It falls under the "Know your audience" Rule tbh.
A lot of the newer players and the players that we are seeing during the summer have this deadset mentality to report EVERYTHING, If you want to kill under restraints you have to break RP and ask the person and then continue, but always always always record.
You could RP your heart out, Play the game and have fun with the person you are engaged with, but they could still toss a report at you, I gave up the "Comp or Ban" mentality long ago and I just report if the person isn't there to let both parties enjoy themselves.
Today for example we had a cop restrained in our heli, Everything about the situation was legit, people were laughing and having fun, but when the 13 yr old derputy realized we are robbing him he started to threaten to ban us over a computer crash on a restrained person he witnessed during the RP session (Btw this person reconnected in less than 1 minute and turned themselves in)
Maybe it comes down to "if you cant beat them ban them"
Or the famous APD mentality to report people also in the APD and maybe you get promoted faster.... Pro tip, it makes you look like a weiner and no one wants to interact with you.