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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Dejay

  1. bye.
  2. Anyone here know how I can get my hands on some bitcoins?

  3. need friends for bf1 :FeelsBad:


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ahmed99


      2 hours ago, McDili said:

      I've been looking for people to play with. Let's be friends.

      Can I be your friend too? We can even be best friends!

    3. RogueMK


      RogueMK_88 add me on origin

  4. Singleplayer: Lego Island 2 Multiplayer: Runescape
  5. Selling three kavala s1 houses, all within 85m of square. two 3 craters and a 2 crater. pm me for info.

  6. INCLUDED IN OFFER: Hug In-game kavala house Will not be scammed like most chinese dealers! !!!!BUY WITH CONFIDENCE!!!!
  7. buy siberia 800's off ebay. Got mine new for 200 and absolutely love them!
  8. Don't worry, the boys are back! 2edabc91417e06eadea241b45fcd6084.jpg

  9. I play on 68, but then again, I'm on 2560 x 1080 so I still see more than most
  10. playable beta in early 2017.. Game is going to be another DayZ
  11. RCO all day
  12. Tried not roasting someone. Got internet points.  FeelsGoodMan

  13. I have siberia 800's, super comfortable and you can get them on ebay for about $180 new. Would definitely recommend!
  14. Anyone else having trouble connecting to os ts? 49d935adb0333a6af470bd365772b01f.png

    1. Dejay


      fuk niga. Guess I can play cop with no ts :) 

    2. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      try reinstalling arma

  15. Just to let you know, @Fedot the stats page logs haven't recorded time or money since the 18th. fyi

    1. DeadPool


      fedot quit.....

    2. Nuski


      Hes too busy finding my Windows Activation key

  16. The fact that you are saying all of this to her when he's 16
  17. aye cqc > 4 person tanoa server.. +1
  18. Damn, didn't know 6/10 wasn't a majority. Thanks for the wonderful lesson. Go back to the backwoods, maybe there your logic will make sense.
  19. Except they are all tree and OS which are easier to take down than kavala scats.
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