I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 quick peak lagswitch 1 taps once, but i fear the man who has practiced one quick peak lagswitch 1 tap 10,000 times -bruce lee
So people use rooks to rdm from the gun store should we remove the gun store? People vdm so should we remove the vehicles? People dupe money so should we remove money?
This server is boring! There are only 3 liable roles medic,cop,rebel. Vigilante is literally unplayable in its current state. The only reason people have against vigilantes receiving a buff is that vigilantes break rules. Anyone can break rules, rebel, cop, medic so why have vigilante nerfed. +1 buff vigi
Did i say it gave everyone free healthcare? I said it reduced the cost for the normal citizen and offered free healthcare to the poor. This is a common ad hominem logical fallacy attacking the other person rather than there ideas IE calling me retarded.
all Obamacare did was help people, People that already had insurance were granted new benefits and the price of health care was regulated, for those who didn't already have insurance it offered them affordable health care, and free for the poor. The war in Iraq cost the us 1.7 trillion and only started because bush accused iraq having wwmd which was false. It had nothing to do with isis