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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. I've seen both twice definetly a very good series
  2. Happy birthday @Corporal_moob oh and no one cares @Rusty
  3. Ajax


    That's actually a really good idea! Thanks I'll look into it!
  4. Ajax


    I just want to get at least 1500 fps in minecraft
  5. Ajax


    I don't want to blow so much money on a 1080 TI, I need a job if I'm gonna do that
  6. So I'm thinking about upgrading my graphics card.. I currently have a GTX 970, looking for more performance on the GPU side. If some idiot says don't upgrade just get an SSD I'm gonna kill myself, I'm already buying an ssd I want more performance in more graphic intensive games... (like minecraft)
  7. Umm... no, not trying to be mean here but that could be abused. People would think, hmm... should I risk the medic reviving enemies or just kill him and revive my friend myself?
  8. So no one is gonna answer my question?
  9. Can I pm one? I'm gonna be on vacation this weekend and don't want to forget
  10. You haven't seen me fly in a hummingbird yet
  11. Best heli pilot: Ajax
  12. Damn... that was savage
  13. I've been taking a short break from Olympus because of these damn texture bugs.. I log on and get in a fight with the cops and after 3 shots I'm texture bugged... then I log after they restrain me and message the cop on ts... I come back and they are processing me, ANOTHER ONE. I log again... Then I'm walking away from the HQ... ANOTHER ONE.. now I played asylum for a good 10 hours the other day and I didn't get a single texture bug
  14. Fix the thread name... there's my opinion
  15. Hmmmm... I don't think I want to
  16. Probs gonna get kicked in a few days
  17. Mobile device you autistic being
  18. I gotcha a dollar
  19. Ajax


  20. I hope to god that picture isn't of you
  21. Another useless player... Buckie
  22. So I was playing some hardcore RP server and I ran into this guy, It got to the topic of him being an asylum player and me being an Olympus player... eventually it got to the topic of @Fernando_ and I swear to god the first thing that came out of his mouth was "Fernando has no neck". And all I could think of is @G.O.A.T. and his McDonalds video!
  23. This got real deep real quick...
  24. Where do you find all of these videos @Corporal_moob?
  25. #fixdashtonic
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