I think it sounds like a great idea, have the player ID above instead for reporting reasons. It would require a lot of RP for finding out names and what not. With the new license check feature it wouldn't be bad
1. IGN: Monkey Wrench
2. How did you find Olympus?: When I started playing PC I only played Rust, I grind ed for like 7 months. While waiting for a wipe cycle my buddy showed me Arma, we got on Olympus started killing people and making money and I just never really went back to Rust.
3. What is your favorite Olympus memory:
Not the most convenient, but I formatted my PC. I reinstalled everything and now I don't get the texture bug at all. I do black screen, usually 2 or 3 times a restart.
I did potato :/ Rip me, but you tanked 2 shots for god sakes.. should have been 3 but it went between your legs. I somehow ran around you, got in buyhut and grabbed a gun.
Just a heads up, with a blind fold on you can not see the ticket pay options, it's Bugs out, so you can't talk with the pay or refuse menu up and you can't pay your ticket
No I'm pretty sure they all do something, I was testing it with random controls one day, one of this pulls out your phone, but if I remember correctly theyes all do something. I just wish there was one for jump