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Everything posted by Monkey_Wrench

  1. Is anyone by chance selling a lethal mar 10 with mags, If so let me know, thank you
  2. Pretty sure it's a 3 crater bro
  3. I mean they seem chaotic but you have been thinking of new events so it has been entertaining
  4. Well fuck you too, my stats class has no final and is basically online
  5. Fuck you, I'm sitting in my marketing class now doing final review.
  6. @Talindor has been hosting ALOT of events lately. They have been a ton of fun but just watching I see how difficult and toxic it is. +1 please keep doing them
  7. I thought they just had to see you near it, correct me if I'm wrong?
  8. Every time I need dope, I go to the hospital and my game gets the texture bug and crashes, So generally I lose my entire load out overtime. I have found that to be safe I put my gear in my vehicle. Get the dope and crash then relog.
  9. I may have a 4 crater and garage keys for sale
  10. Yeah I have 90 mil, was not speaking for myself. Trying to point out for other players
  11. Do you realize how long it takes? The majority of people do runs during the day when everyone is on because they can't stay up all night. To full pick and process a tempest device of say moonshine, you are looking at barely over an hour, In that time you are almost guaranteed to get found and robbed. Which is why many people have so much trouble making money. Faster pro times would be way cool with cartel hold, it would give you another reason to hold cartel. +1 Ray
  12. Read my post, it should be one above yours, Doc posted another thread, follow the instructions, if I was you I'd compleatly uninstalled and delete every arma file then reinstall and use the thing doc posted. I did that and it has defiantly helped
  13. Thank you, I uninstalled and deleted every file , so I'll let everyone know if it works
  14. So for the last while I've been having a huge problem with black screening. It keeps happening anytime I'm in combat, (generally with cops) I don't get the 3 frame much anymore but if I do it turns right into the black screen. Does anyone have a fix? cause I'm it keeps black screening at really bad times. I don't want to catch a ban for it because it seems like I keep combat logging. I have a really good pc and I get good frames.
  15. Thanks bro! @ramblerx
  16. All Heill Mother Fucker
  17. lemming told me to say his offer is 3m
  18. On server 2? What are you guys talking about there isn't even a 2 crater available
  19. I have 5 4 Crater's in 22 buuut
  20. @dannyfrog87 and @JamieWoods, thanks for the reply. I'll defiantly try the link. When I lower setting I get less frames for some reason
  21. Does anyone have a fix to the three frame glitch. After playing a few hours my game with glitch and go to three frames. The only way to fix it is to soft log, eventually it happens so often you have reboot the pc. Thanks in advance. Cpu i7 950 Gpu gtx 970 12 g of ram. Nothing seems to get over worked. Gpu never really pases 30% cpu never passes 50% and I only get 30 frames..
  22. Great ending to a $24 Mil Moonshine sell


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rusty


      What are u running to make 24 mill of one run? Are you duping now? don't lie to me.

    3. Thomas Blinder

      Thomas Blinder

      @Rusty They store in their house and sell  when its full. 

    4. Monkey_Wrench


      ^ cap houses then sell

  23. I submitted my proof to the appeal

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