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APD Officer
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Dejay last won the day on December 12 2016

Dejay had the most liked content!

About Dejay

  • Birthday 06/24/1998

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Love you all, just want to let you know after 2 years of not being here. It was great to see you all. Life isn't Arma, but this community has provided me with friendship I could never replace. Peace boys <3

  2. o7 boys, not one to make a deal out of me leaving. Have a good one. Good luck to all the boys keeping this ship afloat. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. proud



      My first APD App u accepted u said "Jews stick together" ;)

  3. Super close 3 crater, fucking great for scatting. No longer need. Will sell for anything above 3 mil
  4. You just need to calm down, so much hostility. This is a gaming community. No need for capitals. No need for you. Just chill.
  5. Damn, looks like I struck a nerve
  6. eat my ass
  7. I see you didn't listen. That's too bad.
  8. Don't need to take an EMT class to know it doesn't take up 18 hours of your day. Lol Actually scratch that, I know an EMT class doesn't stop you from responding to a PM.
  9. 1st. @ me next time so I can respond to your dumbass posts. 2nd. Taking a class to become an EMT does not take up your whole day. You couldn't find him in teamspeak, couldn't find him anywhere for more than 2 months. He was holding up a spot that others deserved. And what do you know? The day he got removed, bam, he's on the forums everyday posting about his life like we are his friends on facebook. You may want to try thinking before your next post because I can see little to no brain activity went on when you were making this reply.
  10. You cannot say that there is not a correlation between you getting removed and posting on the forums about your life. Before all this the only times you posted were about medic and that's about it, maybe a few locked posts. This all started the day you were removed and has continued since. There is a reason why you can not post status updates and you know it. Spamming the forums with nonsense is not going to do anything for the community or yourself. I don't believe you have any room to tell me to grow up when the night you got removed you cried about it on the forums and then said the drama on here was going to make it hard for you to study. This is a video game and it affected you enough that couldn't focus on your life tasks at hand, maybe you should take a look at yourself and finally move on. It may be better for you. I think you need to grow up if anything. Find a backbone and use it rather than blaming others for your mistakes. "School" is not a good enough reason to disappear for two months. But remember if you want just take a break from EMT try out the "I'm busy with school line" should work for a month or two. PS, Thank you for comparing me to Snake, I hope to steal internet in the future just like him.
  11. Aye buddy, this ain't facebook. This is an Arma community. Can you please move on? You got removed. Deal with it respectfully rather than spamming the forums about useless information.
  12. Congratulations to our two new admins @Ignis and @Dante Fleury, I'm sure you will do great in this new role! And of course my boy @Gibbs finally got mod! Ya did good today Olympus :)

    1. iPopsicle
    2. Gibbs
    3. Tman15tmb


      Dante will be an awesome Admin

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