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Everything posted by JamalJones

  1. BFO is getting a lot more intense over the years. Rank 1 private. Much carry 8 epi pens and 3 bloodbags and will remain hidden in a bush during engagements and must only come out of said bush to revive and must thereafter return to the designated bush.
  2. I can't wait for cops to be yelling APD on accident when playing Malden and me getting a 3 day for rdm
  3. I can vouch for this man. Let him Uber you
  4. I would like my name as J@MA H. L please
  5. Welcome back. It's nice to see old faces around again.
  6. We call know Deputies and PO's wont pardon. Gotta get dat bounty when you vigi with ticket system. But thank you for the medic and pharma updates!
  7. We lost our boy on the inside for Medical Go Karts... Fuck
  8. 12PM Lightpole outside the Mcdonalds on 5th street
  9. Hmm
  10. Should blacklist anyone who ticks the first box
  11. So do people age 25-30 not play arma/altis life?
  12. Yeah, the kid is cancer
  13. It falls under the "Know your audience" Rule tbh. A lot of the newer players and the players that we are seeing during the summer have this deadset mentality to report EVERYTHING, If you want to kill under restraints you have to break RP and ask the person and then continue, but always always always record. You could RP your heart out, Play the game and have fun with the person you are engaged with, but they could still toss a report at you, I gave up the "Comp or Ban" mentality long ago and I just report if the person isn't there to let both parties enjoy themselves. Today for example we had a cop restrained in our heli, Everything about the situation was legit, people were laughing and having fun, but when the 13 yr old derputy realized we are robbing him he started to threaten to ban us over a computer crash on a restrained person he witnessed during the RP session (Btw this person reconnected in less than 1 minute and turned themselves in) Maybe it comes down to "if you cant beat them ban them" Or the famous APD mentality to report people also in the APD and maybe you get promoted faster.... Pro tip, it makes you look like a weiner and no one wants to interact with you.
  14. cY@
  15. On a lighter note over Housecat getting bored and leaving..


    @Kyle Lake



    Got Promoted to Coord for RnR!

  16. Matt you never pull through on sales to begin with. Sketchy AF
  17. Drama gets loads of rep because he's our man on the inside working towards medical go karts
  18. JamalJones


    Welcome to strafe. Stay the fuck out of planes or DraMa will arse rape you. You vape bro
  19. Been here for 4 years now. Fugi's pitting lane (I will pay if someone has that video) The nude scandel. Removal of half of APD Virus (richest kid and just camped weed all day) Snakes attempts at promotions by reporting his Superior's Mcdilli going from a Rando kavala troll to server owner. Medics first trial at towing (11 hemtts in a row) Donator perks (I miss being one of the few with a Mohawk) And all my rivals and friends I've made over the years. That I continue to play other games with.
  20. Suicide vests are way too tricky. Message everyone that you have a vest. Threaten everyone with your vest. But if one person has a recording with no warning that ends up getting caught in it. You are fucked.
  21. Usually if you have to start with "not duped" it's probably duped.
  22. Just became cop. Now selling tasers.. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  23. I think that's worse.
  24. Sounds great. But I think most will choose to stay on altis
  25. Are stats live between altis and Malden or is it a clean slate
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