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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Dejay

  1. Dejay

    Happy 12th Birthday, so proud of you Acey!

  2. How you going to forget Fluffywolf and Termy?
  3. All of you need to remember, this is the internet. This banter on the forums will never change, it's funny to flame someone and get a reply. There's a sort of thrill to posting something funny about another person. However, there is a point where you go to far and bring up things out of game or even things that someone cannot controls in their life. At that point you need to step back, you need to show that person that they went too far. That is what happened to Adaptation. The fact that we are even still talking about this is ridiculous. We are just adding more and more fuel to this fire that frankly could have easily been avoided. (Pointed out by every sAPD that all he had to do was talk to them about it) Talking about this on the forums is not going to get you many places because we have trolls and wanna be heroes but if you think it is a serious problem. Go actually talk to someone that can do something about it rather than just adding more and more to this shitfest we have had over this weekend. I DIDN'T EVEN WANT TO GET INTO THIS But it seems that no one here is getting the point across. 1. What Adaptation did was completely out of line and he got what did deserved. 2. Yes the sAPD did talk back in a responsible manner because Adaption was bashing the APD first off and secondly brought up things that didn't ever have to be said 3. Fluffy you making this forum post is not going to do anything at all and just started a bigger war that will not end well. Now can we all just go back to sharing funny facebook links, cat pictures and have a good laugh because a lot of people here could probably go for a good laugh. ~ Dejay
  4. Dejay


    Or instead of the apd going around and busting people in cartels/ capping them to neutral , they could drive around and patrol for some good rp...
  5. Dejay


    When's SGW comin back now? Apollo getting his Medic back?
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ebzekro


      You overprice em and expect a sale O_o Why yours so special breh

    3. D3V1L
    4. Dejay


      Eb knife has 3 webs PS and BS and a .152 fv, fire serpent has a .1505 fv, so they are special! :D

  6. 17/38 wow thats gr8
  7. Sad to see my boy HamOfMoose off cop duty, I'll miss you :unsure: 

  8. V really need to work on their editing skills for their montages...

    1. Dejay


      I recall other members aswell struggling. He might have fot kicked though.

    2. Mr Kevin

      Mr Kevin

      Have you not seen mine?

  9. Just so you know, I can drive my hatch, jump out and lethal with the mx while im a po.. might want to look into that Nevermind, was just bugged*
  10. Been watching some old olympus videos, really miss kidneys, Barriers, and my boy Rust. R.I.P.

    1. BENJI


      Rest In Piece Ricky Spanish :(. I miss our kidney business 

  11. Ill go submit about 30 from months past, got the time stamps m8
  12. This guy should create Nixxx & Co, love his banter.

    1. Kenji


      imagine that i'm not banned, weird....

    2. Dejay
  13. Anyone want to buy some csgo skins for little to no discount at all?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ace


      [email protected]   Sure just click this completely harmless link i posted :)

    3. Ventar


      Except I know DJ personally.. ;)


      Friends dont scam friends

    4. Dejay


      ACE WHAT THE FUCK I CLICKED ON THAT LINK! Google took my skins!

  14. He's just a fucking god.. obviously
  15. Stats and Info Page?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Muthinator


      Just trying to explain things to you.  I thought you wanted my attention since you inserted yourself into the conversion Benjamin and I were having.  Anyways, if you want to continue this conversation you can PM me as I will no longer be responding on this thread since its becoming unproductive.

    3. Dejay


      ^ What I wanted the whole time.

    4. BENJI
  16. Rendering, be ready for "I'm A God"

  17. why would they give $100+ legacy donors VIP when you can still donate for vip. its still available at $250
  18. When's SGW coming back? FluffyWolf? Hershmek? We miss you...

    1. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I miss FluffyWolf ;-;

  19. This was a thing way back in july 2014, never was worth it and there was always that one guy rdm'ing with an sdar but they take up a lot of server memory to run I believe and after a little while no one did them. Don't think posiedon would add these back so its up to the players of altis to make them manually.
  20. Can I get a un-perm bobey in the chat bois
  21. Can Bobey finally get the lieutenant?
  22. Will miss getting kicked by you in ts, and hearing bud. Sad to see an old timer go. This will be a bigger loss than Ricky Spanish o7
  23. This is a worse idea than warfare's bridge..
  24. To everyone that just lost a loved one in the lag spike. I'm sorry

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