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Everything posted by Superiorr

  1. Want to buy lethal mar 10 and a dms Dm me if you wanna sell
  2. Since quilins/prowlers are being removed in the next few days is there anyway to make it so you dont lose 50hp from hitting a bush in a hatch

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. codeYeTi


      Yes. Not driving like dogshit.

    3. Stuuurrt


      Just dont hit the bushes c3abe1525260a28dfb5a366ac443bd53.png

    4. Vcx


      Yeah ik and I played before that time long before that shit, but im just saying everyone voted for it so thats what its gonna go back too @Superiorr

  3. Time for a new router :wacko:

    1. Superiorr


      Yo chill with that free booter I cant browse for a new router hahah

    2. Elements


      yea sorry bout that wrong ip i thought it was @Randyy :bender-dance:

  4. 36 mil later


    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. NokiaStrong


      That is 200 iq right there nice shit

    3. monster


      8 hours ago, Ebzekro said:

      1 lethal vs 15 people O_o then they kill the 1, epi and drive to hospital. I think you're being pretty delusional. Cause one lethal isn't going to kill 15 people lol. But like I was saying I just think it's funny. Just going to piss off a lot of cops in time. And besides as a dep chief, shouldnt you be speaking for the Deps and POs to? Doing an event where you can't win unless there is at least one lethal on, doesn't really seem like a good time for the lowers. Hell even some of the people who were in the fed know you're smoking something fierce if you think one lethal spawning would stop this push 

      i mean unless you got a brain dead corporal like @Deadpool you should be able to get more than 1 lethal :bigcheefface:

  5. Is this for battle eye client not responding?
  6. I was a corp when prime did all their blackwaters was a career cop for like 4 months not much has changed since then except for apd buffs
  7. is it a coincidence that the only people that say cop isnt op are the career cops
  8. You say that but cops still use the shit out of it and its aids. You are right
  9. +1 on all of them god forbid civs get a little buff
  10. remove the fed/bw channels in ts so cops cant see it and stack also give us 15 min dope timer after being lethaled also remove the dumb firing pin removal thanks
  11. You are brain dead if you think that's true
  12. Btw whoever added remove firing pin you are gay anything to help cops
  13. I was half kidding it will never happen I just hate how its used as a power play oh the bomb blew spray everyone down oh the trucks getting away spray it down oh we are losing the fight come in a ghosthawk and wait to get shot so we can spray them down
  14. Take out ghosthawk and give snrs titans they use the guns on infantry 80% of the time anyway
  15. Ti and nxs need to do civ stacks and bully the cops for a few days
  16. Bw is stupid hard if anyone gets lethaled or restrained you have like 40 seconds in between waves to help them and if you do even make it out your just followed by 10 retards in quilins a spotter in a oraca and a ghosthawk
  17. You are right fed is the exact same you start one 20 retards get on then you get cucked by a hawk
  18. There is a lack of blackwaters bc as soon as one starts there are 20 retards in a channel and a ghosthawk pulled at the end
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