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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Dejay

  1. When a vigi exploits into your house while you are afk taking a shit 298aaea514e5d4c9291d3a8fb6f81026.gif

  2. @Colt Now that you are 19 you aren't going to ddos anymore right? :)

    1. Colt


      Putasos Cannon doesn't expire until 2069

    2. Rusty


      he going to ddos until hes dead fam

  3. would rather have lethals be fixed, epi-pens work on cops, and not losing gear when respawning as a cop rather than another button to allow epi-pens to work on you when it rarely happens to people.
  4. Just a thought here, but when you want to get epi-pen'd just put your hands up? Wouldn't that just make them not want to kill you and leave you alone?
  5. Dejay

    RDM ban

    make a ban appeal requesting the video and you should get in momentarily but most of the time the staff look into situations before banning and you may have to just wait out the two day. Or take enough xanax to be a vegetable and join the vege tales on their adventures on your couch!
  6. My boy Tyrone is getting that young removal! hehe xd
  7. Dejay

    I'm Out

    Good bye. Thanks for actually helping to push out the last update, it turned out great! Brought some life back to this community and that is something not a lot people can do o7
  8. Already shared this with everyone on Kik, spread the word
  9. that's a great idea man, thanks for your opinion!
  10. three new mods, no adam sandler :FeelsBad: 

  11. Damn, didn't know our economy was this broken! https://i.gyazo.com/157bb3c3b7a6b538c8183eb9bf34b40c.png

    1. Fedot
    2. Brennan


      That's inflation for you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    3. Lucki


      Easy moonshine run.

  12. When it happens to me I just esc, drag my mouse to my second monitor and click and then tab back in. Resets everything for me
  13. no you can't, actually too lazy to get on and screenshot it but it's right on the west border of the red zone
  14. I got you if you want a north rebel house
  15. When your backup hdd with all your clips randomly formats :)

  16. who are you to talk? You are still a "newb"
  17. When you catch Mr. Kevin on Pokemon GO Gh5nwbM.png


  19. nice shitpost
  20. Who's excited for that $250 paycheck increase?!?!?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Phizx


      1 minute ago, McDili said:

      Honestly anyone with Tier 6 Legacy perks. It's like 6k+ right now for me on cop every 5 minutes. That's like, a rook and 2 mags. Literally could kavala scat forever without doing anything else.

      DB here he comes

    3. Linka


      1 hour ago, McDili said:

      Honestly anyone with Tier 6 Legacy perks. It's like 6k+ right now for me on cop every 5 minutes. That's like, a rook and 2 mags. Literally could kavala scat forever without doing anything else.

      wish TPF was still aroubd

  21. textures are fucked up on main servers. This is me in a news hatch, looking at a board. 611b7e7fe6b3b6c560a2bda284ce1dd8.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Juwanna Man

      Juwanna Man

      also no guy at oil trader apperantly

    3. Dejay


      Yeah, the oil trader npc is missing

    4. djwolf
  22. Two Knee the whole time you were writing that post you could have been finishing Tanoa and actually allowing Olympus to have an update. Thanks a lot you rat.
  23. Nice experience level dood. I just installed windows paint, can you give me some pointers?
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