with it was the distance still wasn't quite right but that's more difficult than you'd think because there's already a cluster of runs to the NW of Neo, but we're trying to work something out with the locations.  Only other complaints I heard regarding coke pro were that it was a little small, which the new location if it goes ahead can allow for much more space for helicopters (including mohawks for the mohawk enthusiasts), and that it is wallbangable, which so was the previous one.  

I've been sharing stuff with CC to get feedback on what they would like and what needs changed, nothing has been done just "because we felt like it".  If you have any problems with anything, complain to CC, but it's impossible to please everyone lol.  And also, something more constructive than "retarded map design team literally ruining processors that don't need to change" would probably be quite useful, but hey, don't have a breakdown or anything over it man! x 🙂

  • Like 1


  On 11/21/2022 at 1:24 PM, proud said:

i feel like if anything it should tax warpoints from the person receiving them instead of the one sending them.


Elaborate, that would make 0 sense. 

  • Like 1


  On 11/28/2022 at 3:38 PM, Rafa said:

Elaborate, that would make 0 sense. 


to elaborate, why tax warpoints? it still makes 0 sense to me why warpoints need taxing. theyre the hardest currency to gain for many and i dont see the need for making 10% of all transferred warpoints disappear into thin air.

i guess what i wrote made 0 sense cuz either way warpoints are going to be removed from the transfer, but again no point in the transfer tax to exist.

money has a way of not being taxed, aka giving cash, why cant warpoints have some sort of same concept if the transfer tax sticks?



  On 11/28/2022 at 5:27 PM, proud said:

to elaborate, why tax warpoints? it still makes 0 sense to me why warpoints need taxing. theyre the hardest currency to gain for many and i dont see the need for making 10% of all transferred warpoints disappear into thin air.

i guess what i wrote made 0 sense cuz either way warpoints are going to be removed from the transfer, but again no point in the transfer tax to exist.

money has a way of not being taxed, aka giving cash, why cant warpoints have some sort of same concept if the transfer tax sticks?


If my recollection is correct, people were defending the “gold standard” idea that warpoints are meant to be an exclusive currency meant for those who would earn them by fighting cartels and warred gangs and were advocating that they shouldn’t be a trade-able currency at all. I personally think that’s silly af, because at the end of the day, what does it matter. I would assume the tax is some sort of compromise to that end

  • Like 1


  On 11/28/2022 at 5:37 PM, Rafa said:

If my recollection is correct, people were defending the “gold standard” idea that warpoints are meant to be an exclusive currency meant for those who would earn them by fighting cartels and warred gangs and were advocating that they shouldn’t be a trade-able currency at all. I personally think that’s silly af, because at the end of the day, what does it matter. I would assume the tax is some sort of compromise to that end


The reason it matters is because if I want to sell warpoints, for example 3000 for 30mil, 300 of those(10%) would disappear into thin air. This is why I am against the tax, because if I were to transfer the 3k then 3mil worth of warpoints would simply disappear. At the moment, I don't want to do anything but spend my warpoints, before the tax I would sell the warpoints for money in game.

Maybe a more reasonable thing would be 10 warpoints transfer fee for all transfers, that way its only 100k of warpoints that disappear(which is still alot).



  On 11/28/2022 at 9:47 PM, proud said:

The reason it matters is because if I want to sell warpoints, for example 3000 for 30mil, 300 of those(10%) would disappear into thin air. This is why I am against the tax, because if I were to transfer the 3k then 3mil worth of warpoints would simply disappear. At the moment, I don't want to do anything but spend my warpoints, before the tax I would sell the warpoints for money in game.

Maybe a more reasonable thing would be 10 warpoints transfer fee for all transfers, that way its only 100k of warpoints that disappear(which is still alot).


Ah i agree with you the tax is dumb, I’m questioning the reasoning as to why people think they need to be taxed or restricted for transfers in the first place 

  • +1 2

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