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Everything posted by DoctorK

  1. Almost to the point where I don't need to check @Grandma Gary's status updates to know what they're about anymore. The Reign of the Noot is upon us.

  2. Happy Birthday Orgondo, hope it's a good one

    1. Orgondo


      Thank you Sir


  3. I see this working for an SUV/Offroad, more toward the SUV. Not sure that the hatchback would fit that profile maybe a general lee quad bike?
  4. I'm not sure where I should put this, since technically it's an ARMA Update bug. The towing option for medic vehicles (IE The offroad and Hemmit) is confirmed no longer working. Not sure about tow ropes yet.

  5. As per usual, the skin looks great @Muthinator Can't think of any feedback for this one
  6. I was scarred enough after watching this the first time. Not happening twice
  7. I feel like this applies to Terror situations in general too
  8. If you upload the picture to imgur or some other image site, you can copy a link to the image and it will embed here. If you try uploading it directly to this website it has to be small, assuming for data purposes, but the link to a picture is nothing compared to hosting the picture itself. I was the one of the cops who had to clean the shit in that last picture up. Enjoyed it anyway though lol. I still can't figure out how you guys found enough time to create such a roadblock right outside HQ without ever being seen.
  9. o7 To all those who managed to get a negative rep before the button was smashed. Live on in Infamy brothers
  10. DoctorK


  11. DoctorK


    That signature tho Vape Nashe yall, if you're not familiar with the meme please watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dkm8Hteeh6M
  12. Buuuut the DMV handles more than just driver's licenses in Altis
  13. THIS. RP? You mean listen to a story you've told me twice today so your friends can show up and shoot me after your 6th sense tells you they're in the area to call "hands up or die by *insert name*. Sure, let me just sign my last will and testament while you talk. I'm not one to turn down stories, but there are times when it's an obvious stall / the civ is just being rude.
  14. That's what I thought the reason was. It may just be me, but Arma's bar just isn't as easy to gauge with. Even though most of the time it doesn't matter because of RedGull.
  15. @DocJoe Cornpusher is a god. It's always a good time when he's around
  16. Love most of the features. I'm not sure how I feel about replacing the stamina bar though. Never saw managing the virtual inventory as a difficulty
  17. Introducing the definition of savage
  18. He kills them now with his vagina shark tooth.
  19. To be remembered as a player who was effective at fighting and could roleplay the shit out of an encounter. Leave a positive impression in peoples' minds about the APD. Obtain at least one of every vehicle. (I'm a hoarder) Never treat another player unfairly in any situation during my time in Olympus as any role. To make memories (and consequentially be remembered).
  20. I will always upvote Mr. Bean
  21. Not to beat a dead horse, but we should rename the epi-pens "X-Stat" or "Live-saving Tampon" for realism. http://imgur.com/gallery/PySZm source: http://www.manlymaterial.com/xstat.html Modern medicine and treatment is cool.
  22. ig towers make it hard for choppers to land anywhere inside of a compound tactically. It also gives a very large advantage to those defending. Not only that, but fights inside of the towers are LAGGY as hell, which really detriments fights. This is why I don't favor having it switch to 1st person in a tower because it's still laggy in CQC either way and really isn't a whole ton of fun. I've noticed that at cartels with more natural, fluid cover or terrain that gangs fight more tactically. I'm leaning toward this opinion. A flat removal of every big tower seems extreme. True there are defensible positions without big towers (ie the fed), but the fed doesn't have other large structures nearby that would turn it into a barrel shoot. If you take all the big towers from Pyrgos HQ, raiding it will just be a game of man the clinic and pop any cop who tries to move below. Taking them from jail would probably make things more interesting. With the current landscape it often becomes a big peak battle in towers, but if you remove the big towers across the water you'll probably have to do something with the ACT's too. I'm all for bringing the map to the ground, but don't leave it one sided.
  23. Never forget the OG's (original gods)
  24. Do agree though. GG staff polish that tough hide to fight the salt @Fedot
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