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  1. Oh sweet you got Civ rep, I wanna see HQ take over happen right away as quick as you can, we should be able to save gang members from going to prison with an actual chance, it's almost impossible with the fact that they can respawn on the same HQ that has rebels raiding it already, if you weigh it in, the rebels are risking their bounty's and loadouts, while the APD. The Apd in-fact, does not give two. shits. It's rush, die, respawn and try again.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. -dante-


      To be clear here, the IDEA was approved. We still have to work out all the finer details and come to an agreement in a staff meeting including staff and civ reps before this will even begin to be implemented. So, you can expect it, but not too soon. 

    3. DashTonic
    4. DeadPool


      @TheCmdrRex let’s make a deal I’ll trade my shekels for your .338 suppressor :DPEducated:

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