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Everything posted by Creepy

  1. Creepy

    Hunter for sale

  3. Safest course is the best course.
  4. Irma gave you like 7 days warning. If that's not engagement, I don't know what is.
  5. You heard it here first: A Vote for Tommy is a Vote for Kavala. Burn it all down. WHERE MY NEO BOYS AT
  6. You guys just took Justin Verlander from me. As far as I'm concerned God hates you now.
  7. When you are plopping it down on "Z" do you ever accidentally hit "alt" and shadow play your little wenis?
  8. The white outfits are the best. They look good with the vigi vest.
  9. Did anyone else gag a little when they read "salt hole"
  10. Agreed.
  11. I'm honestly surprised no one is blaming the APD for this.
  12. < Needs that protection
  13. When Olympus gets a 3 day for fail RP :(

  14. I vow to politely request this feature be added in less than 6 units of time.
  15. I say we open an investigation into these heinous allegations.
  16. Am I completely bugging or is the logo like 5 pixels too far to the right? Something feels off, lol.
  17. I can confirm that the CPU is being attacked. I had to overclock by 800mhz to offset this assault. #UnleashtheKraken
  18. Creepy


    Well I mean, @Tman15tmb isn't an admin anymore so I think we're safe
  19. Creepy


    Basically it keeps everyone on the up and up. I've seen people use a mod to hold the money in "escrow" until the property was for sale, then everything gets transferred and everyone is happy. The buyer gives the mod the money. The mod tells you that he has the money. You sell your house. The buyer buys the house. The mod transfers you the money. Everyone wins. Except the mod.
  20. Creepy


  21. Creepy


    Did this already happen? If you haven't bought the house yet, try to do it with an admin/mod as a middle man. It's safer for you that way. Also, NEVER sell your house without getting paid first. That's just common sense.
  22. If anyone should get credit, it's all of us. @xDRO started a forum post in reaction to a lack of information involved in a situation you started, and I cried to @G.O.A.T. like a little bitch for verification. Thanks to @Grandma Gary for leaving his cave to help clear this up as well
  23. We don't do cocaine any more and want a more tactically located building on Server 2
  24. I think @Badger! is offering to personally mentor you. Count yourself among the blessed. Round of applause for Badger!
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